Switching to sub q injections raised libido


Active Member
Hi all. I've been taking test E IM x three a week... 100 mg a week. Has done nothing for me. Apart from feeling moody , snappy and no libido.. I decided to change to subq and libido has got better from the first injection.... Now what u want to know is can I inject test E every day or should I stick to Sub q say every other day ... I read larger amounts of test subq can be painfull.. so can I inject test E every day with small amounts..
Hi all. I've been taking test E IM x three a week... 100 mg a week. Has done nothing for me. Apart from feeling moody , snappy and no libido.. I decided to change to subq and libido has got better from the first injection.... Now what u want to know is can I inject test E every day or should I stick to Sub q say every other day ... I read larger amounts of test subq can be painfull.. so can I inject test E every day with small amounts..

Hi all. I've been taking test E IM x three a week... 100 mg a week. Has done nothing for me. Apart from feeling moody , snappy and no libido.

Where did your trough TT, FT, and estradiol levels sit?

DHT and prolactin?

I decided to change to subq and libido has got better from the first injection

I would not jump to any conclusion as of yet.

Need to give the protocol time to see if you maintain such.

Now what u want to know is can I inject test E every day or should I stick to Sub q say every other day ... I read larger amounts of test subq can be painfull.. so can I inject test E every day with small amounts..

Of course, you can.

Most on trt are using TC/TE and both can be injected daily whether IM or strictly sub-q.

You are only injecting 100 mg T/week which is most likely 200mg/mL strength.

Even if you decide to inject 98 mg T/week split EOD strictly sub-q the amount of the oily solution injected will be minimal as in .14 mL (14 units) on a U-100 LDS fixed insulin syringe.

When injecting strictly sub-q most would recommend keeping the injection volume to .5 mL or less.

When injecting larger volumes of the oily solution one may be more prone to lumps/nodules although it is not a given.

I have injected upwards of 1 mL (100 units) and luckily never had any issues with lumps/nodules or pain.

Comes down to the individual and how you react as there are some men who may experience lumps/nodules, pain/swelling at the injection site injecting strictly sub-q even when injecting lower volumes of the oily solution.
Hi all. I've been taking test E IM x three a week... 100 mg a week. Has done nothing for me. Apart from feeling moody , snappy and no libido.

Where did your trough TT, FT, and estradiol levels sit?

DHT and prolactin?

I decided to change to subq and libido has got better from the first injection

I would not jump to any conclusion as of yet.

Need to give the protocol time to see if you maintain such.

Now what u want to know is can I inject test E every day or should I stick to Sub q say every other day ... I read larger amounts of test subq can be painfull.. so can I inject test E every day with small amounts..

Of course, you can.

Most on trt are using TC/TE and both can be injected daily whether IM or strictly sub-q.

You are only injecting 100 mg T/week which is most likely 200mg/mL strength.

Even if you decide to inject 98 mg T/week split EOD strictly sub-q the amount of the oily solution injected will be minimal as in .14 mL (14 units) on a U-100 LDS fixed insulin syringe.

When injecting strictly sub-q most would recommend keeping the injection volume to .5 mL or less.

When injecting larger volumes of the oily solution one may be more prone to lumps/nodules although it is not a given.

I have injected upwards of 1 mL (100 units) and luckily never had any issues with lumps/nodules or pain.

Comes down to the individual and how you react as there are some men who may experience lumps/nodules, pain/swelling at the injection site injecting strictly sub-q even when injecting lower volumes of the oily solut

Hi all. I've been taking test E IM x three a week... 100 mg a week. Has done nothing for me. Apart from feeling moody , snappy and no libido.

Where did your trough TT, FT, and estradiol levels sit?

DHT and prolactin?

I decided to change to subq and libido has got better from the first injection

I would not jump to any conclusion as of yet.

Need to give the protocol time to see if you maintain such.

