Question: Pharmaceutically restimulating the hormonal axis


New Member

I was a patient of Dr Mark Gordon's in 2016. He does the treatment of brain injury focused on the hormonal disturbances, and should be known to many of you.

There is a close correlation of brain damage and hormonal disturbance, since the organs that monitor and stimulate hormonal production, are in the head.

Therefore I am including that information in my introduction.

I suffered a brain injury in the military, much earlier than 2016, and like so many veterans, there is no real coverage. The VA is a myth peddled to the naive; please don't bring it up (Have you tried muh VA?), and I'm glad if they made you a prostesis and it's helping you. The reality is, a few people get real assistance, the rest get the curb; cannon fodder - from day 1.

I have disability income of $1k a month. I need to know, if, up-front it's worth spending the time contacting Dr's (like Defy), as, having lived overseas, I know how little, real medicine is covered by insurance, and how the rest costs 10x it's rationally affordable value. I barely scrape by on disability as it is, with no medical expenses.

In mid-2016, after some investigation, paid for by a local foundation - as insurance meant to help me off disability, unironically pays for none of this - I had hyperbaric therapy.

I also, I had two blood tests about 6 months apart, separately, in mid and late 2016, ordered by Dr. Gordon. Another foundation paid for Dr. Gordon's time, tests, and initial prescription. He prescribed and had sent, 20mg clomaphene eod. After 90 days, the levels of test were only 425 from 350, and I couldn't feel a thing.

I also had finished a month of Dr. Neubauer's hyperbaric protocol - which I DID feel an effect from.

So, when the clomid prescription ran out, with a way-overpriced bill of $150 for 45 days of 20mg/d from a local US pharmacy, I stopped. I put it on the back burner.

Looking for another session of hyperbaric in 2017, but lacking any money even to pay a low $3,000 fee, I found out about and participated in something else: PRTMS. It helped somewhat.

While neural noise has been reduced, getting neurons to fire in a wave as a group, my neural patterns are yet incorrect, with too much activity at 9hz, split away from slightly less pronounced central activity at 10hz. 'Twin peaks'. And no, I don't watch TV, so I couldn't make a joke about it. Like hyperbaric, I assume in prtms, it's necessary to treat, then wait a certain period of time (6-9 months) to see where things settle. Then retreat as necessary until the desired effect has been achieved.

A second potential prtms treatment is $4,200. Since my first, it has been shortened to 3 weeks of twice-a-day. Of course, not covered by insurance. Since the local facility had closed, it was necessary in 2018, to travel over 1,500 miles over many months, to get to another one to get a follow-up scan.

It was only through the graciousness of the owner of the now-nearby facility, that the $450 initial fee was waived to get the 5 minute EEG done, and the results sent to UCSD for further analysis.

Which showed, from their more detailed analysis: short term memory issues, anxiety, and ringing in the ears. I had mentally blocked-out the ringing, but awareness of it came back, along awareness of the anxiety.

That scan was done in the last month.

Going back again in time to the spring of 2018, after Dr. Gordon in 2016 and prtms in 2017, I revisited the question of pharmaceutically restimulating the hormonal axis. I did a little reading. I talked with a few people. I found a site I was comfortable with, who 'returned calls'.

I received enough for 100mg/day of clomid, 20mg/day of tamoxifen, and 25mg/day of proviron (mesterolone). I'd say it cost about $60/m.

I couldn't afford also getting HCG. I took the dosage daily, and after two days already felt better. The results faded after stopping. That was all about the summer of 2018.

When I could beg for some more money, I ordered HCG too, and Sustamed (4 kinds of T), just in case, but eventually made plans to take the same oral regimine, adding 3x 5,000IU of HCG, at 1x 5,000IU once a week.

As I didn't have quite the equipment, I couldn't take the HCG injections along with the clomid, and ended up doing the same thing as previously (clomid/tam/pro).
Some weeks later, I had then acquired what I needed to take the HCG, and took tamoxifen and proviron with it. 3 weeks of HCG later, I was feeling ok, and ceased taking anything, with a single injection of sustamed (1ml/300mg) a few weeks later, along with oral AI and SERM for that week or two, of tamoxifen and proviron.

I am considering now getting 5x HCG, clomid, tamoxifen and proviron, for a 60-90 day period. I can't afford $100+ blood tests. I may be able to beg for the money for them. I can't afford out of pocket costs for physicians, and I really doubt the lousy local insurance for disability will pay for any of it, even the Dr's time.

