Testosterone Undecanoate Injected subcutaneous

Hi everyone, i have been on nebido for a few years now without good results and decided 3weeks ago to try daily subcutaneous injection.i inject the equivalent of 150 mg of test cipionate a week.at the moment I do not feel good and cannt maintain an erection plus penis looks really smaller when flacid.does anyone know if undecaonate has to « build up » since I switched from intramuscular to sub q?
I saw people getting answer directly from a doctor here is there a way to contact him? Did anyone tried undecaonte subcutaneous injection?
Hi everyone, i have been on nebido for a few years now without good results and decided 3weeks ago to try daily subcutaneous injection.i inject the equivalent of 150 mg of test cipionate a week.at the moment I do not feel good and cannt maintain an erection plus penis looks really smaller when flacid.does anyone know if undecaonate has to « build up » since I switched from intramuscular to sub q?
I saw people getting answer directly from a doctor here is there a way to contact him? Did anyone tried undecaonte subcutaneous injection?

It would be rare to find a doctor in the USA has experience with subq Nebido.

A doctor here would use aveed, and they would follow the protocol which calls for deep IM.

Why don't you post your labs? There are many reasons for not feeling good that have nothing to do with testosterone.
I m going to wait a lil bit before doing labs .i will have shbg e2 total t and maybe free t .i m now trying self trt since I hate the nebido « regular protocol »
O.1ml /21 mg every day .o take 50 mg pregnenolone .stopped dhea I used to take 25 mg daily .just to see if I feel a change if maybe dhea vas converting too much to e2 but I doubt it
By the way I read a few topics(not here)where they mentionnés 1mg per kilo body weigh.i m 90 kilos /194 pounds. From that perspective my current protocol might be to low I shout take 180 mg.but to me more than 150 per weeks seems a lot
Hi thx for your reply I alread tryed nebido every six week then split the dose in two every 3 week then slit in six every week then Twice a week. I now I m Ding sub q every day . I m gonna have blood work in one or two weeks .acnee has gone away at the moment still sleep quite bad and erections are still week and lost ne
sensitivity of my penis still medium
Si now i Know it is acceptable to inject sub q lol.but I m a-t-il Haring sleep issue .always Wales up on thé middle of thé might ed and smiller penis mostly in thé Morming.ill do labs next week
Could not find if they injected the whole vial 4ml/1000mg sq in this study, or do i missed something?
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Could not find if they injected the whole vial 4ml/1000mg sq in this study, or do i missed something?
If nowhere else it says it in the caption for Figure 1:

Plot of DBS analysis of serum testosterone after SC (green dots) and IM (red dots) injection of 1000 mg TU in 4 mL castor oil vehicle and a model of the SC (green line) and IM (red line) data fitted to a biexponential curve. For further details see Methods and Results.
Interesting they did such a study.

Things of note:

I looked up the term, but not sure why mean resident time was so different yet they said no significant route differences.

The DBS-based PK analysis of serum testosterone revealed a later time of peak testosterone concentration after SC vs IM injection (8.0 vs 3.3 days) but no significant route differences in model-predicted peak testosterone concentration (8.4 vs 9.6 ng/mL) or mean resident time (183 vs 110 days).

They used a 25 mm length needle for subQ, that is almost 1 inch, longer than most people post about when talking about subQ,

They suggested it's more practical to spit the dose into two and inject twice in the abdominals.

I injected .5 ml HGB mixed with 0.4 ml testos C in adominials with a .5 inch needle, it left a lump under the skin for a week, Not annoying, just noticeable. No doubt 2 or 4 ml would be more signficant.

Also of note, most subects still preferred deep IM, it's assumed because of the increaesd pain with the subQ.
Interesting they did such a study.

Things of note:

I looked up the term, but not sure why mean resident time was so different yet they said no significant route differences.

The DBS-based PK analysis of serum testosterone revealed a later time of peak testosterone concentration after SC vs IM injection (8.0 vs 3.3 days) but no significant route differences in model-predicted peak testosterone concentration (8.4 vs 9.6 ng/mL) or mean resident time (183 vs 110 days).

They used a 25 mm length needle for subQ, that is almost 1 inch, longer than most people post about when talking about subQ,

They suggested it's more practical to spit the dose into two and inject twice in the abdominals.

I injected .5 ml HGB mixed with 0.4 ml testos C in adominials with a .5 inch needle, it left a lump under the skin for a week, Not annoying, just noticeable. No doubt 2 or 4 ml would be more signficant.

Also of note, most subects still preferred deep IM, it's assumed because of the increaesd pain with the subQ.
Can you explain what mean resident time means with other words please.my mother language is french and I am not sure about what it means

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