Whey and egg protein alternative

avid lifter and fitness guy here. I have developed some problems that the doc think may be related to my diet. I have been eating a bodybuilder diet for the last 18 years, with a lot of my protein consumption revolving around whey protein and eggs. I am going to try to eliminate these from my diet (not at the same time) and see what happens. to keep my protein intake higher to keep what muscle mass I have built over the last 2 decades, is there a supplement protein that you would recommend? I know whey and egg are the most absorbed protein in terms of muscle building, but is there a number 3? Maybe a type of plant protein??
avid lifter and fitness guy here. I have developed some problems that the doc think may be related to my diet. I have been eating a bodybuilder diet for the last 18 years, with a lot of my protein consumption revolving around whey protein and eggs. I am going to try to eliminate these from my diet (not at the same time) and see what happens. to keep my protein intake higher to keep what muscle mass I have built over the last 2 decades, is there a supplement protein that you would recommend? I know whey and egg are the most absorbed protein in terms of muscle building, but is there a number 3? Maybe a type of plant protein??
What’s the reason you’re dropping whey and eggs? I don’t use whey because it increases my in blood sugar. Eggs for me are great. I don’t use egg protein, I do eat a lot of eggs dairy, usually six. Eggs keep my cholesterol in a good range.
I have developed some crazy autoimmune like conditions. fatigue, bloating, headaches, etc. I have had many medical test done and the docs can’t seem to find anything. One doc said maybe delayed food allergy, try cutting out eggs, whey, and gluten and see. Just a theory, but I’ll give it a shot. I am still doing whey right now just cut Out my daily 3 eggs, 3 egg whites for breakfast. I’d like to keep my protein up since I am fairly thin guy (6’1”, 190) just not sure the best way to do that if I am cutting whey and eggs
I have given up all grains, because they contribute to autoimmune diseases. And whey, because as I stated, it spikes my insulin. I’ve always had zero issues with eggs, something really enjoy eating.
Pea protein is gluten free. I've got Anthony's Pea Protein from Amazon which contains no additives, but I've decided it leads to too much water retention, although I'm not entirely sure about that.

However, attributing 'fatigue, bloating, and headaches' to autoimmunity without supporting tests sounds like a handwaving explanation to me, not a real diagnosis.
Pea protein is gluten free. I've got Anthony's Pea Protein from Amazon which contains no additives, but I've decided it leads to too much water retention, although I'm not entirely sure about that.

However, attributing 'fatigue, bloating, and headaches' to autoimmunity without supporting tests sounds like a handwaving explanation to me, not a real diagnosis.

oh yes it’s not a diagnosis. I don’t have an autoimmune condition just symptoms that mimic that. Docs at first thought that was what I had. I was tested for all kind of stuff that all came back neg. that the reasoning for looking at other options like food intake And allergy.
Hi Deuce12345,

Good question.
Sounds like you and the doctor are still investigating the situation. If the issue is allergy or autoimmune related, then typical diet recommendations from us may not suffice and would need to come from a doctor or dietician.

Having said that, to answer your question directly:
- Yes, plant based protein supplements like pea, rice and hemp exist. Particularly, blends (eg: pea + rice) may be a good option since they provide complete amino acid profiles as a result.
- Perhaps you are (or maybe are *now*) allergic to dairy. Many people are (even with low-lactose forms of whey protein) and don't realize it. Try eliminating it for a period.
- Not to go down a rabbit hole, but there are concerns--as you can of course argue it applies to almost any food--around the "other" contents of plant proteins like pea and especially rice due to the places in the world from which they're sourced, the use of pesticides and also the nature of the plant themselves. This includes higher levels of heavy metal such as arsenic.

I know this isn't what you're asking, but to answer it from a different angle:
- To shamelessly quote Stan Efferding: "Shakes are for fakes". (I'm only saying it to add color to what I'm saying. Don't take it personally :) ). I train in powerlifting and bodybuilding, and do not use any powders. I certainly have at some point, but the benefits and reliance on them are massively exaggerated. The only supplements I take are vitamin D and fish oil. You absolutely do not need powders/shakes. I don't know why people insist on the necessity and nearly supernatural benefit of protein powders (and other supps). I'm not going to go into the cons (or even pros) of these products.
- What I'm saying is just eat real food. Eggs (yes, this is the topic of discussion, so maybe avoid), chicken and of course BEEF. Steak is an amazing source. That is, unless, you're vegetarian. I used to be, btw.
- I also suggest not being too concerned about what you were referring to with regard to bioavailability. Yes, whey protein and eggs are the most bioavailable forms (though one is processed and one is natural), but it's not like if you eliminate whey protein, but include other healthy sources of protein you'll suddenly disintegrate.

This is no criticism to you and I don't know your complete lifestyle, but people like us tend to live by a regimen, in this case related to diet, which looks like: Wake, oatmeal, egg, train, protein shake, chicken breast, broccoli, sleep. Repeat. (Not necessarily accurate, but you get it )
Break up the monotony for your body.

Finally, if you do switch to a different protein powder source, keep in mind the alteration in your macros. You'll need to be mindful of the new lack/reduction of fats.

Hope you didn't mind the long-winded answer.
I really hope you identify the issue and it's simply and allergy or easy food to remove from your diet!
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What’s the reason you’re dropping whey and eggs? I don’t use whey because it increases my in blood sugar. Eggs for me are great. I don’t use egg protein, I do eat a lot of eggs dairy, usually six. Eggs keep my cholesterol in a good range.

