does Iodine influence hormone receptor activity?

UPDATE: After taking pretty high-dose Lugols, 5-7 drops of 2.2% daily, my new Endocrinologist found multiple nodules on my thyroid, and it was enlarged. He was concerned enough to send me in for a biopsy... came back negative, thank God...
No more Lugols/s for me...
Guys, I strongly recommend having your iodine levels checked... IF they are low, work with your Doc. If he is not competent... take it SLOW... maybe one drop 3x/week... until you get new labs. This stuff CAN hurt you.

wow, thank you for the update
I've done very well on everything from 3mg a day up to 12.5 mg per day.
There was a brief initial "detox" period for me as well (as others have noted).
That was using Lugols at times and Iodine tablets, which I'm currently using.
I consider it a must as I feel immensely better on it than off of it.
From the research that I've gathered on the subject, the amount daily is, just like TRT, very individualized.
Start low and titrate up slowly if you're trying it out.
Allow your body to adapt for a reasonable period of time before titrating up.
It would appear that there is as much polarization with the topic of iodine out there as there is with TRT IMO.

What brand of iodine tablets are u using? When do u take them? Do u take them once a day, twice a day? Empty stomach? And what benefits have u noticed?
I've gone back and forth using Lugol's drops and the actual tablets/pills.
I just find it easier to use in the drop formulation.
First and foremost I've noticed better absorption/results when used in combination with my thyroid meds, which results in a hosts of other benefits.
If anything, it just amplifies all the benefits I've gotten from optimizing thyroid......more energy, overall just feel better, calmer, etc...
I think for most the hang up is dosing.
There is such a huge variety in people using it and what dose appears to work best for them.
I'd always titrate up slowly starting at a very low dose.
You bet... if a guy NEEDS iodine, it can really help... but if levels are normal, I'd take a pass on it.

you would think if the body does not need a mineral it would excrete it, but possibly taking huge does on a daily basis would not give the body enough time to do so
The increase in TSH doesn’t concern u?

to my understanding there is an optimal level of TSH, I believe is 0.5 to 1.5, maybe because it correlates with the increase or decrease of FT3. I'm not concerned but I have a consult with Doc Saya in about two hours, see what he says about it
you would think if the body does not need a mineral it would excrete it, but possibly taking huge does on a daily basis would not give the body enough time to do so
Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way... that's why levels of some minerals and vitamins can get really high and cause problems... calcium is an example... so are oil-based vitamins, A, E, D...
But IF deficient... supplementation can really help you feel better...
A few years ago, my bllod test for iodine showed me to be BELOW teh low end of the range, so I started supplementing... guess I may have overdone it... but will ask for another iodine blood test soon...
I've gone back and forth using Lugol's drops and the actual tablets/pills.
I just find it easier to use in the drop formulation.
First and foremost I've noticed better absorption/results when used in combination with my thyroid meds, which results in a hosts of other benefits.
If anything, it just amplifies all the benefits I've gotten from optimizing thyroid......more energy, overall just feel better, calmer, etc...
I think for most the hang up is dosing.
There is such a huge variety in people using it and what dose appears to work best for them.
I'd always titrate up slowly starting at a very low dose.

What brand of iodine tablets are u using? When do u take them? Do u take them once a day, twice a day? Empty stomach? And what benefits have u noticed?
What brand of iodine tablets are u using? When do u take them? Do u take them once a day, twice a day? Empty stomach? And what benefits have u noticed?
Not my beeswax, Gman, but I sure would get your iodine levels checked before starting to take iodine supplements in any form.
The Doc who did my thyroid biopsy told me it is EXTREMELY rare to find anyone with a true iodine deficiency... Mayo backs him up:
Not my beeswax, Gman, but I sure would get your iodine levels checked before starting to take iodine supplements in any form.
The Doc who did my thyroid biopsy told me it is EXTREMELY rare to find anyone with a true iodine deficiency... Mayo backs him up:

Ya iodine supplementation seems a little risky, from my understanding. Can really throw things out of whack when not needed/ too much is taken. Was thinking about maybe trying an extremely low dose, and seeing how I feel, good or bad.

Is lugol’s preferred over iodine tablets, or they’re basically the same thing?
Ya iodine supplementation seems a little risky, from my understanding. Can really throw things out of whack when not needed/ too much is taken. Was thinking about maybe trying an extremely low dose, and seeing how I feel, good or bad.

Is lugol’s preferred over iodine tablets, or they’re basically the same thing?

conclusion is: testing will show if need it or not, even doc Saya said k to continue my 2% Lugols since I have obtained benefits from using it, but an Iodine test has been added to my follow up, I may actually do it sooner. And since increasing my Iodine from 500mcg to 2.5mg has not changed my FT of neither 0.1, he ruled out there is no deficiency, otherwise I would have seen some sort of FT3 increase.
Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way... that's why levels of some minerals and vitamins can get really high and cause problems... calcium is an example... so are oil-based vitamins, A, E, D...
But IF deficient... supplementation can really help you feel better...
A few years ago, my bllod test for iodine showed me to be BELOW teh low end of the range, so I started supplementing... guess I may have overdone it... but will ask for another iodine blood test soon...

the body adopt the absorption of all minerals by demand, the more deficient the more the absorption. Generally, taking high doses of Minerals in the form of supplement may throw the balance out. Same happens with Vitamin A in the synthetic form obtained from supplement, many reports and studying showing liver toxicity over a threshold, no toxicity ever reported from food consumption that contains high Vit A, such as Liver. But I agree taking high dose supplemental iodine can mess thigs up bad, Calcium included and Vitamin D as well. No one has ever reported Vit D toxicity from tanning too much that I know
conclusion is: testing will show if need it or not, even doc Saya said k to continue my 2% Lugols since I have obtained benefits from using it, but an Iodine test has been added to my follow up, I may actually do it sooner. And since increasing my Iodine from 500mcg to 2.5mg has not changed my FT of neither 0.1, he ruled out there is no deficiency, otherwise I would have seen some sort of FT3 increase.