Now what u want to know is can I inject test E every day or should I stick to Sub q say every other day ... I read larger amounts of test subq can be painfull.. so can I inject test E every day with small amounts..

Of course, you can.

Most on trt are using TC/TE and both can be injected daily whether IM or strictly sub-q.

You are only injecting 100 mg T/week which is most likely 200mg/mL strength.

Even if you decide to inject 98 mg T/week split EOD strictly sub-q the amount of the oily solution injected will be minimal as in .14 mL (14 units) on a U-100 LDS fixed insulin syringe.

When injecting strictly sub-q most would recommend keeping the injection volume to .5 mL or less.

When injecting larger volumes of the oily solution one may be more prone to lumps/nodules although it is not a given.

I have injected upwards of 1 mL (100 units) and luckily never had any issues with lumps/nodules or pain.

Comes down to the individual and how you react as there are some men who may experience lumps/nodules, pain/swelling at the injection site injecting strictly sub-q even when injecting lower volumes of the oily solution.
Thank you for the reply ... Much appreciated. Here are the last bloods I had done s few weeks ago ..
Hi all. I've been taking test E IM x three a week... 100 mg a week. Has done nothing for me. Apart from feeling moody , snappy and no libido.

Where did your trough TT, FT, and estradiol levels sit?

DHT and prolactin?

I decided to change to subq and libido has got better from the first injection

I would not jump to any conclusion as of yet.

Need to give the protocol time to see if you maintain such.

Now what u want to know is can I inject test E every day or should I stick to Sub q say every other day ... I read larger amounts of test subq can be painfull.. so can I inject test E every day with small amounts..

Of course, you can.

Most on trt are using TC/TE and both can be injected daily whether IM or strictly sub-q.

You are only injecting 100 mg T/week which is most likely 200mg/mL strength.

Even if you decide to inject 98 mg T/week split EOD strictly sub-q the amount of the oily solution injected will be minimal as in .14 mL (14 units) on a U-100 LDS fixed insulin syringe.

When injecting strictly sub-q most would recommend keeping the injection volume to .5 mL or less.

When injecting larger volumes of the oily solution one may be more prone to lumps/nodules although it is not a given.

I have injected upwards of 1 mL (100 units) and luckily never had any issues with lumps/nodules or pain.

Comes down to the individual and how you react as there are some men who may experience lumps/nodules, pain/swelling at the injection site injecting strictly sub-q even when injecting lower volumes of the oily solution.
Thanks for the reply . Really appreciated. Here are all the blood I had done from a few weeks ago doc doesn't test for dht or prolactin. I have had prolactin checked in the past and it's always mid range .. sure I can stick to daily low amounts to get the same 100mg in..


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Thank you for the reply ... Much appreciated. Here are the last bloods I had done s few weeks ago ..

Thanks for the reply . Really appreciated. Here are all the blood I had done from a few weeks ago doc doesn't test for dht or prolactin. I have had prolactin checked in the past and it's always mid range .. sure I can stick to daily low amounts to get the same 100mg in..

Hi all. I've been taking test E IM x three a week... 100 mg a week. Has done nothing for me. Apart from feeling moody , snappy and no libido

No wonder you felt like shit as you were only hitting a trough TT 497 ng/dL (16.9 nmol/L) and seeing as your SHBG is high 46 nmol/L then your FT will be low.

Whether using the older outdated cFTV or the newer cFTZ your FT is low.

Definitely need to look into increasing your overall weekly dose of T and bringing up your FT level.

FT 5-10 ng/dL would be considered low.

FT 15-25 ng/dL (high-end) is healthy.

Most men will do well with FT in the 15-30 ng/dL range and many tend to fair better having FT on the higher end.

Some men may choose to run much higher levels as in absurd trough levels 40-80 ng/dL.

Most would never need to achieve such in order to experience relief/improvement of low-t symptoms let alone feel great overall.

Comes down to the individual.

Who the hell is managing your protocol?
Can someone explain what might be happening if he has higher libido subQ?