Strictly with the prtms, if I could miraculously give birth to $4k - but as we know only monopoly bankers can do that - I would get that (too). My prospects for employment or independent work are low, until I get the prtms and hormonal issues addressed.

Thank you.
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Several things that might help you..
- If the HBOT was helping but it costs 3000, it sounds like you were doing the hard-shelled higher pressure version. You might try the soft-shelled lower pressure version which is much less expensive. I was quoted 80 per session although I have not tried it yet.
- All day chemist is s a good source for clomid and tamox. They are inexpensive and there are other threads on here discussing them and other similar sources
- You HCG dosages sounds very high. Not sure what you are trying to accomplish there.

What exactly is your near-term goal? *** oil seems to be effective for many brain injuries. I tried it for ringing ears and it did not help much for me but it was very helpful for reducing overall aches and pains. Also, ketones (via diet or expensive supplements) are very effective for anything neurological.
Spokane Hyperbaric, was, is, a very reasonable price for HBOT. 40 treatments, which is the researched-backed Neubauer protocol, at $3,000, is $75 per dive, in a true hyberbaric chamber. It is based on a sliding scale, on income, since 2017. I paid $5k in 2016, through a foundation, which was still very reasonable for a professional medical facility, will all dive-certified technicians, medically-supervised by an M.D.

'Soft-shell' hyberbaric bags can only go to 1.3 atmospheres, which is below the 1.5 specification for Neubauer. I know the lower-pressure hyperbaric has been hawked by people selling hyperbaric treatments, but it is not a valid, long-term solution.

I can't see how *** would permanently fix brain timing issues. I could see how it could provide temporary relief like pain relief. PrTMS has already helped me. But like hyperbaric, it's necessary to get it, wait a certain period of time to see where the neurons settle-out at, and then rescan and calculate a new prescription. The rescan is also done inbetween sets of therapy sessions, to see if the prescription needs to be changed.

I already eat a very keto diet.
So as far as hormonal therapy goes, you can try Clomid monotherapy again. Not sure how you were doing 20mg EOD, because they only come in 50mg tabs, as far as I know. But, 20mg EOD clearly wasn’t enough to get your levels high enough. So you can try 25mg ED, and see if that works any better.

So the other thing is that you don’t need to use tamoxifen or HCG with the clomid. Tamoxifen and clomid do very similar things, I don’t see there being a lot of benefit to using it concurrently with clomid. HCG I know for sure shouldn’t be used with clomid. Clomid stimulates your pituitary to release FSH and LH, which then will stimulate your leydig cells to produce testosterone. HCG, on the other hand, is suppressive and shuts down your natural FSH and LH. HCG is an LH analogue, and bypasses the pituitary and stimulates the leydig cells directly. So it’s not good to take Clomid, which stimulates the pituitary to produce FSH and LH, and also take HCG, which is suppressive, and shuts down FSH and LH from being released from the pituitary. Your telling your body to do two opposite things. So no need to take clomid and HCG together. Choose only one. It’s also a waste of money to do both. HCG is used to stimulate the leydig cells with LH, but if you’re on clomid, the clomid already stimulates the leydig cells with LH. So it’s literally pointless to do both at the same time.

But overall, why not just go on TRT? A bottle of testosterone is around $20 with a goodrx coupon, and that would last you months. TRT doesn’t have to be expensive. It can be if you go to an expensive clinic, or are on multiple compounds at one time.
You have been messing around with your "HPTA" reset protocol. Here is a simple one that may work. By the way, Proviron (DHT analog not approved in the US) suppresses HPTA. Low dose clomid at 25 mg per day can work but you have to give it time. There is no agreement on what the best HPTA reset protocol is, but all agree on using Clomid. Most guys don't feel well with doses over 25 mg per day. Some are able to do OK on 12.5 mg. hCG up front of the cycle may work, but it is not mandatory.

How to Stop Testosterone Safely and Possibly Reset Your Hormonal Axis - ExcelMale

Coming off TRT- Defy HPTA Reset Protocol

Dr. Scally's most current Restart Protocol?

Getting Off Testosterone or Anabolics? You May Want to Read These PCT protocols
You have been messing around with your "HPTA" reset protocol.

Thank you, Nelson.

