Keeping testosterone above reference range. Is this ok?


I'm on doctor prescribed 100mg testosterone cypionate IM 2x per week (for a total of 200mg per week). I've been on this protocol for 8 months now. I feel good, but my testosterone levels are above the reference range. This dosage keeps me between

1295-1470 total testosterone (range: 348-1197) and around 40 free testosterone (range: 8.7-25.1)

My doctor says this is fine as long as I don't have negative side effects and my blood pressure hematocrit, PSA, lipids, etc. all stay good. We're monitoring them regularly and so far they're all great. My hairline is holding strong. The only "bad" side effect I've noticed is that I have somewhat more body hair than before. I don't really mind this.

I feel great, and I'm enjoying the extra energy and gains at the gym. Assuming my lab levels all stay good, is there any reason that I shouldn't keep my testosterone levels this high permanently (i.e., the rest of my life?)
That seems a bit strange that your doctor has you on this dosage. Is this the protocol you started with initially? Or did he increase the protocol from a previously ineffective dosage?

If you feel great on this protocol and you frequently run blood tests (every 2-3 months), and your blood test results come out healthy and are not starting to follow a negative pattern (i.e. getting progressively worse even if everything is technically still "in range") then in my opinion you should be fine. You just need to take into consideration that being on the high end of the spectrum that you are, puts you at a higher risks for all the negative effects that testosterone could cause, even if they do not happen right away.

Are you also taking an AI? I would suggest you monitor your estrogen levels as well, because excess testosterone tends to get converted into estrogen. And you certainly do not want any of the negative effects of excess estrogen in your system, I can promise you that!
I think you said it all. If your protocol is having positive benefits, and zero negative effects, and all of your blood work checks out, then YES stay on this dose.
I would be curious to know what your Estradiol level is with that dose. Anything else in your protocol? HCG?

Exactly what I'm wondering as well. Someguy - what are your DHT levels? That's a real culprit of negative side effects should your DHT levels get too high (most notably: hair loss, prostate enlargement). Also, if your prostate does ever get enlarged, you will be stepping on thin ice with the continuation of TRT, so make sure you keep everything in check!!
My full protocol is:

100 mg test cyp 2x per week (for 200mg total per week)
350 IU HCG 2x per week
0.5mg Arimidex 2x per week

My estradiol is monitored. I've been adjusting the AI dosage to try to get it right by the testosterone dosage has been constant for 8 months. E2 is currently at 17 so I may need to tweak it a little more.

DHT is 816 (Range: 112-955 pg/ml) so it's within the reference range, but right near the top.
Was this where you landed when you started TRT? A ride right up? Or was this the result of a series of adjustments? I ask as you seem to be well balanced and I wondered how challenging it was to get here.
I started with a doctor who had me on a very low dose that kept me around 400-500. I switched to this doctor 8 months ago and he immediately put me on 200mg/week. I requested to split it into 2 weekly doses based on what I'd learned online and he agreed. I've been on that T dosage for the past 8 months with no other adjustments.

Balancing E2 has been a nightmare. I'm close now, but I'm still not fully convinced that it's perfect. I've made numerous tweaks to my arimidex dosage and e2 has swung too high or too low each time. Then I added HCG and threw everything off again. I think my e2 level should be just a tad higher.
I started with a doctor who had me on a very low dose that kept me around 400-500. I switched to this doctor 8 months ago and he immediately put me on 200mg/week. I requested to split it into 2 weekly doses based on what I'd learned online and he agreed. I've been on that T dosage for the past 8 months with no other adjustments.

Balancing E2 has been a nightmare. I'm close now, but I'm still not fully convinced that it's perfect. I've made numerous tweaks to my arimidex dosage and e2 has swung too high or too low each time. Then I added HCG and threw everything off again. I think my e2 level should be just a tad higher.

For me, and speaking only for me, I think I'd consider lower overall T levels to (potentially) balance E2 with a lesser dose of your AI...or possibly eliminate the need for it. All the best!
I just got my most recent bloodwork back. I definitely need to adjust something. The twice weekly arimidex is causing too much of a swing in my levels. I took labs all 3 days in my cycle and the swing looks like this:

Day 1: (take testosterone) TT: 1295, E2: 16.8
Day 2: (take armidex) TT: 1470, E2: 17.1
Day 3: (take HCG) TT:1319, E2: 8.3

I feel decidedly worse on "day 3" of each week when my e2 is low.

Now I guess I need to decide whether to just slightly change the arimidex frequency and/or dosage, or lower my Test dosage and start all over with trying to balance E2. :(
Someguy - I live in the same ranges as you do with no neg sides and all labs within optimal range.

I like it for the reasons you state.

Your Physician is correct in that if you don't have any neg sides and all other labs don't point to any medical issues you're fine in this range if that's where you want to live.

Take advantage of it in the gym will ya;)
Agree with everyone above. If you feel good and blood test parameters stay good, then my advice would be to leave our T dose alone and enjoy. I would experiment with lower AI dosing though. Going to low on E2 is no fun.

Many if not most guys struggle for a long time to get dialed on where they really feel good on TRT, so as they say, "if it isn't broken, don't fix it" :)
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my Free T has been in the low to mid 30's on the 8.1-25.7 range recently and it made me feel like garbage. if i was in the 40's like OP i wouldnt be able to get out of bed lol.
Weird that no one in this thread has asked the main questions:

1- What is your hematocrit?

2- What is your blood pressure?

3- How are your erections and stamina?

You are probably overdosing on anastrozole in my opinion.
Weird that no one in this thread has asked the main questions:

1- What is your hematocrit?

2- What is your blood pressure?

3- How are your erections and stamina?

You are probably overdosing on anastrozole in my opinion.

Hematocrit: 45.4 (37-49)
Blood pressure hovers around 125/75, likely helped out by my daily 5mg Cialis.
Erections need to be better. They don't last long enough, even with the Cialis. I also don't feel 100% clearheaded. I blame my low E2.

Here are my sensitive E2 results at various levels of arimidex. I waited at least 3 weeks after each Arimidex dosage change before taking new labs. These results are all LCMS Labcorp labs. Testosterone cypionate dosage has remained constant through all of these at 100mg 2x per week.

.5mg arimidex 3x per week: E2 = 0

no arimidex at all E2 = 50

.25mg arimidex 2x per week E2 = 45

.5mg arimidex 2x per week E2 = 17 (and 8 at day after armidex)

Based on the results above, what should I try next for my arimidex dosage if I'm going to continue to keep testosterone dosage the same? I'm thinking maybe .25 3x per week? This would put me at .75 total per week, and also even out the peaks and valleys some by moving from 2x to 3x dosage per week. I'd love any thoughts or suggestions.
Nelson or somebody more experienced will likely have a better idea, but to me, I'd say go back to the 0.25mg twice a week and then maybe try 0.25 three times a week if needed.

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