Nelson Vergel
I have seen a bunch of thyroid panels that show "normal" free T3 and free T4, with TSH under 3.5, that end up having very high reverse T3 or having Hashimoto's when a more detailed panel with antibodies is performed.
I would also be aware of any interactions if you indeed take thyroid meds:
I also think every man on TRT who is tired should measure their ferritin.

Full Thyroid Panel Comprehensive
This full thyroid thyroid test panel includes most tests needed to more deeply explore the possibility of hypothyroidism and/or Hashimoto's disease diagnosis. It includes: TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Reverse T3, Thyroglobulin Antibody and Thyroid Peroxidase An
I would also be aware of any interactions if you indeed take thyroid meds:

These Drugs that Interfere with Thyroid Medications
Although thyroid problems can be kept under control with thyroid medications, certain drugs that patients might take can interfere with these drugs. 5% of people in the US are treated for thyroid prob
I also think every man on TRT who is tired should measure their ferritin.
Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) Decreases Ferritin
Testosterone replacement can cause a decrease in ferritin in men even without the presence or use of blood donations or therapeutic phlebotomies. A study gave men testosterone enanthate at a dose of 125 mg per week (it also used T enanthate with or without finasteride to see the effect of...

Ferritin Test
Get insights into ferritin testing and its significance in assessing iron levels. By buying a ferritin test you can learn how ferritin can guide your health journey on Discounted Labs.