Also, I thought someone posted it here, but now I don't see it: What are the actual costs involved for labs and consultation? I need to know because on what I am paid per month, I cannot afford it on my own. I need to be able to say "It costs x amount of money."

I never saw your baseline testosterone before all your experiments. If it was low, chances are that "HPTA reset" will not work. This approach is usually more effective in young men with normal testosterone who used anabolic steroids for weeks.

Just get this done after 12 weeks of finishing your HPTA protocol. No big deal. I am assuming that you have all meds. By the way, Proviron is DHT based and will shut down your HPTA. Just follow any of the protocols I listed. No agreement on what the best protocol is since there is zero comparison data, so all doctors speculate.

Post PCT Panel

If your total T is under 450 ng/dL and your LH and FSH are low, then you know it did not work.
Only images, not PFDs, can be inside the post as shown
adding a photo to forum post on Xenforo2.webp

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I meant I could not send the results directly in a DM to you.
It took me awhile to get back to you. Should be attached to this post.


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Thank you, Nelson.

Also, I thought someone posted it here, but now I don't see it: What are the actual costs involved for labs and consultation? I need to know because on what I am paid per month, I cannot afford it on my own. I need to be able to say "It costs x amount of money."

Nelson is out of the country and I am responding to this particular post in his absence.

You can calculate the cost of lab work - absent a doctor's order - at (Nelson owns it and many of us use it). All prices are clearly listed.

Contact Defy and Prime Body directly and ask about costs. Tell them, up front, you are only gathering data. They should not upsell or pressure you.
Contact Defy and Prime Body directly and ask about costs. Tell them, up front, you are only gathering data. They should not upsell or pressure you.

CoastWatcher, can you possibly DM me with who I need to call (phone call)?

I haven't replied in a long time, about a year. I had this thread on my mind, repeatedly. However, I didn't have the money to do anything, and insurance doesn't actually pay for what it takes to make someone truly better; as on the whole, the insurance scam is about making people sick(er).

I started working full-time after 10+ years of not being able to work, to be able to afford the costs of recovery.

January 2019 was my initial post above. To catch you up, 6 months later, in June/July, I got a 'gently used' StimTens device for nearly $300 - essentially a $30 TENS unit reprogrammed to do cranial electrical stimulation, inflated in cost by several hundred dollars (Fisher-Wallace and AlphaStim are other brands).

While I could not afford to keep it, the effects of 3 weeks of 2x daily 30 minute sessions improved my neurology enough, that despite sending it back, I was able to go back to school, and then work.

I was only guestimating that I'd have the stamina for a M-F 8 hour-a-day class, plus driving. I made it, and graduated top of my class, and got an offer to work. I have a desire to do well, however, my stamina and focus and such has been greatly affected by low-testosterone visa-vi brain injury.

I want to leave the following comment for others, as this site is indexed, searchable, and some of you may be personally-affected:

We were housed in contaminated barracks (2002), built in the 80's, as the Army's 'specification' was a 3/4" filter of fiberglass mesh that, filters nothing (MERV rating of 1.. out of 20. Typical pleated poly filters are 12-13). Hundreds of thousands of new soldiers must have passed through those barracks between 1990 and 2015. Figure 5 years of organic build-up, before mold spores trigger massive outbreaks of respiratory infections within the first 3 weeks of Basic, around 1990. A report, dated 1997, by several doctors with rank in the military, detailed critical information, so if anyone was alive afterwards, they could make a claim. Considering the state of the military, that's probably the best the doctors could do. I forgive them for putting in a 'conclusion' that recommended more vaccination, as they were looking for those cushy jobs in pharma after leaving office. At least they documented the problem.

The starvation of oxygen from partly-closed bronchial's, from sleeping in a contaminated barracks for 8 hours a night, (plus a 1,500ppm CO2 level, over the EPA 1,000PPM limit*) coupled with pushing oneself hard to do your best, led to IQ reduction, character and personality change in a large number of soldiers (and sometimes, weeks of oxygen starvation followed by death**), via moderate to severe traumatic brain injury, which later would resurface as out-of-character decision making, 'accidents', and other mishaps the soldier would be disciplined for, having no idea they had been severely brain-damaged in basic training (of all places). It can take several months, to years, for the effects of brain damage to surface.

