I was able to reduce 80lbs of weight in 2017, all inflammation marker went down significantly. Added little bit of rosuva and these LDL-C almost goes to zero haha, first time in my life I can make HDL > LDL-C (weightlifting only increases HDL level by 25%)... I believe there's huge correlation between inflammation/calcification and testosterone level, lot of feedback loops. My issue 10 years ago was very low T that causes inflammation and belly fat, not including bad carbs diet. I switched to TRT few months ago and I can't believe all the numbers are even better. I'm constantly watching my hematocrit btw.
Didn't your HDL tank when going on TRT?
Your score is very low. Your body produces its own cholesterol, it’s genetics. Many people with bad dietary & exercises habits can improve their heart heath. For others even with the best lifelong diet, exercise, supplements still have issues. Do heart problems run in your family? Thinks like stroke, heart attack/failure? This can help inform you if there are possible genetic issues. I agree with everyone on seeking out a preventative cardiologist.

Putting your score into perspective I found this article to be very helpful: CAC score helps calculate more accurate atherosclerotic CVD risk
I may have missed it, but what is your age? That is important in looking at CAC scores. Yours are very low, HOWEVER, if you are quite young then your atherosclerosis will have time to worsen. If you are 50+, then those scores are very minimal and you have time to try some of the methods described above. Some plaque is to be expected by the time your are 50-60+. Wear and tear on the vessels. For comparison: one of my good buddies had a CAC score of 850 and 950 (!) in two different coronary arteries. He had two stents about six months later and is doing great. You have a long way to go to reach this point if you even do.
Am 61 now. I had a zero score @ age 54 and a 9.03 score @ age 58. It is just discouraging to have it at all when I've done everything "right" in terms of diet, exercise, and supplements. Only thing left: genetics.
You have a long way to go, but you are doing the right things to keep the progression as slow as possible. You mentioned in your first post that you looked at LP(a) and some other advanced biomarkers. How did those numbers look?
You have a long way to go, but you are doing the right things to keep the progression as slow as possible. You mentioned in your first post that you looked at LP(a) and some other advanced biomarkers. How did those numbers look?
I need an updated one. Historically have always been Pattern B, elevated Lp(a), LDL-P, etc. My gut tells me it's because I have not been able to get TSH suppressed enough with thyroid replacement to get the sdLDL down. I may be wrong on that. Maybe it's SNPs that I'm +/+ for like FTO and ACE - both which say LCHF/keto type diets are no good.
Sad to say Lp(a) is nearly 100% genetic at this point in their knowledge. That can be a tough one to overcome. However, given that you are at 61 with very minimal plaque, that is certainly an achievement with high Lp(a).
Consider ezetimibe as well. It's not a statin but will lower LDL a bit. I have been taking it for two years and have noticed no side effects.
Am 61 now. I had a zero score @ age 54 and a 9.03 score @ age 58. It is just discouraging to have it at all when I've done everything "right" in terms of diet, exercise, and supplements. Only thing left: genetics.

Have you talk to cardiologist and run some treadmill test ? Doctor will give you the statin anyway with non-zero CAC. I think it's best to talk to the cardiologist rather than too many supplements that may not help that much. My issue with the CAC is all plaque occurred in RDA, hence one artery only. LAD has zero plaque. My HSCRP ws also very high along with PTH hormone level. Reducing weight and drugs (combination of anti platelet agent/statin/ARB/beta blocker that helps me). Consuming milk reducing PTH level.

Actually I've stopped looking for further health supplements as it seems not working. The statin will reduce the inflammation somehow and converting the soft plaque to hard plaque with more calcium (hence less chance of plaque rupture).

The one that truly reduces MI chance is the anti platelet/anti coagulation agent. What I don't know is why the doc doesn't prescribe this prior to MI, it's just an intensified aspirin anyway.

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