Suffering with BPH


Hello all. I haven't posted in quite a while and I'm sorry about that. Life has been keeping me very busy and so has health problems. Being 50 sucks. so last year I posted about getting tested. I had a biopsy on my prostate ( that was not fun ) and was put on Tamsulosin HCL 0.4MG. which I thought was helping but sadly no. It helped with the urgency to go but I guess it was doing nothing to help lessen size.I still don't have to go as bad. Urgency is still lower but I just go a lot. Got some weird lung sickness in November. Wasn't pneumonia. Wasn't Bronchitis. Wasn't an Embolism ( thank god ). My asthma went nuts. So they treated me with yet more steroids. This one was inhalable. Took 3 months to get better
new year, New problems
Being 51 sucks. Sick all this year. now i'm down with neck and back problems. They had been hurting for a long time but I finally couldn't take all the pain and I started getting numbness and pain in my left arm and left leg. They just hurt with no reason. its always something. But now I guess i have worsening BPH. I can still go but its stop and go and hurts a bit. Hurts bad and almost cant go at all if I hold it till i'm full for these dam Uroflowmetry test. but that one was not nearly as bad as the Urodynamic tests. I hate cataters!!
Now we wait for results on Friday the April 5th. Wondering what to expect. I am almost positive that my TRT days are over as he tried to stop it last visit in october. now I know its coming. But what to do about my prostate. For god sake don't look online or Youtube. you see it all there. It all looks painful. If it has to be done just take it out and get it over with the first time. Some of the procedures even say it will probably need to be done again in a few years. NOPE. Just do it now and done. My baby making days are over anyway.


They are welcome as I don't really know what to do at this point.

Thinking about getting on my motorcycle and riding off into the sunset to forget about all this crap but I would have to stop and pee every 20 miles.
Hello all. I haven't posted in quite a while and I'm sorry about that. Life has been keeping me very busy and so has health problems. Being 50 sucks. so last year I posted about getting tested. I had a biopsy on my prostate ( that was not fun ) and was put on Tamsulosin HCL 0.4MG. which I thought was helping but sadly no. It helped with the urgency to go but I guess it was doing nothing to help lessen size.I still don't have to go as bad. Urgency is still lower but I just go a lot. Got some weird lung sickness in November. Wasn't pneumonia. Wasn't Bronchitis. Wasn't an Embolism ( thank god ). My asthma went nuts. So they treated me with yet more steroids. This one was inhalable. Took 3 months to get better
new year, New problems
Being 51 sucks. Sick all this year. now i'm down with neck and back problems. They had been hurting for a long time but I finally couldn't take all the pain and I started getting numbness and pain in my left arm and left leg. They just hurt with no reason. its always something. But now I guess i have worsening BPH. I can still go but its stop and go and hurts a bit. Hurts bad and almost cant go at all if I hold it till i'm full for these dam Uroflowmetry test. but that one was not nearly as bad as the Urodynamic tests. I hate cataters!!
Now we wait for results on Friday the April 5th. Wondering what to expect. I am almost positive that my TRT days are over as he tried to stop it last visit in october. now I know its coming. But what to do about my prostate. For god sake don't look online or Youtube. you see it all there. It all looks painful. If it has to be done just take it out and get it over with the first time. Some of the procedures even say it will probably need to be done again in a few years. NOPE. Just do it now and done. My baby making days are over anyway.


They are welcome as I don't really know what to do at this point.

Thinking about getting on my motorcycle and riding off into the sunset to forget about all this crap but I would have to stop and pee every 20 miles.
Hi Kenny,

I take 5 mgs. / day of Cialis for my BPH and it works. I have been on TRT over 35 yrs. and there is no way I would stop it. Ten yrs. ago I had Heart Bypass surgery no heart attack just a lot of heart burn. Today I am on a lot of water pills for Congestive Heart Failure and 75 yrs. old.

So it still takes some time to empty my bladder so I sat when I go and take my time. Other wise I get infections. About 6 weeks ago I started on some Hemp Seed Oil and it helps with my panic feelings and pain I use Hempglory there strongest one taking one half a dropper full under my tongue.