I left, reporting on the criminality in my current unit, many months later, having not gotten any substantial support for what I didn't realize was, a severe TBI. While I had blacked-out during Basic, I had forgotten about the incident, putting it behind me as soon as I took the 12-hour dilators the outpatient clinic was handing out like candy. Sadly, others died after weeks of oxygen starvation. See attachments.

* "Environmental (Indoor Air Quality) Data: Levels of CO2 in "Starship" type barracks (2/60th InfBn) were noted to consistently exceed NIOSH threshold limits of 1,000 ppm throughout sleeping hours. Peak levels occurred during troop concentration times at 2100 and 0500hrs. ... In general, the CO2 threshold level is exceeded whenever greater than 40 trainees occupy the sleeping bay area; peak levels are reached rapidly within 15-30 minutes of entry." - Epidemiologic Consultation No. 29-HE-8062-97, Investigation of Adenovirus and Acute Respiratory Disease (ARD) among Recruits. Nov-Dec 1997, U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine (USACHPPM)

** Army recruit Dale Patterson lost consciousness less than a mile into a required run and collapsed on a dusty road at Fort Sill, Okla. When he came to, he was cradled in the arms of another recruit. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” Patterson managed to whisper. Then he stopped breathing. "Illness taking grim toll at nation's boot camps", Seattle Times, Dec 2004.

Guided by Voices said:
Yes, brother. I advocate a low-carb, high-fat moderate-protein diet, like our ancestors. And when you go to the ripped guys who obviously know what they are doing, as opposed to a 'Dr' who has a port-belly and golf-game, they will tell you that the brain running on ketones is healthy, and that a carb based diet is actually destructive to neurology. Plus, my ancestors herded reindeer, etc, that type of thing. Carbs just give me gas and upset my biology.


From Jan 2020:

WBC 5.8
RBC 4.96
Hemoglobin 14.6
Hematocrit 42.9
MCV 87
MCH 29.4
RDW 13
Platelets 165
Neutrophils 55
Lymps 35
Monocytes 8
Eos 1
Basos 1
Neurophils (abs) 3.2
Lymphs (abs) 2.0
Monocytes (abs) 0.5
Baso (abs) 0.0
Immature Granulocytes 0
Immature Grans (abs) 0

Glucose 80
BUN 20
Creatinine 1.02
eGFR If NonAfrican Am 88
eGFR If Africn Am 102
BUN/Creatinine Ratio 20
Sodium 139
Potassium 4.2
Chloride 99
CO2 23
Calcium 9.0
Protein 7.2
Albumin 4.6
Globulin 2.6
A/G Ratio 1.8
Bilirubin 0.7
Alkaline Phosphatase 60

Chol 214
Tri 53
HDL 64
LDL 139
T Chol/HDL 3.3

Testosterone, Free and Total (this was done about 2-4 hours prior to normal sleep).
Serum 418
Free Test 8.7
DHEA-Sulfate 144.0
TSH 2.170
LH 6.4
PSA Serum 0.7
IGF-1 102
Estradiaol 25.1
SHBG 39.2

Someone said blue spruce essential oil triggers testosterone? Not on this forum but through a friend I heard about it. Any ideas on this?

And the conference with the doc, he said my brain is screaming at my testes to make testosterone, but they may be 'maxxed out' and one reason for that, is my DHEA is low. As a result, I've been taking DHEA before bed daily.
... And the conference with the doc, he said my brain is screaming at my testes to make testosterone, but they may be 'maxxed out' and one reason for that, is my DHEA is low. ...
With this characterization we'd expect to see LH near or above the top of the range, usually around 10 mIU/mL. Yours is not close to that.

Your Tru-T free testosterone is 12 ng/dL, below the healthy normal range of 16-31. With the normal LH this result is pointing more towards hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, aka secondary, meaning your brain isn't calling strongly enough for testosterone. Providing more raw material in the form of DHEA may not help that much.

I just noticed the timing of your test. Typically a few hours before sleep is when testosterone is lowest in natural men. You need to get a reading a couple hours after getting up; around 8-9 am is the peak time for most men.

First, thanks to the forum members for your support. If it wasn't for everyone that responded to this thread, I wouldn't have felt as informed and aware of what steps to take next, to get this done. It might seem like forever - I started posting January of 2019 - it took that long to get economically situated and recovered enough, so that i could work to pay for these expensive therapies. Therapies that insurance, naturally doesn't pay for - because it's a scam.