Could be numerous reasons.

Brocebo effect.....who knows!

Again as I stated earlier.

I would not jump to any conclusion as of yet.

Need to give the protocol time to see if you maintain such.
Hi all. I've been taking test E IM x three a week... 100 mg a week. Has done nothing for me. Apart from feeling moody , snappy and no libido

No wonder you felt like shit as you were only hitting a trough TT 497 ng/dL (16.9 nmol/L) and seeing as your SHBG is high 46 nmol/L then your FT will be low.

Whether using the older outdated cFTV or the newer cFTZ your FT is low.

Definitely need to look into increasing your overall weekly dose of T and bringing up your FT level.

FT 5-10 ng/dL would be considered low.

FT 16-31 ng/dL (high-end) is healthy.

Most men will do well with FT in the 20-30 ng/dL range and many tend to fair better having FT on the higher end.

Some men may choose to run much higher levels as in absurd trough levels 50-80 ng/dL.

Most would never need to achieve such in order to experience relief/improvement of low-t symptoms let alone feel great overall.

Comes down to the individual.

Who the hell is managing your protocol?
Thanks for that... Yeah they are low.
. That's on 100mg a week . When on 250 mg a week my free test was too high ... If I take say 200mg a week sub q ( to see if libido lasts) it would have to be more than 0 .5 ml a day .. these were from taking 200mg a week
. This is too high so that's why dropped it 100mg .


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Thanks for that... Yeah they are low.
. That's on 100mg a week . When on 250 mg a week my free test was too high ... If I take say 200mg a week sub q ( to see if libido lasts) it would have to be more than 0 .5 ml a day .. these were from taking 200mg a week
. This is too high so that's why dropped it 100mg .

Most would never need 200+ mg T/week to achieve a healthy let alone high FT and yes even men with highish/high SHBG.

Many men can easily achieve a healthy let alone high or in some cases absurdly high trough FT on 100-150 mg T/week when split whether twice weekly (every 3.5 days), M/W/F, EOD let alone daily.

Some may very well need the higher end dose but it is far from common.

Was your previous protocol 200 mg T injected once weekly and were labs done at the trough?

As you can see your TT 1035 ng/dL is high but far from absurdly high and seeing as your SHBG is high 63.4 nmol/L then your FT would most likely still be high (low-mid 30 ng/dL) but far from absurdly high although if these are your levels at true trough (7 days post-injection) than your peak TT/FT and e2 levels will be absurdly high 8-12 hrs post-injection/during the first few days of the week.

You jumped on trt blasting out of the gate using 250 mg T/week let alone 200.

The best piece of advice is to start low and go slow.

T-only protocol as we want to see how your body reacts to testosterone.

Would have been more sensible to start on a lower dose split twice weekly.

It is always easier to go up than come down.

You made a drastic jump going from 200--->100 mg T/week which would be a much harder transition and most would experience a bumpy ride as the body is trying to adjust during the weeks leading up until blood levels have stabilized (4-6 weeks).

Even then once blood levels have stabilized it will take time for the body to fully adapt to the new set-point and this is the critical time period when one should gauge how they truly feel regarding relief/improvement of low-t symptoms and overall well-being.

Whether just starting trt or tweaking a protocol (increasing/decreasing dose) every protocol should be given 12 weeks to claim whether it was truly a success or failure.

The dose of T should only be increased at the 6 week mark if one feels terrible due to trough FT level being too low (far from common).

Unfortunately, you started out on a very high dose of T and made the mistake of cutting your dose too much (50%) reduction.

Now your trough FT is too low.

Need to find the middle ground.
Most would never need 200+ mg T/week to achieve a healthy let alone high FT and yes even men with highish/high SHBG.

Many men can easily achieve a healthy let alone high or in some cases absurdly high trough FT on 100-150 mg T/week when split whether twice weekly (every 3.5 days), M/W/F, EOD let alone daily.

