Do I Have Primary or Secondary Hypogonadism or is it Thyroid?


Active Member
To be clear, my doctor's never diagnosed me as hypgonadal because my Total Testosterone has never been below 300. However, I'm 42 years old and for at least of a handful of times over the years in my 30's I have never tested over a 396 in my Total T. I've consistently been in the 323-396 range which is great if I'm in my 80's. I went to my PCP a few years ago and he prescribed me testosterone cypionate, but I had to stop three injections into the treatment as I was trying to have another child. Through the years I've had little to no libido, gained tons of fat, and basically felt like all of my work in the gym did nothing to help me lose weight. My stats are 5'7, 264 lbs. I found an endo at the end of last year who checked my thyroid function because I was complaining about working out 6 days a week while tracking my diet without losing any body fat. She checked everything and told me that I definitely show antibodies going after my thyroid, but that my thyroid right now was in the normal range. She said that she will prescribe a medication for hypothyroidism if it dips lower. These are the labs below:

She then suggested the reason I had not lost any weight could be due to low testosterone. I told her I had never tested higher than 323 for total T, so she had me tested and we came back with these numbers which confirmed that I was much lower than I was supposed to be for my age:

She then put me on Clomid 50mg to see if it could spur my testes to produce more testosterone. I had to stop taking it three weeks into the treatment because I was having like 5-7 hot flashes per day which I'm assuming was because it was spiking my estrogen levels. Since I had told her that my wife and I are trying to have another baby, she suggested HCG Monotherapy. She prescribed 1000iu's 3x per week. I felt some improved energy, no change in my low to non existent libido and my estrogen stayed in check (I started taking DIM to avoid hot flashes again). After 4 months on the stuff we checked my testosterone levels in May and saw no improvement in my T levels (see below). I was happy that my estrogen levels came down a bit, but nothing else to be pleased about.

After I told her I did not feel any better and that all my symptoms were still present, she agreed to bump up to 2000iu's per week which I did for two weeks. I started to feel a little bit better, but no significant change in libido. My insurance then refused to cover any more HCG prescriptions which is where I am today. I then asked the doctor that since the insurance wouldn't cover my HCG anymore that I'd like to take testosterone even it meant it would kill my chances to have another child. She then gave in and also referred me to a urologist who could help me more, but I left a message and have never been emailed or called back. That's where I am today. My endo never told me if I was primary or secondary, but I'm assuming that she thought I was secondary since she wanted to increase my T through HCG and clomid. She prescribed 175mg of test cyp. every 2 weeks. I'm on my 3rd injection, but I have taken it every week rather than bi-weekly. I don't feel any better in the sex dept., but I see significant improvement in energy, endurance, and strength in the gym. Nothing with libido. My question is, and I know you're not doctors, but based on my lab #'s do you think my libido and T issues are caused by primary or secondary hypogonadism or my thyroid?

I'm hoping there is someone out there who has been through what I'm going through or who had similar numbers that could help me. Whatever this condition I have sucks. I've never had a ravenous libido, but at least in college it was workable. Now I'm pretty much laying in bed hoping my wife won't touch me because I'm afraid of my occasional ED and I'm not even close to being in the mood. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Based off your LH an FSH levels on your labs I would say that your are primary with the issue being with the testes. 175 mg every two weeks is not a good protocol. Normally, the baseline is 100 mg per week and based on your SHBG levels you should be injecting twice a week (every 3.5 days) at 50 mg on each injection. If you are injecting 175 mg once every two weeks you are going to have high peaks and low valleys with your T levels. That is a roller coaster you really don't want to be on. I'm sure others more knowledgeable will chime in and provide more quality information for you.
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Based off your LH an FSH levels on your labs I would say tat your are primary with the issue being with the testes. 175 mg every two weeks is not a good protocol. Normally, the baseline is 100 mg per week and based on your SHBG levels you should be injecting twice a week (every 3.5 days) at 50 mg on each injection. If you are injecting 175 mg once every two weeks you are going to have high peaks and low valleys with your T levels. That is a roller coaster you really don't want to be on. I'm sure others more knowledgeable will chime in and provide more quality information for you.

