Im 61, 205, good health. Not interested in bodybuilding just want to be 20 OK, who doesn't.
I've been on TRT at .45mg twice a week Subq for over a year and my typical low T symptoms have improved tremendously, concentration, agility, strength, muscle mass. Of course here in Canada you have to be basically dead before they'll prescribe TRT but I get it from a friend.
BUT I'm now having ED problems! Could it be Estrogen? Do I need an AI? Viagra and Cialis barely make a difference.
Here's my latest full workup, any advice is greatly appreciated.
To be honest you should have posted labs right away as we have no clue where your TT/FT/e2/SHBG let alone other blood markers sit as of now as your results are from Jan 5/2021.....over 2 months ago.
Even then looking over your results from 2 months ago you left out 2 key tests.....FT and SHBG!
I am sure I have responded to some of your previous threads as you are a fellow canuck.
Again although TT is important to know FT is what truly matters as it is the active unbound fraction of testosterone responsible for the positive effects.
It is critical to know where your FT sits on such protocol (dose T/injection frequency).
As Sixpack stated some of your blood markers are out of range and you need to look into this.
You stated that you are injecting
.45mg twice a week?
You mean 90 mg T/week split into twice-weekly injections (45 mg every 3.5 days) as most would use the decimal point when meaning .45 ml (strength test could be 100 mg/mL or 200 mg/mL).
When was blood work done.....trough?
Your TT 18.8 nmol/L (544 ng/dL) is far from high.
Need to know where your FT sits!
Your estradiol is absurdly high for a less than robust TT 544 ng/dL.
With a TT 1200 ng/dL my e2 is much lower than yours.
I have used the standard immunoassay in the past and fortunately, the estradiol sensitive (LC/MS-MS) has been available in my province (Ontario) through Dynacare for the past few years.
Mind you yours was tested using the standard immunoassay and although it is very high as was stated earlier your CRP is slightly elevated (but far from high) which can skew results on the standard immunoassay.
Unfortunately the estradiol sensitive (LC/MS-MS) is only available through Dynacare in Ontario and not in your province.
Getting treated for low-t in Canada can be difficult for many and you need to keep in mind that it is far from a dead-end street.