Thinking about taking my life because of ED!


I am really fed up with life! I haven’t masturbated in almost 12 months! My libido is non existence my brain is foggy my dick is numb!my anxiety is that of a womanI keep reading about how some people never get there sex drive back on trt! It’s over for me!

I’ve taking three doses of .5 armidex and still no libido boost! I inject 62.5 e3d it seems like nothing is gonna work My e2 came back at 73 sensitive! Nobody gives me good answers! I’m so young and my life is just over!

I got some sleeping pills I’m just gonna pop a few and call it a life! I appreciate everyone who tried to help but I wanted to share this so people know trt is a scam and rarely works for people from my research! I’ve seen so many shrinks and threpist no help! If anyone has any last suggestions before I take my life that would be awesome!

I just hope you guys know I am so fed up with life and dealing with Ed I would never be willing to take a pde5 cause I wanna get to the root cause of the problem! I know I’m cursed no matter who I ask for help no one is gonna help or guide me to the right direction!
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First of all, get your shit together and stop talking stupid. Nobody here is going to bother helping you figure out your protocol because they're going to be busy trying to talk you out of killing yourself. You're willing to pop sleeping pills to commit suicide but you won't consider a pde5 inhibitor? Have you tried HCG? Frequent dosing? Checked prolactin? Etc? I encourage you to seek professional help immediately, you clearly have some issues you need to resolve beyond trt.
First of all, get your shit together and stop talking stupid. Nobody here is going to bother helping you figure out your protocol because they're going to be busy trying to talk you out of killing yourself. You're willing to pop sleeping pills to commit suicide but you won't consider a pde5 inhibitor? Have you tried HCG? Frequent dosing? Checked prolactin? Etc? I encourage you to seek professional help immediately, you clearly have some issues you need to resolve beyond trt.
That’s the thing I tried hcg on blast didn’t do much! When frequent dosing do you mean everyday? I was gonna check prolactin but from my understanding only way I have high prolactin is if I had a tumor!
That’s the thing I tried hcg on blast didn’t do much! When frequent dosing do you mean everyday? I was gonna check prolactin but from my understanding only way I have high prolactin is if I had a tumor!
Explain what you mean by "tried hcg on blast".
More frequent injections, daily or eod, help some men with estrogen control.
How would you know if you have a tumor or high prolactin without checking prolactin?
Explain what you mean by "tried hcg on blast".
More frequent injections, daily or eod, help some men with estrogen control.
How would you know if you have a tumor or high prolactin without checking prolactin?
Because I thought tumors would dramatically interfere with day to day life! Meaning I wouldn’t be as active if I had a tumor!
Wrong. Check your prolactin.
Explain what you meant by "hcg on blast."
So I am a hardcore lifter squat 500 deadlift 700 bench 315 I thought since I had low t(put most weight in love handles) blasting would be better than just going on trt! I did a cycle of 500 mg of test with 250 prop kickstart and I took 12.5 aromasin Eod and 500 mg of hcg a week never felt anything along with 50 mg of proviron got bloods my testosterone was super high my free t went from 47 to 907 so it was real but I never felt different! I added tren for 4 weeks at the end at 200 mg(didn’t really effect me) to see if that would give me a high sex drive didn’t make a difference just sweat more and had crazy dreams!
So I am a hardcore lifter squat 500 deadlift 700 bench 315 I thought since I had low t(put most weight in love handles) blasting would be better than just going on trt! I did a cycle of 500 mg of test with 250 prop kickstart and I took 12.5 aromasin Eod and 500 mg of hcg a week never felt anything along with 50 mg of proviron got bloods my testosterone was super high my free t went from 47 to 907 so it was real but I never felt different! I added tren for 4 weeks at the end at 200 mg(didn’t really effect me) to see if that would give me a high sex drive didn’t make a difference just sweat more and had crazy dreams!
Let me show you how crazy this sounds:

You were on a steroid cycle where you used 4x the weekly amount of test you use for your cruise, a kickstart with 2x the amount of test you normally take on top of it with propionate, an additonal 350mg a week of AAS in the form of a DHT derivative in proviron, 12.5mg aromasin eod - and on top of that you tried 500iu HCG a week, and you determined that HCG didn't work for you?
And then you added a 19-nor compound, tren, one of the harshest compounds known to give some guys libido issues long after cycle, and with the potential to raise prolactin.