You did great hitting the key points right on the head.
Based off your LH an FSH levels on your labs I would say that your are primary with the issue being with the testes. 175 mg every two weeks is not a good protocol. Normally, the baseline is 100 mg per week and based on your SHBG levels you should be injecting twice a week (every 3.5 days) at 50 mg on each injection. If you are injecting 175 mg once every two weeks you are going to have high peaks and low valleys with your T levels. That is a roller coaster you really don't want to be on. I'm sure others more knowledgeable will chime in and provide more quality information for you.

What you're saying makes sense the more I research it. I may very well have primary hypogonadism, but I'm still unsure. Yes, my FH and LH levels seemed normal, but when I was looking at the causes of primary hypogonadism I couldn't find which one would've caused it. Causes include Klinefelter syndrome, undescended testicles, mumps orchitis, hemochromatosis, injury to the testicles, and cancer treatment. The only one that could be vaguely close could be Klinefelter syndrome, however I achieved puberty just fine and never had problems with my testes not descending. I do store most fat in my abdomen and hips, but I wouldn't say I have man boobs. They are bigger than I'd like because of my weight, but I don't see them as man boobs. I have no problem growing facial hair and I don't have micropenis (even though I could stand to have a few more inches, but isn't that most of us?).

However, with all that being said it is kind of odd that the HCG monotherapy did nothing to increase my testosterone levels. In fact my total T went from 396 to 383. My Free T did go from 52 to 61, but that's a tiny incremental change. My semen level did go up a little bit, but nothing drastic. It's also odd that the Clomid did not raise my testosterone, but instead gave me hot flashes.

Another question perhaps is how I was able to have one child while having primary hypogonadism. Was she a miracle baby? We have had three miscarriages though and it has been very hard to conceive. How did my testes produce enough sperm to have a baby though?

Then finally, why would my endo choose to try HCG and Clomid even though my FH and LH levels were fine and on the higher end? Would that tell her that there is probably something wrong with the testes and that the pituitary gland is doing it's job.

If I do have primary and it took this long to find out then I should be very pissed. I could've started TRT years ago and would not have had to endure this libido crap for this long. It would be a very disappointing to know that I learned more about my body on this website than any endo or PCP. If I do end up primary then what would be the use of doing HCG while on TRT? If my testes won't react to the HCG then it's just mostly to avoid testicular atrophy am I right? I'm hoping to hear more responses. Thanks for all your help.
I probably can't answer all your questions properly but I will give you a layman's thoughts. I believe if you were secondary that you would not have the LH and FSH levels your labs show you have. As far as the exact reason you are primary might be something for someone smarter than me to determine. I believe the facial hair and micro-penis matters would deal more with DHT levels much more than testosterone. We get our facial hair and other body hair from DHT (not the scalp) and a severe lack of DHT could have a micropenis affect. HCG works within the testes because of the mimicking of LH. That is probably why you did not see much of in increase in testosterone when you were on HCG monotherapy. You would likely have seen a higher improvement in testosterone levels if you were secondary with the HCG monotherapy. As far as having a child while being primary, I would think that is still possible. Although primary, it does not mean you are completely shut down prior to TRT, but it would mean that the functioning is not at full capacity. You did have good FSH levels which is needed for sperm production. While I think you would be primary, that is just a simple man's opinion. I could be wrong. As far as taking HCG, when on TRT your HPTA axis is shut down. Taking HCG will help with testicular atrophy and many believe it helps backfill your other hormonal pathways. I believe that HCG does backfill but others would disagree. I hope others will step in and correct any misinformation I have provided.
Your T4 and T3 thyroid numbers are low. I know your endo said they were "normal" but, normal and "in range" is like testosterone. Here is some very good information on what is normal and what is "OPTIMAL" from a very good thyroid MD - Dr. Westin Childs:

Low thyroid and low testosterone have very similar symptoms. No doubt you have low testosterone and it definitely needs treating but, I'm wondering if your thyroid numbers were optimal, would it increase your testosterone?

