Time for anastrazole?


New Member
I am on testosterone cyiponate injection 400 mg once a month.

Here are my recent lab results:

Total testosterone 1366
Estradiol 90

No sex drive and I still feel tired as I did before starting TRT.

I was wondering if I should ask my physician for anastrozole?
Chefmate, split your injections to 100mg per week. This may lower Estradiol.
400mg all at once is probably causing a spike.
You're protocol is working against you. You'll never achieve success on 400mgs of testosterone once a month. You drive your total testosterone through the roof, and by the time you're do for the next injection there is nothing left in your system and you feel terrible. Your doctor doesn't have any understanding of testosterone half-life - and you are paying the cost.

Almost all all of us who have achieved success have found it through more frequent, smaller injections. Please, take a moment and read through the sticky posts on the site and you'll find a wealth of information. Do you have additional lab work? Your pre-treatment labs such as total testosterone, free testosterone, SHBG, and thyroid values?

Oh, and find another doctor. One who understands hormone replacement therapy. Don't feel badly, you're one of many who, on the initial trip down Hormone Highway wound up with a terrible physiciam guide. There is a wealth of information and support here - welcome.
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After 3 yrs I have found for me and many other men that every 3.5 days is optimal keeps you on a level wavy Testosterone baseline and your E2 will drop !

IMHO 70 is way high and due to the massive 400 mg all at one time even 1 x a week is against the whole life of Cypionate not healthy at all !

The whole life is 7 days so it peaks at 3.5 days and starts to decline again !

Google Cypionate whole life and half life and you will see a chart on how it goes up and down !

With E2 of 70 if you have been on TRT say 6 mths this IMHO should be effecting your sex life in a negative way ! But all men are different !

ALSO I AM NOT A DR BUT 1300+ IS getting out of TRT range from all of my research and need to get it back down a little so splitting injection should be very beneficial to you !
Pre-TRT blood work:

[TABLE="class: chartexporttable, width: 704"]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]05/27/2015[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]HbA1C (Hemoglobin a1C), Blood[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]High[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Hgb a1C: 5.7 % [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Final[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]05/27/2015[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Testosterone, Total, Serum[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"] [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Testosterone: 277.7 NG/dL [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Final[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]05/27/2015[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]T4, Free, Serum[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"] [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Free T4: 1.1 NG/dL [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Final[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]05/27/2015[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]TSH, Serum[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"] [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Tsh: 2.84 uIU/mL [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Final[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]05/27/2015[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Prolactin, Serum[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"] [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Prolactin: 9.8 NG/mL [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Final[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]05/27/2015[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]FSH (Follicle-stimulating Hormone), Serum[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"] [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Follicle Stimulating Hormone: 3.6 IU/L [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Final[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]05/27/2015[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Lh (Luteinizing Hormone), Serum[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"] [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Luteinizing Hormone: 6.4 IU/L [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Final[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]05/27/2015[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]CK (Creatine Kinase), Total, Serum[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]High[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Cpk: 223 U/L [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Final[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportpadtop"]05/27/2015[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportpadtop"]Lipid Panel, Serum[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportpadtop"]High[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportpadtop"]Cholesterol: 256 mg/dL [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportpadtop"]Final[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground"] [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground"] [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground"]Low[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground"]HDL Cholesterol: 34 mg/dL [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground"]Final[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground"] [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground"] [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground"]High[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground"]Triglyceride: 368 mg/dL [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground"]Final[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground"] [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground"] [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground"] [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground"]cholesterol/HDL Ratio: 7.5 ratio [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground"]Final[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadbot"] [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadbot"] [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadbot"] [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadbot"]LDL Cholesterol (Calc): 148 mg/dL [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadbot"]Final[/TD]

Post-TRT blood work

[TABLE="class: chartexporttable, width: 704"]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadbot"]07/03/2015[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadbot"]Cortisol, Am, Serum[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadbot"]Normal[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadbot"]Cortisol (AM): 8.2 mcg/dL [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadbot"]Final[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]07/03/2015[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Testosterone, Total, Serum[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]High[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]testosterone,T,male,adult: 1388 NG/dL [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Final[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportpadtop"]07/03/2015[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportpadtop"]Lh + FSH, Serum[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportpadtop"]Low[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportpadtop"]Lh: <0.2 mIU/mL [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportpadtop"]Final[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadbot"] [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadbot"] [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadbot"]Low[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadbot"]Fsh: <0.7 mIU/mL [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadbot"]Final[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]07/03/2015[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Prolactin, Serum[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Normal[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Prolactin: 16.6 NG/mL [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Final[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]07/03/2015[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Estradiol, Serum[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]High[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Estradiol: 95 pg/mL [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Final[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]07/03/2015[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]beta-HCG, Quantitative, Serum or Plasma[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Normal[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]HCG,total,qn: <2 mIU/mL [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Final[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]07/03/2015[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]PSA, Serum or Plasma[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Normal[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]PSA,total: 0.6 NG/mL [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Final[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]07/03/2015[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Afp (Alpha-fetoprotein) Tumor Marker, Serum or Plasma[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Normal[/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Alpha-fetoprotein,tumor: 2.1 NG/mL [/TD]
[TD="class: chartexportbackground chartexportdashed chartexportpadtop chartexportpadbot"]Fina[/TD]
You're protocol is working against you. You'll never achieve success on 400mgs of testosterone once a month. You drive your total testosterone through the roof, and by the time you're do for the next injection there is nothing left in your system and you feel terrible. .