Some may very well need the higher end dose but it is far from common.

Was your previous protocol 200 mg T injected once weekly and were labs done at the trough?

As you can see your TT 1035 ng/dL is high but far from absurdly high and seeing as your SHBG is high 63.4 nmol/L then your FT would most likely still be high (low-mid 30 ng/dL) but far from absurdly high although if these are your levels at true trough (7 days post-injection) than your peak TT/FT and e2 levels will be absurdly high 8-12 hrs post-injection/during the first few days of the week.

You jumped on trt blasting out of the gate using 250 mg T/week let alone 200.

The best piece of advice is to start low and go slow.

T-only protocol as we want to see how your body reacts to testosterone.

Would have been more sensible to start on a lower dose split twice weekly.

It is always easier to go up than come down.

You made a drastic jump going from 200--->100 mg T/week which would be a much harder transition and most would experience a bumpy ride as the body is trying to adjust during the weeks leading up until blood levels have stabilized (4-6 weeks).

Even then once blood levels have stabilized it will take time for the body to fully adapt to the new set-point and this is the critical time period when one should gauge how they truly feel regarding relief/improvement of low-t symptoms and overall well-being.

Whether just starting trt or tweaking a protocol (increasing/decreasing dose) every protocol should be given 12 weeks to claim whether it was truly a success or failure.

The dose of T should only be increased at the 6 week mark if one feels terrible due to trough FT level being too low (far from common).

Unfortunately, you started out on a very high dose of T and made the mistake of cutting your dose too much (50%) reduction.

Now your trough FT is too low.

Need to find the middle ground.
Again thank you. Wow. Great message . Sorry I should have said is started on test c two years ago ... Then cream then test p... Was on test P for six months . Every day injection IM and bloods came back as low very low . So doc at the time told me to take 300 my for a week to boost very low levels. Then, carry on with 200mg. I did that for 4 months and you saw the last result ... So thought drop it which I stayed on for 3 month ... None of the tests I have used IM helped libido.. I start with sub q this week and libido has come back .... I don't get how now doing subq can do that ..
Again thank you. Wow. Great message . Sorry I should have said is started on test c two years ago ... Then cream then test p... Was on test P for six months . Every day injection IM and bloods came back as low very low . So doc at the time told me to take 300 my for a week to boost very low levels. Then, carry on with 200mg. I did that for 4 months and you saw the last result ... So thought drop it which I stayed on for 3 month ... None of the tests I have used IM helped libido.. I start with sub q this week and libido has come back .... I don't get how now doing subq can do that ..

Ridiculous to suggest front-loading on trt.

Even then starting on 200 mg T/week is too high a dose from the get-go as you found out!

Again you need to find a protocol dose (T/injection frequency) that suits you best let alone achieve a healthy trough FT.

SHBG is critical as not only will it have a significant impact on TT/FT but can also dictate what injection frequency may suit you best.

Seeing as you have high SHBG you are going to need to hit a high-end TT to achieve a healthy FT.

The goal of trt is to achieve healthy hormones which will result in relief/improvement of low-t symptoms (energy/mood/libido/erectile function/recovery/body composition)/ overall well-being let alone prevent/minimize any possible side-effects and keeping blood markers healthy long-term.

You have high SHBG and would most likely do well splitting your dose twice weekly.

Again you made a drastic cut to your dose and your trough FT level is low.

If anything I would have at least tried 150 mg T split twice-weekly (75 mg every 3.5 days).

. I start with sub q this week and libido has come back .... I don't get how now doing subq can do that ..

Again this means nothing when looking at the bigger picture as you just recently switched to sub-q.

Could be numerous reasons.

Only time will tell if you maintain such
Ridiculous to suggest front-loading on trt.

Even then starting on 200 mg T/week is too high a dose from the get-go as you found out!

Again you need to find a protocol dose (T/injection frequency) that suits you best let alone achieve a healthy trough FT.