The previous lab results were from January, 2020-01-21. Testosterone was 418. See posted above.
The following are the lab results from March: 2020-03-12. Testosterone was 673.
January's labs were followed by treatment with:
- 12.5mg/d enclomiphene citrate, changed within 2 weeks to 25mg/d, that being 25mg/d at minimum 10 days prior to the next (3-12-2020) blood draw.
- Anastrozole 0.125mg 2-3/w, &
- Vitamins D3/K2 10k units, Magnesium bisglycinate 400mg/d, Zinc 15mg/d, Triple Boron 9-20mg/d, DHEA 75mg/d &
- I2 (iodine) 50-100mg/d, Selenium 100mcg/d &
- Sardines, wild caught in olive oil, 1x tin nearly daily for lunch (M-F)

2020-03-12 LABS Free Testosterone 11.9, total 673, DHEA-S not taken, SHGB 39.3, IGF-1 86, IGF-BP3 not taken, Estradiol 30.4, LH 10
Followed by treatment with (added to prior list of daily supplements)
- Red light therapy 5min/d, Ashwangandha KSM-66 600mg/d, Jarrow B-Right Complex 1x/d

Immediately after those March labs came back, on about Friday of the same week, on that Sunday, the 15th of March, I ordered more enclomiphene citrate, as I had maybe 6 capsules of 12.5mg remaining. Keep in mind it takes the one pharmacy available, in all of the states, that compounds it, about a week to fill the order, then it has to be shipped. I had been working, in order to be able to pay for my medication, doctor's examinations and labs, as insurance pays for nothing that actually makes you healthy. I had enough energy to work, sleep and repeat. It was a 40 hour a week job. With driving, preparing, I was up at 2AM (or earlier), and finished at 1330; got home around 1430.

I quit last Tuesday, the 17th of March, having started in the beginning of December, about 4 months. Part of the reason for no updates on this forum, was I was too exhausted with such a low testosterone count, and years of that. And Clownworld is meh.

So I would say I had a Testosterone of 673, for about 3 weeks, while i was on 25mg/day of Enclomiphene Citrate. The IGF-1 being low, at 86, was causing, or related to causing, poor quality sleep, and a combined side effect of my situation and the treatment. In order to raise it, ibutamoren was suggested, a peptide apparently, at 25mg/day before sleep. The price through their pharmacy was over $400 for 90 days, way over my pay grade, especially given I had just quit. I had only been making $16.50 an hour; in real world wages, quite a drop from the '70's, not enough to support a family on, or pay for my medical bills. [hence making fun of companies that say they are 'family companies', when they don't pay enough to support yourself properly, let alone a family].

Looking up Ibutamoren, I see it's a peptide. Also called MK 677, and available for less than $100 for a 30 day supply. So, less than $300 for 90 days. Still pricey but meh. Possibly 'ipamorelin' is a substitute... or a different name for the same thing? I'm not sure. I'm looking around. MK-677 Reviews (Ibutamoren): Nutrobal MK 677 Working, Pros & Cons

So, where I'm at: I'm unemployed at the moment. I'm not taking my medication cause I've run out. I've got some money saved for different projects, that needed to be done, and some money saved for medical. I've already paid the $200 for 100 capsules of 12.5mg of enclomiphene, and now have the additional info on the MK 677. So I'm going to have to see about getting some of that, if you have suggestions, and I don't know how long I'm going to have to be on the enclomiphene for.

2021-04-01 Update:

Around September 2020, several months later, I ordered the Ibutamoren. $400/90 days. I got the money from a family member as I caved after months of exhaustion: I could not afford it, but I also could not afford continued months of fatigue and poor mental health. Started taking it as soon as it arrived, during October. I immediately felt better, after having bad fatigue during the summer, and instead of getting much done, having mostly just the energy to lay in bed. I now had 90 days or less, to try to get my finances together to be able to afford continued therapy, on slightly more than $1000/m income.

I was able to make a public statement in front of the State disability hearings board, during October 2020, partly due to feeling so much better and mentally sharper on the raised IGF, that I could formulate a statement, that 'I had gotten nowhere in a over a year with their services', and was only briefly able to work out of an urgency to raise money for my own medical treatment, not covered by Medicare, during an upswing in my health.