Here is a link to news letter that got me to try this and my heart dr. says he has half of his patients on it.

But now I guess i have worsening BPH. I can still go but its stop and go and hurts a bit. Hurts bad and almost cant go at all if I hold it till i'm full for these dam Uroflowmetry test. but that one was not nearly as bad as the Urodynamic tests. I hate cataters!!
Now we wait for results on Friday the April 5th. Wondering what to expect. I am almost positive that my TRT days are over as he tried to stop it last visit in october. now I know its coming. But what to do about my prostate. For god sake don't look online or Youtube. you see it all there. It all looks painful. If it has to be done just take it out and get it over with the first time. Some of the procedures even say it will probably need to be done again in a few years. NOPE. Just do it now and done. My baby making days are over anyway.


I think Life Extensions Ultra Prostate formula works for many men. If yo look at the reviews, it's highly recommended.

I took this for 4 months, it lowered my PSA from 4.2 > 3.4. It raised my SHBG from 41 > 66, which naturally lowered my FT, E2 and DHT.

I have never had LUTS or a problem outside of a rise in PSA. No doubt if it continued to rise sooner or later I would have a problem.

Looking as BHP tissue, they have discovered LH receptors in the prostate. So I discontinued HCG as it was the only hormone likely to have caused the PSA rise. Likely in conjunction with a raised T/E2/DHT. I had been on TRT for 5 years in the past with no rise in PSA, as soon as I started TRT with HCG, I got a rapid rise.

I have yet to retest my PSA since quitting the prostate formula, btw I am 66 yr old. When I retest, I will likely test SHBG also to see if it came back down to what is normal for me.

So I would try the LEF prostate formula with no HCG (in the event you are using it).

What was your PSA level?
Hello all. I haven't posted in quite a while and I'm sorry about that. Life has been keeping me very busy and so has health problems. Being 50 sucks. so last year I posted about getting tested. I had a biopsy on my prostate ( that was not fun ) and was put on Tamsulosin HCL 0.4MG. which I thought was helping but sadly no. It helped with the urgency to go but I guess it was doing nothing to help lessen size.I still don't have to go as bad. Urgency is still lower but I just go a lot. Got some weird lung sickness in November. Wasn't pneumonia. Wasn't Bronchitis. Wasn't an Embolism ( thank god ). My asthma went nuts. So they treated me with yet more steroids. This one was inhalable. Took 3 months to get better
new year, New problems
Being 51 sucks. Sick all this year. now i'm down with neck and back problems. They had been hurting for a long time but I finally couldn't take all the pain and I started getting numbness and pain in my left arm and left leg. They just hurt with no reason. its always something. But now I guess i have worsening BPH. I can still go but its stop and go and hurts a bit. Hurts bad and almost cant go at all if I hold it till i'm full for these dam Uroflowmetry test. but that one was not nearly as bad as the Urodynamic tests. I hate cataters!!
Now we wait for results on Friday the April 5th. Wondering what to expect. I am almost positive that my TRT days are over as he tried to stop it last visit in october. now I know its coming. But what to do about my prostate. For god sake don't look online or Youtube. you see it all there. It all looks painful. If it has to be done just take it out and get it over with the first time. Some of the procedures even say it will probably need to be done again in a few years. NOPE. Just do it now and done. My baby making days are over anyway.


They are welcome as I don't really know what to do at this point.

Thinking about getting on my motorcycle and riding off into the sunset to forget about all this crap but I would have to stop and pee every 20 miles.

There is a LOT missing in your self reported history, and at first glance it seems you may have a more old school uro.

I too am going through a prostate PSA rodeo. Most recently thankfully found a more progressive urologist who agreed that even with PSA at 9.3, my PSA changes over the last couple years are not at all typical for cancer. So I asked and he ordered SelectMDX test which came back entirely negative for cancer. i.e., my research and choice of doctor helped me avoid biopsy.