Everything about this is a mess. No wonder you have no libido. Clear your head and calm the fuck down. Stop talking about killing yourself. Do not touch anything besides testosterone or testosterone+hcg for now. Use as frequent of injections at as low of a dose as possible, do labs after 6-8 weeks, and reassess.
Let me show you how crazy this sounds:

You were on a steroid cycle where you used 4x the weekly amount of test you use for your cruise, a kickstart with 2x the amount of test you normally take on top of it with propionate, an additonal 350mg a week of AAS in the form of a DHT derivative in proviron, 12.5mg aromasin eod - and on top of that you tried 500iu HCG a week, and you determined that HCG didn't work for you?
And then you added a 19-nor compound, tren, one of the harshest compounds known to give some guys libido issues long after cycle, and with the potential to raise prolactin.

Everything about this is a mess. No wonder you have no libido. Clear your head and calm the fuck down. Stop talking about killing yourself. Do not touch anything besides testosterone or testosterone+hcg for now. Use as frequent of injections at as low of a dose as possible, do labs after 6-8 weeks, and reassess.
That’s what I have been doing for the last 8 weeks I don’t touch anything other than 62.5 e3d and no results tested e2 came back at 73 on a sensitive test!
I am 40, still single. Never had sex in a year and i have no libido too. I have some court cases against me and on top of that i dont have permanent job. Yet not remotely i am depressed nor i am going too.
You need to change ur attitude. I know low libido feels like depression but i have a solution for you if u take me seriously.
Just start drinking coffee or tea. Drink more coffee or tea( dont exceed 4 cups) and do cardio( Run Run) stop lifting weight for time being. As experts mentioned, dont decrease ur estrogen. Its more important than test to be honest. Estrogen gives u libido n keeps u horny all the time. So, just stick to basic. TRT+HCG should work for you. Stop everything else. Dont forget to drink coffee/tea. You will thank me later
That’s what I have been doing for the last 8 weeks I don’t touch anything other than 62.5 e3d and no results tested e2 came back at 73 on a sensitive test!
Its been 8 weeks. It took me months to recover my libido after my last tren cycle. Your e2 is high. And test your prolactin

And I recommended more frequent injections. Do that. Daily or eod. As low of a dose as possible. 10mg a day even to start. 12. 14. Whatever. Or 20-30 eod. Start over.
I am 40, still single. Never had sex in a year and i have no libido too. I have some court cases against me and on top of that i dont have permanent job. Yet not remotely i am depressed nor i am going too.
You need to change ur attitude. I know low libido feels like depression but i have a solution for you if u take me seriously.
Just start drinking coffee or tea. Drink more coffee or tea( dont exceed 4 cups) and do cardio( Run Run) stop lifting weight for time being. As experts mentioned, dont decrease ur estrogen. Its more important than test to be honest. Estrogen gives u libido n keeps u horny all the time. So, just stick to basic. TRT+HCG should work for you. Stop everything else. Dont forget to drink coffee/tea. You will thank me later
I quit coffee for a year because I was drinking WAY too much, and recently reintroduced it at more reasonable amounts, and I feel great.
Its been 8 weeks. It took me months to recover my libido after my last tren cycle. Your e2 is high. And test your prolactin

And I recommended more frequent injections. Do that. Daily or eod. As low of a dose as possible. 10mg a day even to start. 12. 14. Whatever. Or 20-30 eod. Start over.
What about the ai if my e2 is high should i keep the ai?
I am really fed up with life! I haven’t masturbated in almost 12 months! My libido is non existence my brain is foggy my dick is numb!my anxiety is that of a womanI keep reading about how some people never get there sex drive back on trt! It’s over for me!

Do you have diabetis or any other health issue? or taking any drug or medication?
Do you have diabetis or any other health issue? or taking any drug or medication?
No my doctor checked for diabetes nothing!
I was on trazdone for sleep 50-100 mgbut stopped because it started to fuck up my head! When I first started my sex drive was great after awhile it started to make me feel like a zombie and I started to have severe anxiety!

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