Wanting to change from compounded T-cream to injections

Hoping for the best. Please keep us posted as you go through the process. It is frustrating to not have clear answers and it helps to have the experience of others as a potential guide.
Just as a followup to my original post about the wife's T going through the roof. Just got her 2 week retest and us being insanely careful. She even got her own shower mat so she doesn't stand on the same shower floor that I do shows her T now down to 38 and 1.8 respectively. Well within the normal ranges. Also, all of the virilizing side effects seem to be gone or greatly reduced. Her progesterone and E2 also decreased to 2.1 and <5 respectively.

We will be leaving here for New Zealand in about 3 weeks and are going to each have another blood test prior to that. Back to my initial thought about going to injectable T, does anyone on the board here know how that is viewed in New Zealand. My local Dr. there didn't have any problem re-writing my US prescription for compounded T-cream, but I never discussed injectables. I still think injectable would be a better way for me to go. I am just concerned about problems as we travel from place to place with customs inspections and so on. Anyone, with first hand experience in NZ please chime in. Thanks.
Hoping for the best. Please keep us posted as you go through the process. It is frustrating to not have clear answers and it helps to have the experience of others as a potential guide.

My post above shows where we are presently. It will be complicated by moving back to NZ in a few weeks for a year and a half approximately this time. But, please keep us posted on how you situation comes out and I'll do the same. I spent a day and a half researching the transference issue and there is a lot of info out there. At least a couple of sources seem to believe there is a concerted effort to keep this information from being published. There are quite a few "unpublished studies" on the issue. Most deal with virilization of children, but it really isn't any different than women.

After a lot of obsessing over the issue, we started seeing Testosterone everywhere. Kind of weird, especially at the gym. Saw this one lady getting on one of the circuit machines and she must have sprayed and wiped for 15 minutes before hopping on and doing ab crunches. Made us look at a lot of things differently.

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