Eggs really help your colesterol?
Deuce12345 - I've had problems with whey and egg protein powders in the past, with some of the symptoms you mentioned. I've tried the plant-based powders, and they are even worse for me (and I've tried just about every variation of them). I don't know where you live, but if it's available I recommend FairLife protein drinks (pre-made; not a powder). 30g protein, only 11.5oz, low carb, and lactose free.
Something to consider: I also eat what would be considered a bodybuilder's diet, and to be honest we're usually our own worst enemies. We usually concentrate on low-fat, high protein, and good carbs to fuel workouts, and eat the same things over and over again for years. This can come at the cost of missing a lot of micronutrients for months/years at a time. What's helped me lately is adding in good sources of saturated fats, ensuing I have adequate minerals (lot's of sea salt, magnesium, and potassium), and avoiding the so-called "healthy" oils (Canola, Soy) like the plague. I've also tried really hard lately to get my 200g protein per day strictly from food whenever possible, which can be difficult. I hope you find something that works for you.
avid lifter and fitness guy here. I have developed some problems that the doc think may be related to my diet. I have been eating a bodybuilder diet for the last 18 years, with a lot of my protein consumption revolving around whey protein and eggs. I am going to try to eliminate these from my diet (not at the same time) and see what happens. to keep my protein intake higher to keep what muscle mass I have built over the last 2 decades, is there a supplement protein that you would recommend? I know whey and egg are the most absorbed protein in terms of muscle building, but is there a number 3? Maybe a type of plant protein??

Forget about relying on supplements.

The majority of your proteins should come from whole food sources such as beef, chicken, turkey, wild game, fish, pork, whole eggs, greek yogurt.

If you are strictly vegetarian than there are numerous sources to choose from and when combined properly you can achieve the full spectrum of amino-acids required.

The only time you should be using whey is pre/Intra/post-work-out or if you want a quick boost of amino-acids some time throughout the day.

Aside from obtaining the protein most powdered milk-based supplements lack the nutrients you would get from whole food sources.

If you truly are consuming tons of whey daily than it can easily be the culprit to the issues you are experiencing.

Eggs can cause allergies/sensitivities in some but I would drop the whey protein first.

Hitting 200 grams protein is easy if you consume 2lbs meat daily but depending on how much complex starchy/fibrous carbs you are taking in it can be a very large volume of food to consume daily.

When bulking to add some mass I was consuming 2.2 lbs red meat (215 grams protein), 500 grams complex starchy carbs, fats from red meat/cod liver oil, and a shit load of vegetables far from easy to say the least stuffing that volume of food down spread over 5 meals/day.

Carnivore/keto than one could easily consume 2-3lbs of meat daily.
If ur experiencing auto-immune like issues, the best thing u can do is try to eat as close to the carnivore diet as possible. The #1 thing a person can do that either has an autoimmune disease, or autoimmune like symptoms, is switch their diet to carnivore. Most people have no idea that plants have thousands of plant toxins they use to defend themselves, which cause damage to the human body. Any plant source protein powder would be the opposite of what u want to do. They come with natural plant toxins that will do harm in the body, and then usually have pesticides sprayed on them by humans that will cause more damage.

I also workout and am focused on building lean muscle tissue, so I’m not 100% carnivore. I incorporate some benign carbohydrate sources like organic white rice, organic raw honey, and select fruits. Mostly watermelon, cantaloupe, bananas and cherries, atm. If I were u, I would try switching to 100% carnivore. It’s so easy to get all ur protein in it’s not even funny. Just eat fatty cuts of steak for all of ur meals. U can also incorporate eggs. Everyday I eat 5 whole eggs, and 2 eggs with just the whites. But if u think u would have a hard time doing strict carnivore, u may want to try a diet like the one I’m eating atm.

To learn more about things that are causing u issues in ur diet, without u realizing it, YouTube sally norton. She’s an expert on a very common plant toxin called oxalates. The other person to research to learn more about foods that are triggering ur auto immune like symptoms is dr Paul saladino. But if ur not willing to change ur diet too much, just make sure u avoid all plants, nuts, seeds, grains (other than white rice), legumes, gluten, dairy and unhealthy cooking oils. I kind of contradicted myself there with the not changing ur diet drastically and then telling u to avoid probably 90% of ur current diet lol
Forget about relying on supplements.

The majority of your proteins should come from whole food sources such as beef, chicken, turkey, wild game, fish, pork, whole eggs, greek yogurt.

If you are strictly vegetarian than there are numerous sources to choose from and when combined properly you can achieve the full spectrum of amino-acids required.

The only time you should be using whey is pre/Intra/post-work-out or if you want a quick boost of amino-acids some time throughout the day.

Aside from obtaining the protein most powdered milk-based supplements lack the nutrients you would get from whole food sources.

If you truly are consuming tons of whey daily than it can easily be the culprit to the issues you are experiencing.

Eggs can cause allergies/sensitivities in some but I would drop the whey protein first.

Hitting 200 grams protein is easy if you consume 2lbs meat daily but depending on how much complex starchy/fibrous carbs you are taking in it can be a very large volume of food to consume daily.

When bulking to add some mass I was consuming 2.2 lbs red meat (215 grams protein), 500 grams complex starchy carbs, fats from red meat/cod liver oil, and a shit load of vegetables far from easy to say the least stuffing that volume of food down spread over 5 meals/day.

Carnivore/keto than one could easily consume 2-3lbs of meat daily.

I appreciate the response. I do rely on whole food most of the time. Eggs were a main staple of mine (when I am home). I travel for a living so eating 2.2lbs of meat isn’t happening. There has to be some supplementation of some kind.
I appreciate the response. I do rely on whole food most of the time. Eggs were a main staple of mine (when I am home). I travel for a living so eating 2.2lbs of meat isn’t happening. There has to be some supplementation of some kind.

These extreme consuming-protein bodybuiding diets are only good for the capitalists, don't you think?

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