He was also agreeable if things came to a need for biopsy, that MRI prior to biopsy would be better as he could do a fusion rather than TRUS biopsy.

The problems with SelectMDX and in some cases MRI prior to biopsy is they are not covered by many insurance policies which supports the mainstream use of biopsy as first follow up for high PSA. (Biopsies also make the Drs a heap of money. Urologists make more money based on doing more procedures.)

And regarding TRT, there is no indication that it caused my PSA to go haywire. I have tracked it's progression related to T dosage an there is no correlation. My uro knows this history and made absolutely no mention of discontinuing TRT.

If you have a urologist who wants to stick needles up your taint first thing, and take you off TRT without first having proper diagnosis of cancer, it may be worth finding another uro.

Another aspect which might be pertinent to you, Dr Saya mentioned this and I have found other references, is that the prostate androgen receptors are saturated with total T around 250, so higher blood levels essentially make no difference. The time when androgen deprivation becomes pertinent is when they want to put you on lupron or casodex etc and drive your T to zero because you have had prostate cancer diagnosed. Just discontinuing TRT unless it drops your total T well below 250 is not effective. If your uro does not know these things, well...

I also have LUTS, nothing new, have had for around 20 years, but is has gotten worse in the last couple years. Dr Saya advised against, but 2 other doctors recommended to try saw palmetto. I tried for a few weeks, didn't do a thing. So next step may be Alpha blocker.

You certainly have it worse than I do, but what is the plan for you? Have you been offerred anything like Rezum, Holep, stent, laser, turp etc? There are many things available for relieving BPH.

And most importantly, why do you think radical prostatectomy is a solution? Have you been diagnosed with high grade aggressive cancer? If not, RP is a ridiculous choice. Is this all your uro has to offer?

Even with aggressive cancer, RP does not statistically improve long term outcomes. Urology statistics are shorter term, but too many cancers relapse because of undetected metastisies. Look up Bob Lebowitz compassionate oncology website and videos. He covers the actually dismal statistics for surgery and radiation therapy related to high grade cancers. You have to explore all options before letting them cut.

It is frustrating that with prostate there are not better more consistent outcomes for anything. There are a bewildering number of choices depending on specific diagnosis and few clear choices though many uros want you accept only what they have to tell you. My own outlook if push comes to shove is to continue to research things to death and get at least three opinions before deciding on anything.

LOL, BTW, just prior to my last blood draw and PSA of 9.3 I had been on a overseas motorbike trip! I wonder if it provoked that high PSA number.
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I haven't been back to the Dr yet for the results. Yes its hard to pee. yes it really hurts ( sometimes ) not always. my PSA is hovering at 4.1 even while on Tamsulosin HCL 0.4MG.
I believe he told me that the medication would lower my PSA and we couldn't really count it as accurate. Now it is 1/2 what it really is??? I may be wrong on this part.
Truth is I have no idea where we are going until the appointment on friday but i'm already tired of all this. I want an answer that will end this. That's all I was saying in my post. I just drug it out in my mind as I was typing. I tend to ramble.
( what happened to being 20 and not a care in the world)?
I fell off the wagon and it ran over me.
I haven't been back to the Dr yet for the results. Yes its hard to pee. yes it really hurts ( sometimes ) not always. my PSA is hovering at 4.1 even while on Tamsulosin HCL 0.4MG.
I believe he told me that the medication would lower my PSA and we couldn't really count it as accurate. Now it is 1/2 what it really is??? I may be wrong on this part.
Truth is I have no idea where we are going until the appointment on friday but i'm already tired of all this. I want an answer that will end this. That's all I was saying in my post. I just drug it out in my mind as I was typing. I tend to ramble.
( what happened to being 20 and not a care in the world)?
I fell off the wagon and it ran over me.

Depression is a bitch. I feel you, I too have been going through anxious depressive Hell waiting for SelectMDX results up until two days ago.

For me in this context anything that helps me feel empowered helps, one of my reasons to research everything I can to help feel empowered about potential choices.

So does going for walks or motorbike rides, working out etc.

And meditation.

And in the past seeing a therapist

And CBT.

