IGF-1 levels low - how to boost?

Been on TRT for 3+ years, very happy with it. IGF-1 levels have always been around 100. Previous Doctor had me on hgh and this boosted IGF-1 to 250 range, right where he wanted. I'm 48 and decided I should delay using hgh so I switched to Sermorelin two months ago. Just got blood work back, IGF-1 at 106. Overall, I feel good. Thoughts on what I should do? Sermorelin doesn't appear to be doing much to IGF-1 levels. Thanks
Been on TRT for 3+ years, very happy with it. IGF-1 levels have always been around 100. Previous Doctor had me on hgh and this boosted IGF-1 to 250 range, right where he wanted. I'm 48 and decided I should delay using hgh so I switched to Sermorelin two months ago. Just got blood work back, IGF-1 at 106. Overall, I feel good. Thoughts on what I should do? Sermorelin doesn't appear to be doing much to IGF-1 levels. Thanks

DHEA can/may increase IFG-1.

My DHEA is twice over the lab reference range as is my IFG-1...I couldn't more happier!

50 mg of micronized slow release each and every morning does the trick for me.
I thought Sermorelin required more than 3 months to achieve optimal results? And are you injecting the Sermorelin (daily) as you did the hgh? I'm just wondering if the switch and the length of time you've been on Sermorelin is the difference. Did you go right from one to the other too? And if what Gene mentioned works, it's no doubt a much cheaper alternative to either hgh or Sermorelin.
Thx for your replies. Taking 50 g of DHEA and my levels are in optimal range. I did switch from hgh to Sermorelin overnight, take 50cc nightly, and it has been around 9-10 weeks. Maybe it takes longer?
Do you mean 500 micrograms? All growth hormone releasing hormones are slow acting on lean and fat tissue since they do not bump your own body's GH beyond normal levels in healthy men. That provides a slower action than injecting growth hormone at supraphysiologic doses (higher than what your body would produce). But growth hormone can have negative effects on blood sugar in some men (irreversible after drug cessation) and joint aches/carpal tunnel syndrome. And GH is now highly regulated by the DEA and they are watching doctors who are prescribing it for uses other than growth hormone deficiency. To be diagnosed with GH deficiency you have to go through stimulation tests that are expensive and not covered by insurance. That is why Sermorelin and similar peptides are becoming more popular since none of the restrictions and potential side effects are there.
Scott- Typically it takes 3-6 months to achieve elevated IGF-1 levels with Semorelin. Since you were previously taking synthetic HGH, which is suppressive to the pituitary, it may actually take longer than 3 months to reverse the negative feedback depending on how long you were using the HGH.

In addition, IGF-1 is not the best "single" measurement of how the Sermorelin is working as levels tend to fluctuate throughout the day. Dr Rich Walker conducted a small observational study years ago which showed the upon taking Sermorelin, endogenous HGH levels increased significantly sometimes without a significant increase in IGF-1. He reported a decrease of body fat and increase of lean muscle in these patients which shows that IGF-1 is not solely responsible for the physical and intrinsic benefits usually attributed to IGF-1. HGH must be tested with multiple blood draws over a period of time, usually 20 minutes, in order to assess accurately. I will try to locate that information for this site.

Lastly, it has been observed that a dosage of 500mcg-1000mcg daily is the best starting dosage. It can be titrated down from there once levels are stable. For example, I took Sermorelin 1000mcg daily for 10 months and ended up with an IGF-1 level of 315ng. I then decreased the dosage to 500mcg three times per week which I have been doing since (I miss weeks here and there) and my levels are maintained above 225ng. My baseline was 160ng. When I worked with Dr Walker at APS pharmacy we observed this same efficacy in many other patients. We also see similar results in patients at our clinic. Of course, pituitary health and lifestyle also play a role in the efficacy of peptides like Sermorelin.

Here is a great article written by Dr Walker: http://defymedical.com/resources/he...t-of-adult-onset-growth-hormone-insufficiency
You can also supplement with Arginine, Citrulline, and/or Ornithine before bed to help stimulate HGH release from the pituitary. Remember, Sermorelin increases your GH production and reserve within the pituitary, however you still need that HGH to be released. Usually proper sleep, low sugar intake (low insulin), etc stimulate release naturally but sometime we can use some assistance.
Scott- Typically it takes 3-6 months to achieve elevated IGF-1 levels with Semorelin. Since you were previously taking synthetic HGH, which is suppressive to the pituitary, it may actually take longer than 3 months to reverse the negative feedback depending on how long you were using the HGH.

