Nelson is right, the shoulder in the best injection site...


New Member
When I first started TRT, I was a noob and went for the leg injections but that did not last long because of the soreness.

Then I read all the rage about subQ and started injecting into the fat around my stomach area. What I found was that my free test dropped and my estradiol got to high. Plus, I didn't FEEL as good.

Then I took Nelson's advise and started injecting in the shoulders. I was a little hesitant for some silly reason (Fear?)

Well, come to find out, it's completely painless, and I don't get sore at all.

So, shallow IM works for me much better than subQ. I can really feel the difference. My energy and mood is way up again. I'm not sure if any of this is psychological or not.

I'm using 27g 1/2" needle shallow IM. I push it all the way into my shoulder. I'm loving it so far and plan on staying with this indefinitely.

Anyone else feel a difference doing shallow IM vs. SubQ?
I felt test cyp subq in the abdominal area was less effective for me also. No data to back that up. All subjective. My favorite area is lateral quad. Like 3oclock or 9oclock on the thigh mid quad.

I also recently found hcg seems more effective for me injecting into love handles where i have some fat vs in the abdominal area where i am lean. Again, all subjective.
It's all subjective. Ive been shooting the delts for the last month and I don't feel a bit different in any way from quads or belly, IM or SQ. Never made a lick of difference good or bad for me.
Delts and also upper glutes by the hip area are best for me. I can only use my left hand (I am right handed), and also use a 1/2 inch syringe (25 to 27 gauge)
Delts works wonders for me.

Question, what about scar tissue when shooting delts all the time? Or is it a non-issue when using 30g insulin needles?
My TRT doctor got me injecting my delts (only) using 23 gauge needles but scare tissues started developing after a year.

If was only after I did my own research that I switched to 27 gauge and rotate between my glutes and quads. Lately, I explored pinning my pecs and it works fine too.

Unfortunately, the scare tissues in my delts remain; even after 3 plus years.
I haven't had any discomfort whatsoever injecting into quads for the first 18 months, but I have discomfort in the shoulder and sometimes sub-q as it can fill kinda tight when I chose to try those out. Nonetheless I do subq right now since I'm on 2x week now. I haven't tried glutes or the VG/hip area yet.
I recently just switched to injecting in my delts. After several month of injecting subQ, I wasn't seeing the results I thought I should. I have been pinning my delts for the last 4 weeks or so. The highest my TT was running .3ml 3 x week was 450. I haven't gotten my lab checked since I switched over to my delts but I feel better. I will get my labs drawn again in the next month or two.

Let me know how you like the change.
I switched to delts early last year with 27g 1/2" and I love it. However, I noticed two things that are pretty odd. Every single time I push all the way in and even push enough to dimple the delt, if you will. About a month ago, I think I hit a vein because I was coughing up a lung right after my injection. I had this happen years ago on my quad, so I know the feeling and knew what was happening. It's a horrible feeling and makes you feel like you're drowning (I would assume, thank God I've never drowned before). It knocks the wind out of you, feel a tab bit light headed, non-stop cough, and a slightly odd taste when you cough. After about 3-5 mins it goes away, but holy crap is it a horrible episode. Based on what I've read, I didn't think I would hit a vein at that point but I guess I did.

The other thing I notice is that I do not get the same feeling on my right delt that I get from my left delt. When I pin my left delt around 8PM (E1D), that night I have crazy wood and good energy the next day. When I pin my right delt (same process and depth), I do not get the same feelings.

Any thoughts on both of these items?
I switched to delts early last year with 27g 1/2" and I love it. However, I noticed two things that are pretty odd. Every single time I push all the way in and even push enough to dimple the delt, if you will. About a month ago, I think I hit a vein because I was coughing up a lung right after my injection. I had this happen years ago on my quad, so I know the feeling and knew what was happening. It's a horrible feeling and makes you feel like you're drowning (I would assume, thank God I've never drowned before). It knocks the wind out of you, feel a tab bit light headed, non-stop cough, and a slightly odd taste when you cough. After about 3-5 mins it goes away, but holy crap is it a horrible episode. Based on what I've read, I didn't think I would hit a vein at that point but I guess I did.

The other thing I notice is that I do not get the same feeling on my right delt that I get from my left delt. When I pin my left delt around 8PM (E1D), that night I have crazy wood and good energy the next day. When I pin my right delt (same process and depth), I do not get the same feelings.

Any thoughts on both of these items?

What does your injection schedule look like? How often do you pin right vs left and how many times a week?

Also, do you use HCG?
Anyone else face the issue of having the test flow back out after pulling out the needle?

Is that due to the quantity (1CC too much?) or the size of my delt muscle?
I have only ever noticed this when doing SubQ injections, but it might be because my needle is shorter than it was when I did IM. My delts aren't very big at all so there's not much to inject into.
Anyone else face the issue of having the test flow back out after pulling out the needle?

Is that due to the quantity (1CC too much?) or the size of my delt muscle?

No this is not about the size of the injection, it just happens. To reduce it, I inject and wait a couple seconds before pulling it out. If some does drip out, don't worry it happens. Wipe it off and move on. :)
What does your injection schedule look like? How often do you pin right vs left and how many times a week?

Also, do you use HCG?

I pin daily and try to switch between the delts. For example, one week I'll start the week (Monday) with left delt and alternate every 2 or 3 days with the right. I'm only injecting 20mg, so it's a very small amount. The next week I'll start off with the right. But I've noticed I don't get the same effect from pinning the right as the left. I'm not sure if it deals with my right delt absorbing the oil differently or whatnot, but it's definitely a different effect. I've just resorted to pinning different parts of the left delt because of this. I have no idea why this happens, so checking to see if anyone else has a similar situation.
I pin daily and try to switch between the delts. For example, one week I'll start the week (Monday) with left delt and alternate every 2 or 3 days with the right. I'm only injecting 20mg, so it's a very small amount. The next week I'll start off with the right. But I've noticed I don't get the same effect from pinning the right as the left. I'm not sure if it deals with my right delt absorbing the oil differently or whatnot, but it's definitely a different effect. I've just resorted to pinning different parts of the left delt because of this. I have no idea why this happens, so checking to see if anyone else has a similar situation.

I understand. Do you currently use HCG? or just the test?

As far as the absorption, in theory, it should not matter which delt is injected. The only variation I could see is if were hitting a different part of your delt on the right vs the left. There are 3 heads of the deltoid and if you were pinning a different head or different location on the the head, this could 'possibly' have a different absorption rate; however, I would tend to believe the effects are due to some other reason.

Shoulder training: the best exercises for the deltoid
I understand. Do you currently use HCG? or just the test?

As far as the absorption, in theory, it should not matter which delt is injected. The only variation I could see is if were hitting a different part of your delt on the right vs the left. There are 3 heads of the deltoid and if you were pinning a different head or different location on the the head, this could 'possibly' have a different absorption rate; however, I would tend to believe the effects are due to some other reason.

Shoulder training: the best exercises for the deltoid

TCyp only. I try to pin directly in to the middle of the delt head and not the front delt or rear. Basically, the same place a doctor would inject a vaccination in to.
TCyp only. I try to pin directly in to the middle of the delt head and not the front delt or rear. Basically, the same place a doctor would inject a vaccination in to.

I don't know what to say. It could just be a coincidence.

The fact of the matter is, realistically, you probably wouldn't see a direct effect from the test cyp you inject a day before. Cyp is a longer acting ester and can take weeks to be fully absorbed. If you were using prop, I would be more apt to believe it is a location issue.

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