Do u think lugols iodine is superior over other iodine supplements, such as iodine tablets?

How do u take the lugols? Are u supposed to just swallow it orally in a drink? Do u take in am or pm? Do u split up the dosing throughout the day? Do u take it with food or empty stomach? Thanks
Just ordered some lugols 2%. Gonna just put 1 drop in my water each day and see if I notice anything. Probably won’t notice anything I’m assuming. But if I notice anything good I’ll continue, if I notice anything bad I’ll stop. If I notice anything bad I might stick it out for a few weeks tho just incase it’s detox symptoms.

How long do detox symptoms usually last if u experience them?

Isn’t 1 drop of 2% already way over the RDA? I think it’s like around 3mg of iodine. But not sure how much of that is actually iodine and how much is potassium iodide. Not sure if that’s even how it works
Ya iodine supplementation seems a little risky, from my understanding. Can really throw things out of whack when not needed/ too much is taken. Was thinking about maybe trying an extremely low dose, and seeing how I feel, good or bad.

Is lugol’s preferred over iodine tablets, or they’re basically the same thing?
I've never tried tablets, other than a few kelp tabs, which is hard to determine just how much iodine you are getting. What makes you think you are deficient in iodine? Do you use regular salt? If so, VERY unlikely you need more... still, next blood work, just ask for your iodine levels to be checked... I would hold off until then...
Just ordered some lugols 2%. Gonna just put 1 drop in my water each day and see if I notice anything. Probably won’t notice anything I’m assuming. But if I notice anything good I’ll continue, if I notice anything bad I’ll stop. If I notice anything bad I might stick it out for a few weeks tho just incase it’s detox symptoms.

How long do detox symptoms usually last if u experience them?

Isn’t 1 drop of 2% already way over the RDA? I think it’s like around 3mg of iodine. But not sure how much of that is actually iodine and how much is potassium iodide. Not sure if that’s even how it works
LUGOL'S 2%: Each VERTICAL "metric" drop (= 1/20ml) is approximately1.0 mg of iodine and 2.0 mg of potassium iodide. The Iodide portion of Potassium Iodide is about 75% so that is 1.5 mg. Therefore the total Iodine plus Iodide is 1.0 + 1.5 = 2.5 mg

I doubt you would get into any trouble with one drop of 2% daily... and I doubt you would get detox symptoms from that low dose... but again... why?
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the body adopt the absorption of all minerals by demand, the more deficient the more the absorption. Generally, taking high doses of Minerals in the form of supplement may throw the balance out. Same happens with Vitamin A in the synthetic form obtained from supplement, many reports and studying showing liver toxicity over a threshold, no toxicity ever reported from food consumption that contains high Vit A, such as Liver. But I agree taking high dose supplemental iodine can mess thigs up bad, Calcium included and Vitamin D as well. No one has ever reported Vit D toxicity from tanning too much that I know
I am fine with taking a multi vitamin/mineral supplement... maybe a few times/wk... I made the mistake of taking WAY too many supplements for many years... did me very little good... yes, keep your D3, C and zinc levels up, especially during COVID...
BTW: Actually vitamin A in some foods can kill you... but unlikely

Do u think lugols iodine is superior over other iodine supplements, such as iodine tablets?

How do u take the lugols? Are u supposed to just swallow it orally in a drink? Do u take in am or pm? Do u split up the dosing throughout the day? Do u take it with food or empty stomach? Thanks

I take it in the am with water, tea or my protein shake, sometime on empty stomach prior breakfast with my Vit C. I think best Iodine source is Potassium Iodide combined with the elemental Iodine, so Lugols or Iodoral the best
Just ordered some lugols 2%. Gonna just put 1 drop in my water each day and see if I notice anything. Probably won’t notice anything I’m assuming. But if I notice anything good I’ll continue, if I notice anything bad I’ll stop. If I notice anything bad I might stick it out for a few weeks tho just incase it’s detox symptoms.

How long do detox symptoms usually last if u experience them?

Isn’t 1 drop of 2% already way over the RDA? I think it’s like around 3mg of iodine. But not sure how much of that is actually iodine and how much is potassium iodide. Not sure if that’s even how it works

Build up slowly, I started with 225mcg potassium Iodide for about a month, then doubled it and again doubled it till 1000mcg, I would double the dose every month, then I switched to Lugols 2% every other day for a week I think, then one drop every day, and with that I had major detox symptoms for about 10 days. If you start from Lugols without having taken any Iodine before, I would maybe start with 3 drops per week only, not sure I'm not really an expert on this.

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