Yes Tamulosin can falsely lower PSA test results. I don't know if it is a known numerical percentage like 50%.

PSA does not always mean cancer. PSA is a flawed diagnostic tool regarding cancer. If you had a negative biopsy it is more likely that your high PSA is due to prostatitis and your BPH.

Again, my PSA is 9.3 and there is no indication of cancer, and a 98% accurate test says I don't have it.

I am not clear whether you have or have not been diagnosed with cancer. It seems not.

So, I am just trying to point out that the info you provided is unclear and confusing and with no cancer diagnosis, the PSA issue may not even be very pertinent, and you probably have good options for BPH. But you may have to do some due diligence to inform yourself what is best for you.
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Tamsolusin( Flomax ) does NOT shrink the postate. It is an alpha blocker similar to blood pressure meds. It relaxes the smooth muscles in the prostate taking pressure off the urethra and enabling urine to flow better. There is another medication similar to Flomax but newer and a little better called Rapaflo. I would try that.
Proscar and Adovart actually shrink the prostate, they are DHT blockers.
As for surgery, there is laser and a new procedure called uro- lift that causes no side effects at all except letting you empty your bladder. Its supposd to be a great option. Bph sucks! I totally feel your pain here. Try the Rapaflo for at least 2 weeks. Take it a few hours before bed. My Urologist actually uses it and he called it a miracle drug. If that doesnt work, the Uro lift is said to be an excellent option.
Depression is a bitch. I feel you, I too have been going through anxious depressive Hell waiting for SelectMDX results up until two days ago.

For me in this context anything that helps me feel empowered helps, one of my reasons to research everything I can to help feel empowered about potential choices.

So does going for walks or motorbike rides, working out etc.

And meditation.

And in the past seeing a therapist

And CBT.

Yes Tamulosin can falsely lower PSA test results. I don't know if it is a known numerical percentage like 50%.

PSA does not always mean cancer. PSA is a flawed diagnostic tool regarding cancer. If you had a negative biopsy it is more likely that your high PSA is due to prostatitis and your BPH.

Again, my PSA is 9.3 and there is no indication of cancer, and a 98% accurate test says I don't have it.

I am not clear whether you have or have not been diagnosed with cancer. It seems not.

So, I am just trying to point out that the info you provided is unclear and confusing and with no cancer diagnosis, the PSA issue may not even be very pertinent, and you probably have good options for BPH. But you may have to do some due diligence to inform yourself what is best for you.

No on the cancer. I had Hodgkins Lymphoma about 10 years ago. Chemo and radiation took care of it. It was in my neck and chest,nowhere near my prostate.
I had a biopsy last year and it came back negative.
I'm going to see the doctor on friday 4/5/19 so ill find out then.
There is a LOT missing in your self reported history, and at first glance it seems you may have a more old school uro.

I too am going through a prostate PSA rodeo. Most recently thankfully found a more progressive urologist who agreed that even with PSA at 9.3, my PSA changes over the last couple years are not at all typical for cancer. So I asked and he ordered SelectMDX test which came back entirely negative for cancer. i.e., my research and choice of doctor helped me avoid biopsy.

He was also agreeable if things came to a need for biopsy, that MRI prior to biopsy would be better as he could do a fusion rather than TRUS biopsy.

The problems with SelectMDX and in some cases MRI prior to biopsy is they are not covered by many insurance policies which supports the mainstream use of biopsy as first follow up for high PSA. (Biopsies also make the Drs a heap of money. Urologists make more money based on doing more procedures.)

And regarding TRT, there is no indication that it caused my PSA to go haywire. I have tracked it's progression related to T dosage an there is no correlation. My uro knows this history and made absolutely no mention of discontinuing TRT.

If you have a urologist who wants to stick needles up your taint first thing, and take you off TRT without first having proper diagnosis of cancer, it may be worth finding another uro.