SHBG is critical as not only will it have a significant impact on FT but can also dictate what injection frequency may suit you best.

Seeing as you have high SHBG you are going to need to hit a high-end TT to achieve a healthy FT.

The goal of trt is to achieve healthy hormones which will result in relief/improvement of low-t symptoms (energy/mood/libido/erectile function/recovery/body composition)/ overall well-being let alone prevent/minimize any possible side-effects and keeping blood markers healthy long-term.

You have high SHBG and would most likely do well splitting your dose twice weekly.

Again you made a drastic cut to your dose and your trough FT level is low.

If anything I would have at least tried 150 mg T split twice-weekly (75 mg every 3.5 days).

. I start with sub q this week and libido has come back .... I don't get how now doing subq can do that ..

Again this means nothing when looking at the bigger picture as you just recently switched to sub-q.

Could be numerous reasons.

Only time will tell if you maintain such
Yeah I agree . Time will tell. So with sub q if I inject twice a week I'm going to have to inject a lot on each injection for 150mg a week .. that's going to be hard with sub q
Yeah I agree . Time will tell. So with sub q if I inject twice a week I'm going to have to inject a lot on each injection for 150mg a week .. that's going to be hard with sub q?

Although the volume may seem like a lot it is less than .5 mL (50 units) as in .375mL (37.5 units) 75 mg T twice weekly.

Should be no issue with injecting such volume unless you are one who is prone to having a bad reaction (lumps/nodules, pain/swelling) when injecting strictly sub-q.
Again thank you. Wow. Great message . Sorry I should have said is started on test c two years ago ... Then cream then test p... Was on test P for six months . Every day injection IM and bloods came back as low very low . So doc at the time told me to take 300 my for a week to boost very low levels. Then, carry on with 200mg. I did that for 4 months and you saw the last result ... So thought drop it which I stayed on for 3 month ... None of the tests I have used IM helped libido.. I start with sub q this week and libido has come back .... I don't get how now doing subq can do that ..
I see you tried cream. Did it not work for you?
Although the volume may seem like a lot it is less than .5 mL (50 units) as in .375mL (37.5 units) 75 mg T twice weekly.

Should be no issue with injecting such volume unless you are one who is prone to having a bad reaction (lumps/nodules, pain/swelling) when injecting strictly sub-q.

I see you tried cream. Did it not work for you?
No. Didn't help libido at all. All it did was send my levels sky high .
Let me say to Nippy I have the EXACT same experience. IM shots make me aggressive, moody and angry. Sub Q really boosts my libido. I have asked several doctors about it and the answer I seem to get is for me IM gives me a rapid vascular absorbtion. Which leads to a spike in E2. The Qub Q is a slow and steady release which doesn't spike E2. My sex drive on IM is a 2 on a scale of 1-10. Same dose on Sub Q my sex drive is a 8 on a scale of 1-10.
Let me say to Nippy I have the EXACT same experience. IM shots make me aggressive, moody and angry. Sub Q really boosts my libido. I have asked several doctors about it and the answer I seem to get is for me IM gives me a rapid vascular absorbtion. Which leads to a spike in E2. The Qub Q is a slow and steady release which doesn't spike E2. My sex drive on IM is a 2 on a scale of 1-10. Same dose on Sub Q my sex drive is a 8 on a scale of 1-10.

Where are you guys injecting subQ
Let me say to Nippy I have the EXACT same experience. IM shots make me aggressive, moody and angry. Sub Q really boosts my libido. I have asked several doctors about it and the answer I seem to get is for me IM gives me a rapid vascular absorbtion. Which leads to a spike in E2. The Qub Q is a slow and steady release which doesn't spike E2. My sex drive on IM is a 2 on a scale of 1-10. Same dose on Sub Q my sex drive is a 8 on a scale of 1-10.
Hi thanks for the reply. Yeah some say it can't happen....how much do you Inject and how often. ?

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