I was also concerned about my levels dipping below baseline with once a month injection frequency. My doctor ordered a total T level 20 days after I got the injections. It was 868 NG/dL which is not bad in my opinion since it was 20 days after got the injection. or maybe total testosterone might be misleading and I need to get the free testosterone level?
You need free testosterone, sex hormone binding globulin, t3 and free t3. Can you give us the ranges for the labs? Was the estradiol a sensitive or standard test?
I was also concerned about my levels dipping below baseline with once a month injection frequency. My doctor ordered a total T level 20 days after I got the injections. It was 868 NG/dL which is not bad in my opinion since it was 20 days after got the injection. or maybe total testosterone might be misleading and I need to get the free testosterone level?

Don't make decisions based solely on numbers. You are having symptoms you're not happy with, no libido and no energy. A lot of us have found that a protocol such as you're on is a sure route to TRT failure.
Hey guys,

Its obvious that my doctor's protocol of 400 mg q once a month is a ****ed up irrespective of the testosterone blood levels. I will either ask my doctor for once a week self administered injections or find another doctor.
Hey guys,

Its obvious that my doctor's protocol of 400 mg q once a month is a ****ed up irrespective of the testosterone blood levels. I will either ask my doctor for once a week self administered injections or find another doctor.

The whole life is 7 days so it peaks at 3.5 days and starts to decline again !

Google Cypionate whole life and half life and you will see a chart on how it goes up and down !
Just a quick correction to what was posted above. The approximate elimination half-life of T. Cypionate injected via IM is around 8 days. There is no such thing as "whole life" in pharmacokinetics. Once you reach the second half life you take half of the first. When you reach the third half life you take half of the second, and so on.
Yep, 7 - 10 days half life depending on how quickly your body metabolizes it and how and where you inject. I do however agree with Buzzard that after 3.5 days, I'm not feeling it as much. I'm still playing with my protocol to get dialed in. I'm getting closer!!!
Just a quick correction to what was posted above. The approximate elimination half-life of T. Cypionate injected via IM is around 8 days. There is no such thing as "whole life" in pharmacokinetics. Once you reach the second half life you take half of the first. When you reach the third half life you take half of the second, and so on.

Not meaning to disagree but did you really mean to post half life of Cypionate is 8 days ? If you did intentionally can you tell me where to find that info , please all due respects ! I always like to be more educated .

I do see what the FDA states as clinical studies and we all know TRT has come a long ways even since the Dr.'s prescribing it were taught !

Also can you please explain what you mean when you say at the end of 8 days take 1/2 of the second ?


This was from another forum that is respected and from a forum moderator I do not want to share the name due to respect to this forum ! No this is not the FDA but the FDA does state 12 days and as I think we will agree the FDA is not a TRT expert ? So with this in mind I share a experienced users info ?

what's know about testosterone cypionate through all these years is that it has a half life of 12 days, but i think this is wrong and not accurate at all, u know testosterone cypionate and E both usually (or statistically) peaks arround 36-48 hours and drop below baseline arround the 4th and the 5th day this is y it's better to shoot them twice a week to keep levels stable, as for how long for half of the drug is released it can vary from like 5 days to even a little more than 12 days depending on ur own metabolism and site of injection. so don't worry about that just injected twice a week and u'll be fine , u may be fine with once a week too u r the only one who can figure this out by feeling, a 7 days gap is not a big deal for most.

The lower doses 2 x's a week is also to keep E2 lower ? If I read the OP statements correctly , that is what I thought this thread is about ! But I always like to hear other opinions and I think that is what we are here for as men who want to assist other men with our experience as well as facts ! Both added together will average out to a pretty decent protocol and again all men are different and more is not better :)
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I think if you want to argue about TCyp half life and such that you should make a thread about it before derailing this persons thread any further. He's gotten the point that his Dr isn't doing him any favors and further understands he should be on a max of 7 days between injections.
I think if you want to argue about TCyp half life and such that you should make a thread about it before derailing this persons thread any further. He's gotten the point that his Dr isn't doing him any favors and further understands he should be on a max of 7 days between injections.

There is a difference in arguing and discussing ! The time between injection and the level of you Estrogen or need for an Ai are directly related in case you are unaware and I only offered clinical opinions and experienced opinions and the reason for lower doses ! So they seem to be directly related to this thread ! Arimidex is not always the answer to control E2 ! IMO some people may not realize this and obviously need to know ! But I do thank you for your thoughts and opinions ! Are you having E2 issues ?

Example does he need to be on 7 day injections or lower dose and inject more often to lower and stabilize E2 and no need for an Ai :)

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