Another aspect which might be pertinent to you, Dr Saya mentioned this and I have found other references, is that the prostate androgen receptors are saturated with total T around 250, so higher blood levels essentially make no difference. The time when androgen deprivation becomes pertinent is when they want to put you on lupron or casodex etc and drive your T to zero because you have had prostate cancer diagnosed. Just discontinuing TRT unless it drops your total T well below 250 is not effective. If your uro does not know these things, well...

I also have LUTS, nothing new, have had for around 20 years, but is has gotten worse in the last couple years. Dr Saya advised against, but 2 other doctors recommended to try saw palmetto. I tried for a few weeks, didn't do a thing. So next step may be Alpha blocker.

You certainly have it worse than I do, but what is the plan for you? Have you been offerred anything like Rezum, Holep, stent, laser, turp etc? There are many things available for relieving BPH.

And most importantly, why do you think radical prostatectomy is a solution? Have you been diagnosed with high grade aggressive cancer? If not, RP is a ridiculous choice. Is this all your uro has to offer?

Even with aggressive cancer, RP does not statistically improve long term outcomes. Urology statistics are shorter term, but too many cancers relapse because of undetected metastasizes. Look up Bob Lebowitz compassionate oncology website and videos. He covers the actually dismal statistics for surgery and radiation therapy related to high grade cancers. You have to explore all options before letting them cut.

It is frustrating that with prostate there are not better more consistent outcomes for anything. There are a bewildering number of choices depending on specific diagnosis and few clear choices though many euros want you accept only what they have to tell you. My own outlook if push comes to shove is to continue to research things to death and get at least three opinions before deciding on anything.

LOL, BTW, just prior to my last blood draw and PSA of 9.3 I had been on a overseas motorbike trip! I wonder if it provoked that high PSA number.

No cancer as of now. Biopsy was done.
I looked into the things you posted and i see several alternatives. I was frustrated when I posted and just want this over with. I go back this friday and see what is next.
while on my meds the PSA is off. I don't remember what the numbers where but it did get high. The ( going ) problem is the real key here and I have a worn trail from the bed to the bathroom so to speak.
if he can fix that and not destroy my love life I will be very happy.
He had stopped the testosterone to see what would happen with the PSA and the passing urine. It may have eased the flow problem a little but he told me to start it back up again.
I will update after the appointment
Hello all. I haven't posted in quite a while and I'm sorry about that. Life has been keeping me very busy and so has health problems. Being 50 sucks.
Thinking about getting on my motorcycle and riding off into the sunset to forget about all this crap but I would have to stop and pee every 20 miles.

It's a shame that you feel this way, but I get it. There are always better options than "riding off into the sunset", I hope you get the support and results you need. Namaste
Ok....... went to my doctor and got my results. On there scale from 10 being no problem at all to a 0 meaning you can’t pass any at all. I fall in as a 3. All those flow tests confirmed what I was already aware of. As bad as I hate to admit, I have to have surgery.
He said they use the green laser surgery most of the time and have good results.
Of corse they tell you what might happen too. My surgery is going to be May 5th
I’m also allowed to keep using my testosterone. He said that it helps more than you think.
So.... here I go. I’m actually ready. This has to end somewhere. It starts May 5th.
Wish me luck.

I’m not riding off into the sunset. I’m going to sit and watch it for a change.
Ok....... went to my doctor and got my results. On there scale from 10 being no problem at all to a 0 meaning you can’t pass any at all. I fall in as a 3. All those flow tests confirmed what I was already aware of. As bad as I hate to admit, I have to have surgery.
He said they use the green laser surgery most of the time and have good results.
Of corse they tell you what might happen too. My surgery is going to be May 5th
I’m also allowed to keep using my testosterone. He said that it helps more than you think.
So.... here I go. I’m actually ready. This has to end somewhere. It starts May 5th.
Wish me luck.

I’m not riding off into the sunset. I’m going to sit and watch it for a change.

Here is an older thread PSA Worry...
regarding PSA and Nelson has a post where he states:

"Super effective to restore pee flow. But I would not recommend the green laser to anyone. The main side effect that is not explained to patients is retrograde ejaculation (you shoot to your bladder instead of normally through your gland). Not fun to cum dry"


Not sure if he still feels this way.....hopefully he will reply.

