PSA numbers increasing on testosterone- Should I stop TRT?


New Member
I just had a psa test and the numbers came back--6.7-my previous test 6 months ago was 4.2--i have been on testosterone replacement now for about 18 m0nths the psa numbers had went down from a 5.5 about 10 months ago to a 4.2 and now went back to 6.7--has anyone experienced this type of swing in psa numbers?is this a sign of prostate cancer?should i stop testosterone replacement--i am scheduled to see my urologist next week but any advice anyone can give me i will greatly appreciate---i am very afraid because of all the information about psa numbers and prostate cancer--my last testosterone numbers was 550--i take a dose of testosterone of 5% in lipoderm cream--i am 61 years old-steelworker--thank you keith
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I'm 67 years old and have had swings like that. Please don't let a doctor scare you about how serious this may be and also into doing a biopsy at this point. PLEASE read the great prostate hoax. This book was written by the scientist who came up with the PSA test. Also, you should take a look at some of Nelson's post on Test and prostate cancer.
k.a. I would watch and wait . Lots of things affect PSA . All of the guys I know who have cancer have usually had a steady increase in psa. Do not know of any who have had a decrease. I recently had a 10.4 psa come in and it shook me up pretty bad. I took cipro for 10 days and my psa is back to 2.3. I also take a supplement called Pomi-T for my ole prostate. It is backed with a good clinical. See the link.
Also be aware of the new 3-T MRI which is proving itself to be very accurate in locating cancer before biopsy. I thinks it's great to see what you are reaching for instead of a shot in the dark.
Good Luck.
Prostate cancer is a rare occurrence, I would consider prostatitis or another type of inflammation first. Prostatitis is a more common issue and coincidentally we have been seeing more men who have it lately. Your doctor should be able to diagnose prostatitis, or at least rule out anything serious. Unfortunately prostatitis can last for months or years without subsiding, then all of a sudden it can go away (only to later reemerge).
thanks for the advice everyone--my urologist wants me to have a biopsy nov.5-i have time to make up my mind to have it or not--decision time--big time!should i have another psa test done in a couple weeks to see if the numbers come down?should i stop testosterone therapy until then?many questions going around and around in my head--sleepless nights--anxiety-fear of pain-bleeding-infection--im doing as much research as i can about all this-psa numbers- prostate cancer -difficult for me to do at this time-trying to study to take a test for boiler operators license-very pressed for time
k. a. Keep a check on your psa. I would not have known mine was at 10.4 if I did not check it for myself. Contrary to other opinions I believe that psa is a valid test. Every man that I know who has had a steady increase in psa has had cancer, this includes my brother who just had prostatectomy after a steady increase in psa and biopsy. It is tricky science so study as much as you can before making a decision. Some men have high psa with no cancer but I believe that these men are few and far between.
Stay in touch and let us know how it goes.
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I agree with Phoenix. At that level I would not get a biopsy but I would take the strongest antibiotics for at least 6 weeks to see if my PSA decreases if the increase was related to a prostate infection.
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Did you ride a bike and/or have sex within 48 hours of the blood being drawn? I had done both (not simultaneously, I am not that talented) and my last test showed an increase from 1.5 to 3.0. We waited 2 weeks, I stayed off the bike, abstained from anything sexual for 48 hours prior to the test and the retest was back down to 1.7. Also, if your doctor performed the usual rectal exam BEFORE the blood was drawn for a PSA test, it will be higher.
69. Went back on TRT a year ago. My PSA has inched up from 2.8 to 4.0. I also have a high hsCRP and I know, for me, systemic inflammation is a problem I've yet to reduce, but it goes along with bipolar illness and chronic poor sleep.

My urologist is one of the best TRT doctors in the Mid-Atlantic area. Had a DRE a few days before the labs. Just mild BPH. When I emailed him, asking should we do a biopsy, he said no, unless I absolutely wanted it. He pointed out that my free PSA % was 22, putting me in the low risk group for prostate cancer. I travel from Florida to see him once a year, though I'm still trying to find a local urologist with whom I feel comfortable.
My PSA went up as well once on TRT.
It went from .7 to as high as 3.2 over time.
Currently it is at 2.4 and I am due six month test next week.
I am a firm believer in taking Boron 6-12 mg daily and a good grade of Stinging Nettle extract.
Watch and wait is best I think unless your PSA moves upwards rapidly.
Thanks for replying. I told my urologist I'll re-test when I'm back in Florida and can order my own using DiscountedLabs. I have several bottles of boron but haven't taken it for a year. Maybe it actually was beneficial for PSA. Used to be boron would give me an excellent erection about 7 hours after taking it. That was about 10 years ago. My health has worsened and my wife tells me she's finished with sex. Life and love are strange.
43 year old white male After starting trt mine dropped from 0.93 to 0.77 3 months in, but it's at 1.8 now 10 months after the 0.77 reading. Retest watch and wait? My free PSA % was 45% on the 0.77 reading 10 months ago. A little anxious now.
Before TRT mine was between .70 and .85 consistently.
After several years on Testosterone my PSA seems to have stabilized at 3.0.
3.0 for the last two years. I check it every 6 months.
I was worried a bit at first but was willing to wait and see if it would stabilize.
Watch and wait because the Doctors usually don't react until above 4.0
I am a firm believer in Herbs and supplements for the prostate.
For me primarily Stinging Nettle root and Boron. Lots of good info on the web.
Good luck.

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