I spent the summer being unemployed, and very tired. On Ibutamoren, I felt better, but then that ran out, while there was still not as much progress on getting work as I needed so I could afford medication. At least someone from the Governor's office, due to my October statement in public, had put in a call directly to Voc-Rehab, that someone competent should be put on my case. And the counselor was gradually working me through the process of enrolling.

Because I have blood tests, twice from 2016, and 2020 January March and - now December 2020 (which I will attach, which show my testosterone back to 350) - and was enrolled with DEFY (since Jan 2020), today, I asked DEFY to write a letter of medical necessity, that Voc-Rehab could use to justify spending the money on my medical treatment.

I am in a Catch-22: If I'm not better, I can't work. If I can't work, I can't afford the treatment to be better. I have good hopes that DEFY staff will come through and produce a letter I can turn over to Voc-Rehab, and that Voc-Rehab in turn will be able to lay down the $1,500 or so, it may take, to get me on my feet until I can pay for medication and therapy myself.

I want to take a moment out, to thank Nelsen, and the other members of the board, who have posted here and also in DM's, with their wealth of knowledge on men's health. When looking for funding sources to help with medical expenses, those way more well-heeled, I got pushback like 350ng/dl is healthy-normal for someone in their mid-20's, and that 700-800 is 'extreme'. I laughed. And I cried: with so much disinfo out there, much like 'normal' TSH levels, it's based on numbers from an unhealthy population. Those numbers likely further changed and mis-represented, because the number-fiddlers at the top, want a docile population to manipulate, not healthy, strong men.

Because of the confidence that Vergel's books, and the TOTB, and the messages of the people on this forum have instilled in me, I was able to easily refute the un-sourced statements reflective of rumors spread by a broken medical 'sick care' system, that knows nothing of optimal health.


@Deno Welcome! Let me see what I can do. Are you on Medicare due to age or disability?
Disability. I was 'lucky' enough, to realize I could not work after getting out of uniform, and for the first time in my life, went to a State Welfare office. Had never been in one before, and didn't know what to expect. Happened to be one of the few States that makes an assessment and has a program when you say 'I can't work': they figure it out. Which is what I said. I didn't know why I couldn't work at the time. I didn't remember what had happened to me.

They did their own in-house mini-assessment, then sent it to Social Security. Then Social Security did theirs. This is all within months, not more than a year. As a result, there is an eligibility date and diagnosis of 'the after-affects of severe brain damage' inextricably linked to my time in service. But the top of the military (board, pentagoon etc) does not want to touch it. They are all too interested in using replaceable, discardable bodies and weapons, to pad their pockets with millions, and their chest with empty tin stars, while blowing hot-air up the ass of the naive. I suggest the movie "Pentagon Wars", starring Kelsey Grammer, based on the true book written by James G. Burton, who, being one of the few honest people of higher rank, had to retire. MILITARY DISSENTER ENDURED ADVERSITY BUT WON BRASS RING
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Attached, you'll find a report showing the filters in the barracks only captured 60% of 'large carpet fibers' - only there's no carpeting in barracks. Dust, you-name-it, goes right through. And builds up inside ducts, never cleaned. And that the CO2 level went to 1,500PPM at night, 50% over the EPA limit. We could infer then, that the self-exhaled CO that the body creates from breakdown of cortisol, was also excessive. The report was published in '97. Changes weren't made until 2015, at the earliest. That's 20 years of brain-damaging new recruits from hypoxia; as the very first thing they did every morning was run for miles, starving their brains of oxygen. Your bronchials remain restricted, having tightened up due to the hairs inside, detecting mold and dust from the HVAC system while you slept. Underdesigned and undermaintained - U.S. military standards!

I write all this, because there are hundreds of thousands of veterans who have nothing to show for it, being turned-out due to mental illness, with brain damage starting in basic training. That they were unaware of, and didn't claim, when, later, they likely had a higher expectation of performance, than they were capable of, broke equipment or got someone killed, and got boarded-out. A drop in IQ, change in character and personality, a lack of inhibition control, are all common after hypoxic brain damage. But if they don't know they had initial brain damage and so did not claim it at their hearing, they will be forced out with nothing: no VA etc. They can, spend years like me, going back and forth with the fraudulent 'Board', to get the records corrected, but the same fat-ass tin-star worthless psychopaths sit at the top, and they don't want to open the can of worms if they honor the fact, that their system brain-damaged recruits from the very first day.


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