I am sure you are well aware of possible complications.

I wish you all the best.

What Is New with Sexual Side Effects After Transurethral Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptom Surgery?

Malte Rieken a,b, *, Tiago Antunes-Lopes c,d , Bogdan Geavlete e,f , Tom Marcelissen g , on behalf of the EAU Young Academic Urologists Functional Urology and BPH Group

Transurethral resection of the prostate as well as laser prostatectomy (by either holmium laser enucleation of the prostate or
Greenlight laser vaporization) is associated with risks of sexual dysfunction such as antegrade ejaculation and occasionally erectile dysfunction. While ejaculation-sparing variations of these techniques show promising results, larger multicenter studies are needed to confirm promising data. Prostatic urethral lift maintains erectile and ejaculatory function at 5-yr follow-up. The same is true for the 3-yr data on the Rezum system. Recently, Aquablation has shown promising results; however, these 6-mo data need to be confirmed during longer follow-up. An individualized, shared decision-making process based on clinical parameters and patient preference is warranted to select the ideal treatment option for each patient.

Patient summary: Sexual dysfunction such as loss of ejaculation and, less frequently, erectile dysfunction can occur after transurethral prostate surgery. Ejaculation sparing modifications as well as minimally invasive alternatives show promising results. An individualized approach is warranted to select the ideal technique for each patient.

4. Conclusions

TURP as well as other established surgical techniques for BPO treatment can be associated with deterioration of sexual function such as ED and retrograde ejaculation. While conflicting data have been published on the impact of these techniques on erectile function as well as sexual satisfaction, retrograde ejaculation is reported in a majority of men after surgery. Ejaculation-sparing modification techniques are promising but need to be further confirmed in larger high-quality multicenter studies. Among minimally invasive techniques, PUL, the Rezum system, and Aquablation show significant improvement of preservation of sexual function. Each of these procedures has its specific advantages and limitations. While PUL is not ideal for patients with a median lobe, it can be offered under local anesthesia and in an outpatient setting. While this is also true for the Rezum system, Aquablation needs to be performed under anesthesia. Thus, it is crucial to tailor surgical BPO treatment to individual needs of each man, with particular characteristics to choose the ideal alternative and achieve the best possible functional outcomes, patient satisfaction, and quality of life.


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I use 5mg Cialis Daily for BPH. It seems to have helped. I don’t have near the trouble I used to.

As for your suggestion of having your prostate removed since your baby making days are over, I think that’s a bad idea. If you want a good sex life you want to kept your prostate.

My PSA level move up 75% in 5 months, 2.4>4.2, I quit HCG & DHEA then took LEF ultra prostate formula causing it to move down to 3.4, the way it seemed to work was to raise my SHBG from 42>66 which lowered my FT, E2 and DHT.

But I have no LUTS. The prostate formula is reported by a majority to work for LUTS, but maybe your problem is too advanced.

Personally I would first try the LEF stuff, then finasteride or dutasteride, then surgery.

KennyT, you seem to be at the end of your rope, so good luck on your upcoming surgery.
No on the cancer. I had Hodgkins Lymphoma about 10 years ago. Chemo and radiation took care of it. It was in my neck and chest,nowhere near my prostate.
I had a biopsy last year and it came back negative.
I'm going to see the doctor on friday 4/5/19 so ill find out then.

Kenny are you taking any pain killers? You mentioned severe back pain.

McMahon GC, Panuganti S, Wilson M, Thalody K, Mueller TJ



INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) with associated lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) has a significant impact on quality of life. Multi-institutional projects have demonstrated Prostatic urethral lift (PUL) as a minimally invasive procedure with strong 5-year durability, minimal side effect profile, and no associated erectile or ejaculatory dysfunction. Long term single series data are needed. This studies purpose was to report on, to our knowledge, the largest single surgeon series of PUL.