In addition, IGF-1 is not the best "single" measurement of how the Sermorelin is working as levels tend to fluctuate throughout the day. Dr Rich Walker conducted a small observational study years ago which showed the upon taking Sermorelin, endogenous HGH levels increased significantly sometimes without a significant increase in IGF-1. He reported a decrease of body fat and increase of lean muscle in these patients which shows that IGF-1 is not solely responsible for the physical and intrinsic benefits usually attributed to IGF-1. HGH must be tested with multiple blood draws over a period of time, usually 20 minutes, in order to assess accurately. I will try to locate that information for this site.

Lastly, it has been observed that a dosage of 500mcg-1000mcg daily is the best starting dosage. It can be titrated down from there once levels are stable. For example, I took Sermorelin 1000mcg daily for 10 months and ended up with an IGF-1 level of 315ng. I then decreased the dosage to 500mcg three times per week which I have been doing since (I miss weeks here and there) and my levels are maintained above 225ng. My baseline was 160ng. When I worked with Dr Walker at APS pharmacy we observed this same efficacy in many other patients. We also see similar results in patients at our clinic. Of course, pituitary health and lifestyle also play a role in the efficacy of peptides like Sermorelin.

Here is a great article written by Dr Walker: http://defymedical.com/resources/he...t-of-adult-onset-growth-hormone-insufficiency
Please give Dr. Walker my best, and ask him to call me when he gets a chance. We haven't talked in too long.

The best way, IMPO, to assess GH is a 24 hour urine panel. That way you aren't fooled by spot draws. The only test I trust is from Belgium, available here in the States.
You can also supplement with Arginine, Citrulline, and/or Ornithine before bed to help stimulate HGH release from the pituitary. Remember, Sermorelin increases your GH production and reserve within the pituitary, however you still need that HGH to be released. Usually proper sleep, low sugar intake (low insulin), etc stimulate release naturally but sometime we can use some assistance.
That is the value of secretogogues (i.e. "peptides"): they actually increase GH production. I learned this from Dr. Walker, at that awesome conference in Tampa you two brought me to several years ago.

GHRP-6 has Sermorelin properties, in that it also causes the release of GH; but Sermorelin does not have GHRP-6 properties, in that it does not induce GH production.

GHRP also has intrinsic properties Sermorelin and even frank GH administration do not. Nor does it have any of the negative side effects.
Good morning Dr Crisler!

I certainly will reach out to Dr Walker and let him know to contact you. Its been a few months since Ive communicated with him myself. It would be great to get him on this forum but Im not sure how much time he spends online
Thanks for the clarification on the GH test, I believe the testing of GH production from peptides is still deficient as most are still stuck on a single IGF-1 draw around 90 days post Sermorelin (or any peptide).
Regarding GHRP-6, as I understand its an analog of Ghrelin and stimulates GH release from the pituitary. What are your thoughts on combining both GHRP-6 and Sermorelin? To ramp up GH levels faster could both be combined initially then maintained with just Sermorelin (or GHRP) once levels are sufficient?
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Been on TRT for 3+ years, very happy with it. IGF-1 levels have always been around 100. Previous Doctor had me on hgh and this boosted IGF-1 to 250 range, right where he wanted. I'm 48 and decided I should delay using hgh so I switched to Sermorelin two months ago. Just got blood work back, IGF-1 at 106. Overall, I feel good. Thoughts on what I should do? Sermorelin doesn't appear to be doing much to IGF-1 levels. Thanks

Hi Scott, when you were on hgh how many ius of hgh were you taking a day or week ?
This thread is two years old and I don't see activity on his profile since 2014, a PM might get his attention but it looks like he's not active here any longer.
I'm thinking of using sermorelin through Defy Medical, having labs for my IGF-1 levels on Monday. When my labs come back I'll set up a consultation with them. I have to figure out the cost and will I be disciplined enough to inject everyday.
The price quoted was for one month, whatever Defy doses it at. Once I heard $290 I pretty much stopped listening.

As you know I have the greatest respect from Defy Medical, when I have my consultation with them I'll have all my questions ready. I'm trying to educate myself beforehand, I see people use different amounts, I'm hoping I can afford it :)
Hi Dr. Crisler, I also got that e-mail, I know you may not be able to answer this, because every patient is different. What amount of sermorelin do you usually start your patients at.

[TABLE="class: table-inner, align: center"]
[TD="align: center"]Announcement: Sermorelin Acetate 15mg now available for $165 ! (Normally $225)
[TD] Defy Medical is pleased to announce that our compounding pharmacy is now offering Defy Medical patients a discounted price for Sermorelin Acetate 15mg (15,000mcg) vials. The new price is $165 (normally $225). We are hoping the new price makes this medication more accessible to our patients who are interested in restoring Growth Hormone levels.
Schedule A Free Consultation
All Sermorelin prescribed by Defy Medical is compounded by a licensed US Pharmacy. All Sermorelin is independently tested by a lab for purity, potency, and endotoxins. Contact us today if you would like to see a copy of the independent lab results from the pharmacy.

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