is HCG screwing me up?!


Hey fellas,

So decided to go on HCG in hope of getting more seminal volume, better sex etc and feel the benefits of downstream hormones esp pregnanelone as mine is low. Test dose stayed the same 20mg EOD shallow IM...I started with 50iu EOD HCG was great so tried 75 still good last 3 weeks been using 100IU EOD and Ive started feeling like absolute shite ! And guess what ? my estrodial is actually on the lower end for me at 108 ( non sensitive test as hard to get other one in Australia ) so its not high E2 making me feel like I have the flu , low sex drive and my friggin sinus has been so stuffy Im using afrin 6x a day ! very odd ...

My test since a month ago dropped a bit from 27 nmol to 24.3
DHEA has plummeted from a healthy 9.3 to 5.5!!!
Prolacrin has sky rocketed from my usual 140s range to 280!!!

All in the space of my 3.5 weeks on the 100iu EOD HCG dose !!! WTH ? does HCG screw some peolple more than help them?

MY strategy now: lower HCG to 50iu EOD and up test to 25 mg EOD and hopefully in a few weeks Ill feel great but Im very confused why HCG screwed with my DHEA and prolactin....Im gathering thats whY I feel so bad !

Any insights very welcome :)
How are you diluting it? My doctor has extensive experience with HCG and has noticed better results when highly concentrated. For example, I dilute 12,000 IU’s with 3ml of water and inject .1 ml 2x/week which is 400 IU’s I used to dilute with 6,000 IU’s with 6ml and had horrible side effects like you described. Once I switched to higher concentration my body reacted differently. My doc said the male body reacts differently to highly concentrated doses of HCG.

Also, are you taking any AI’s or Tamoxifen? that’s stuff whacked me out big time. I hated the way I felt on Tamoxifen and AI’s would tank my E so quickly, even just a small amount sent me in a tailspin. No need to do such frequent injections on HCG, Vince is right, once a week is fine, I do 2x because I like the extra volume and testicular size, but 1x week maintain it still.
No AI , those things are terrible ! I micro dose test E so keeps my E2 in a great range ....Ill try that Vince ;) ...Executive 7 I have a family nurse mix it up for me in the BAC water ...over here it comes with 1500ius powder and the right amount of BAC water to mix it with in another vial so you cant stuff it up lol :)
Its not uncommon though you're using a lower than typically used dosing. Just cut it back...I only use 250iu once per week.

Funny you say that, i was considering going to 250 or 300 just once a week to bring the boys back a little. As of now I feel great on T only, so don’t really want to mess with that.

You get results at 250iu a week?

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