METHODS: We completed a retrospective chart review of men who underwent PUL in the office from June 2016 to May 2018. PUL, also known as Urolift (NeoTract, Pleasanton, CA, USA), was performed in the office by a single surgeon. International prostatic symptom score (IPSS), quality of life (QOL), and post void residuals (PVR) were recorded at baseline and at subsequent office visits. A paired-samples T-test was used to compare pre and post treatment values.

RESULTS: We identified 156 men who had undergone a PUL. Descriptive statistics demonstrated an average age of 69 ± 11.9, prostate volume of 53.9 ± 29.1, number of implants used 5.5 ± 0.9, and post-operative catheter duration of 1.6 ± 1.8 days. When comparing IPSS, QOL, and PVR 151, 142, and 116 paired samples were available and the mean follow up period was 7.6 ± 5.8 [Range 0.5-24] months. IPSS values improved significantly 65% from 18.9 ± 7.4 to 6.7 ± 5.0 (-12.2 ± 7.7 p<0.05). QOL improved significantly 59% from 4.1 ± 1.3 to 1.7 ± 1.3 (-2.4 ± 1.7 p<0.05). Similarly, PVR decreased significantly 58% from 153.1 ± 232.8 to 64.2 ± 125.4 (-88.9 ± 150.6 p<0.05).

CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge, this is the largest single surgeon series reported on PUL. Our data demonstrated statistically significant improvement in IPSS 65%, QOL 59%, and PVR 58% at an average of 7.6 months. As our data set matures we hope to externally validate prior studies as well as report on patient group previous excluded from PUL, including patients in urinary retention, prostate volumes <30 or >80 grams, and having prior prostate interventions.
sorry. I went out of town to help move my daughter from Florida to Pennsylvania. what a road trip that was. Drive time = thinking time. and boy did I do just that.
I will read into all the things that you all sent me and I will take in all concentrations.
as for retrograde ejaculations... who cares really. My baby making days are way over anyway ( thank god )... but I am going to read read read. I hate surgeries anyway so Im looking for a way out and the doctor know this anyway. I just want to be around to see grandbabies. But not like tomorrow or next week.
Thanks for all the replies.......
FYI May 5th is now May 28th.
My Partner at work will be on vacation that week and I forgot.. So almost another month to wait. MORE TIME TO READ.....
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Hello All. I read, I thought, I hurt. and I talked with the doctors and a nurse from my Aetna insurance provider. I even called my sister ( who is a a licensed nurse ) in California. I went off the Tamsulosin to see what would happen and started some natural stuff my sister sent me to try. the pain got way worse and I couldn't pee almost at all within a week.

I had the surgery. It took forever at the hospital but the procedure took like one hour I think. I was kind of out of it.

Week one
( I HATE catheters )!!!! It hurt worse than the actual surgery. I only had it for 24 hours but that's enough. Bleeding and burning when I pee, BUT DAM !!! I can pee........

Week two
Still bleeding. freaks me out to pass a blood clot. Guys are not suppose to do this LOL..
bleeding is slowly getting better. Doc says this is normal and not to panic unless it looks like pure blood. Pain is almost completely gone. By the ind of this week its almost stopped completely.

Week three starts next Tuesday.
Hello All. I read, I thought, I hurt. and I talked with the doctors and a nurse from my Aetna insurance provider. I even called my sister ( who is a a licensed nurse ) in California. I went off the Tamsulosin to see what would happen and started some natural stuff my sister sent me to try. the pain got way worse and I couldn't pee almost at all within a week.

I had the surgery. It took forever at the hospital but the procedure took like one hour I think. I was kind of out of it.

Week one
( I HATE catheters )!!!! It hurt worse than the actual surgery. I only had it for 24 hours but that's enough. Bleeding and burning when I pee, BUT DAM !!! I can pee........

Week two
Still bleeding. freaks me out to pass a blood clot. Guys are not suppose to do this LOL..
bleeding is slowly getting better. Doc says this is normal and not to panic unless it looks like pure blood. Pain is almost completely gone. By the ind of this week its almost stopped completely.

Week three starts next Tuesday.

All the best in your recovery/outcome!

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