Your penis and Estrogen

The role of estradiol in male reproductive function. - PubMed - NCBI

Traditionally, testosterone and estrogen have been considered to be male and female sex hormones, respectively. However, estradiol, the predominant form of estrogen, also plays a critical role in male sexual function. Estradiol in men is essential for modulating libido, erectile function, and spermatogenesis. Estrogen receptors, as well as aromatase, the enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen, are abundant in brain, penis, and testis, organs important for sexual function. In the brain, estradiol synthesis is increased in areas related to sexual arousal. In addition, in the penis, estrogen receptors are found throughout the corpus cavernosum with high concentration around neurovascular bundles. Low testosterone and elevated estrogen increase the incidence of erectile dysfunction independently of one another. In the testes, spermatogenesis is modulated at every level by estrogen, starting with the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis, followed by the Leydig, Sertoli, and germ cells, and finishing with the ductal epithelium, epididymis, and mature sperm. Regulation of testicular cells by estradiol shows both an inhibitory and a stimulatory influence, indicating an intricate symphony of dose-dependent and temporally sensitive modulation. Our goal in this review is to elucidate the overall contribution of estradiol to male sexual function by looking at the hormone's effects on erectile function, spermatogenesis, and libido.
Im having improved sensitivity with my E lately still spotty erection quality and maintaining of the erection, PDE5i works pretty well to take care of both issues.

I agree. PED5 inhibitors (Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, and Stendra) increase penis sensitivity. My testicles are also fuller.
For me, one of the unexpected side effects of a very low dose AI (.125mg Anastrozole) was reduced penile sensitivity and drastically reduced sensation at orgasm.
My E2 has dropped to 16-18 and maintaining an erection all the way thru is hit or miss. Sensitivity is less. Dr Calkins suggested keeping E2 25-30 feeling confident that will help with that. But when I was at 32 I had anxiety and goofy emotions to deal with. E2 came up due to hug and dhea. So off those. Thinking if S2 comes up due to aromatization of T, maybe I would not be symptomatic
My E2 has dropped to 16-18 and maintaining an erection all the way thru is hit or miss. Sensitivity is less. Dr Calkins suggested keeping E2 25-30 feeling confident that will help with that. But when I was at 32 I had anxiety and goofy emotions to deal with. E2 came up due to hug and dhea. So off those. Thinking if S2 comes up due to aromatization of T, maybe I would not be symptomatic
U dropped your dhea? I did to....think it increases my e2 too much
No. I see no use since my levels are within normal range. Google DHEA and find over 100 posts on DHEA and men.
Ya I have looked and have tried different milligrams all didnt go well. My body doesnt tolerate it seems. Its sucks because I am on the low end for dhea....193.
For me, one of the unexpected side effects of a very low dose AI (.125mg Anastrozole) was reduced penile sensitivity and drastically reduced sensation at orgasm.
This is good to know because this past Saturday I had no penis sensitivity and thought it could be the antidepressant I started the week before, but knew it was way too early for those side effects to show up. My E2 has been low for me at 17 since I started the AI. It has to be that. Usually I am way sensitive down there and can't last past the first few minutes. This would be a great side effect if I wasn't trying to have a baby.
For me one of the unexpected side effects of higher estrogen (47) was reduced sensitivity. Lower E (20s) brings back my sensitivity.
For me one of the unexpected side effects of higher estrogen (47) was reduced sensitivity. Lower E (20s) brings back my sensitivity.

It's been very hard to get my E2 in range. I started taking the AI because it was at a 72 and that was without an AI. Then I upped my T and added HCG so I knew it would go up even further. My last reading before I took the AI was at 53. Started taking 0.25 mg two times per week and now my E2 is at 17 which is too low for me. I had a really penis sensitivity at at higher E2, but my erections were mediocre to weak at best. Now I still have ho hum erections, but now my sensitivity is close to nothing. It felt like I had a condom on my last love making session.
It's been very hard to get my E2 in range. I started taking the AI because it was at a 72 and that was without an AI. Then I upped my T and added HCG so I knew it would go up even further. My last reading before I took the AI was at 53. Started taking 0.25 mg two times per week and now my E2 is at 17 which is too low for me. I had a really penis sensitivity at at higher E2, but my erections were mediocre to weak at best. Now I still have ho hum erections, but now my sensitivity is close to nothing. It felt like I had a condom on my last love making session.

How did your E2 go down to 53 from 72? 53 was while on no ai correct? And didn’t you up your T and HCG doses after the 72 reading? Just curious how it went down after the dosage increase, thanks.

Oh never mind, I think I read it wrong. U were taking an ai when you got the 53 reading right? What was your ai dose when your E2 came back at 53?
How did your E2 go down to 53 from 72? 53 was while on no ai correct? And didn’t you up your T and HCG doses after the 72 reading? Just curious how it went down after the dosage increase, thanks.

Oh never mind, I think I read it wrong. U were taking an ai when you got the 53 reading right? What was your ai dose when your E2 came back at 53?

Sorry, I jumbled up the message. I was at a 72 when I initially started at a much higher dose over the summer from my endocrinologist. When I reduced my my T injection dosage it went down to 53 w/o the AI. After using the AI dosage of 0.25 mg twice per week for about a month or more it went down to 17.
Sorry, I jumbled up the message. I was at a 72 when I initially started at a much higher dose over the summer from my endocrinologist. When I reduced my my T injection dosage it went down to 53 w/o the AI. After using the AI dosage of 0.25 mg twice per week for about a month or more it went down to 17.

Oh ok gotcha, thanks for the clarification. Ya I think one of the reasons ai’s get a bad rap is because people don’t realize how strong they can be. 0.25mg of anastrozole EOD brought my E2 down to 9, from around 70. I did lower my dose a little at that time, so my E2 would of been a little higher most likely if I stayed on the same doses that I was on while my E2 was 70. Either way, i think more people would have success with ai’s if they would use smaller doses than what we’re used to seeing. That’s just my opinion though.
I tried .125 MG of Anastrozole twice per week for 5 weeks. I was curious to see if it would increase libido or have any other positive side effect, as my estrogen levels were a little high at 65.1 pg/ml (scale of 7.6 - 42.6). After 5 weeks, I didn't notice any changes in libido or anything else and decided not to continue taking Anastrozole. I didn't want to increase my dosage above this, as i have read that it is very powerful at lower estrogen levels. I didn't get my blood tested after 5 weeks, because it had no benefit for me, so I didn't see the need to get another blood test. I wanted to share my experience with Anastrozole with everyone.
I tried .125 MG of Anastrozole twice per week for 5 weeks. I was curious to see if it would increase libido or have any other positive side effect, as my estrogen levels were a little high at 65.1 pg/ml (scale of 7.6 - 42.6). After 5 weeks, I didn't notice any changes in libido or anything else and decided not to continue taking Anastrozole. I didn't want to increase my dosage above this, as i have read that it is very powerful at lower estrogen levels. I didn't get my blood tested after 5 weeks, because it had no benefit for me, so I didn't see the need to get another blood test. I wanted to share my experience with Anastrozole with everyone.

Interesting. Thanks for the input. I wish we knew what your E2 was at after those 5 weeks. It could of been a matter of 0.125mg twice per week not being enough, or you not needing it at all in the first place even with that high of an E2. Maybe you’re a high SHBG guy and can tolerate E2 that high without any issues.

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