I don't know and it has never been studied to my knowledge nor discussed here.
It looks like the thyroid anti-bodies are high, especially the TPO (Thyroid Peroxidase Anti-body), but the Thyroglobulin Anti-body (ATA) is also high. These anti-bodies attack your thyroid gland tissue. You might want to have your Reverse T3 tested (RT3) as it might be high based off of some of your other labs.
This doctor is failing to recognise that the immune system is not only attacking the thyroid (autoimmune disease), but also T3 is at the bottom end of the ranges and metabolism is crawling along at a snail's pace and isn't connecting the dots that low free thyroid hormones are the reason why weight loss hasn't occurred. You need Free T3 midrange or better to support weight loss and both low T and low thyroid will hold back any attempts to lose weight.

Understand most thyroid doctors fail miserably a properly diagnosing hypothyroidism and then the treatment of such a disease often is subpar, thyroid is even more complex than testosterone related issues.

It's time to seek a competent doctor, she is overly focused on lab numbers to see things clearly.

You deserve better care.
Good point Mark.... I missed the antibodies and so did his endo.... KenLowT I don't know where you are located but, you aren't getting the proper advice from your endo IMO.... Many members here use Defy Medical or Primebody both can properly manage your low T and low thyroid...
This doctor is failing to recognise that the immune system is not only attacking the thyroid (autoimmune disease), but also T3 is at the bottom end of the ranges and metabolism is crawling along at a snail's pace and isn't connecting the dots that low free thyroid hormones are the reason why weight loss hasn't occurred. You need Free T3 midrange or better to support weight loss and both low T and low thyroid will hold back any attempts to lose weight.

Understand most thyroid doctors fail miserably a properly diagnosing hypothyroidism and then the treatment of such a disease often is subpar, thyroid is even more complex than testosterone related issues.

It's time to seek a competent doctor, she is overly focused on lab numbers to see things clearly.

You deserve better care.

I agree. She did tell me I have Hashimoto's Disease according to the labs, but since my thyroid numbers were still in range that she would hold off prescribing medication. She's looking at the numbers rather than the symptoms. She said we'd check my thyroid levels again this next time I see her to see if I need medicine. However, it still leaves me with the question of what's causing my low T? Is it primary hypogonadism or is my thyroid messing things up or is it both? Hypothyroidism runs in my my mom's side of the family. Both her and my aunt have it.
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Shot gun approach:)
If you see anything of interest then read up:)
Also one site I came across that appears to focus on Hasimotos's.
May be worth a look on your part:

Look through the articles.
First step is education....
Cannot tell how much research you have done on TRT.
If not a lot, I recommend you get a few books.
Get a few good books and educate yourself now:
1. Get Nelsons book "Testosterone: A Man’s Guide".
2. Get Lee Myer's book "Natural Versus Testosterone Therapy".
3. Get “Testosterone for life - Dr. Abraham Morgentaller “.
4. Get “The Definitive Testosterone Replacement Therapy MANual: How to OptimizeYour Testosterone For Lifelong Health And Happiness” by Jay Campbell.
These books will give you a much better understanding of TRT....

ExcelMale.comGuide to Testosterone Replacement
One other forumthat has great info that might be useful to you is:
GREAT article onE2 – A MUST READ
Dr Saya's Videos on Testosterone Therapy and Side Effect Management
Second step might be to have a look at your thyroid and see if any issues
Do some research.
I do like Tiredthyroid as a starting point.
Easy to read sections.
References at the bottom of each section (and NOT from people wearing "tinfoil" hats)
See below:
Basic sources to research Thyroid issues and testing:
Spend time here and get the 2 books, “STTM: The Revised Book” and “STTMII:Authored by Doctors”.
Great simple to understand articles.
Get her book.... “Tired Thyroid: From Hyper to Hypo to Healing—Breaking the TSHRule”,
A lot of clear researched information that is easy toread and understand.
Good info here. Look around.
A LOT of good articles and a youtube page.
Spend time here looking around and reading after getting labs back.

Do you have Hypothyroidism?
The CompleteHypothyroidism User Guide for Patients (2018 Edition)
Need information on thyroid testing....
Read here:
And here:
and here:
and here:
and here:
And here:
Some additional links to read before you receive the books you have already ordered
Go here:
and download:
TRT: Recipe For Success
Print out.
HCG Update.
the TRT Power Point presentation.

Dr. Crisler is one of the "TRT Cutting Edge DR's" here in the states....
Also go here:
and also print out the article.

ALSO look at the videos that are posted on this site. A LOT of great info to take in....
Now you will have a great reference library and knowledge base to go forward on!

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