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I have just had all of my test results back and would appreciate some advise. Me testosterone has gone up.

HAEMATOLOGYRed Blood CellsHAEMOGLOBIN (G/L) 152 g/L 130.00 - 170.00 HCT 0.464 L/L 0.37 - 0.50 RED CELL COUNT 4.75 x10^12/L 4.40 - 5.80 MCV 98 fl 80.00 - 99.00 MCH 32.0 pg 26.00 - 33.50 MCHC (G/L) 327 g/L 300.00 - 350.00 RDW *11.2 % 11.50 - 15.00 White Blood CellsWHITE CELL COUNT 7.2 x10^9/L 3.00 - 10.00 NEUTROPHILS 4.94 x10^9/L 2.00 - 7.50 LYMPHOCYTES 1.75 x10^9/L 1.20 - 3.65 MONOCYTES 0.45 x10^9/L 0.20 - 1.00 EOSINOPHILS 0.06 x10^9/L 0.00 - 0.40 BASOPHILS 0.04 x10^9/L 0.00 - 0.10 Clotting StatusPLATELET COUNT 235 x10^9/L 150.00 - 400.00 MPV 10.5 fl 7.00 - 13.00 BIOCHEMISTRYKidney FunctionCREATININE 99 umol/L 66.00 - 112.00 ESTIMATED GFR 74.08 60.00 - 250.00 Liver FunctionALKALINE PHOSPHATASE 63 IU/L 40.00 - 129.00 ALANINE TRANSFERASE 30.2 IU/L 10.00 - 50.00 CK 69 IU/L 38.00 - 204.00 GAMMA GT 40 IU/L 10.00 - 71.00 ProteinsTOTAL PROTEIN 72.3 g/L 63.00 - 83.00 ALBUMIN 42.9 g/L 34.00 - 50.00 GLOBULIN 29.4 g/L 19.00 - 35.00

GLOBULIN 29.4 g/L 19.00 - 35.00 Iron StatusFERRITIN 71.2 ug/L 30.00 - 400.00 Cholesterol StatusTRIGLYCERIDES 1.96 mmol/L 0.00 - 2.30 CHOLESTEROL *5.29 mmol/L 0.00 - 4.99 HDL CHOLESTEROL 1.17 mmol/L 0.90 - 1.50 LDL CHOLESTEROL *3.23 mmol/L 0.00 - 3.00 NON-HDL CHOLESTEROL *4.12 mmol/L 0.00 - 3.89 Heart Disease RiskHDL % OF TOTAL 22.12 % 20.00 - 100.00 ENDOCRINOLOGYThyroid FunctionFREE T3 5.3 pmol/L 3.10 - 6.80 FREE THYROXINE 15.500 pmol/L 12.00 - 22.00 THYROID STIMULATING HORMONE 0.869 mIU/L 0.27 - 4.20 Hormones
TESTOSTERONE 14 nmol/L 7.60 - 31.40
FREE-TESTOSTERONE(CALCULATED)*0.212 nmol/L 0.30 - 1.00 17-BETA OESTRADIOL 69.9 pmol/L 0.00 - 191.99 SEX HORMONE BINDING GLOB 52 nmol/L 16.00 - 55.00 PROLACTIN 212 mIU/L 86.00 - 324.00 Prostate ScreenPROSTATE SPECIFIC AG(TOTAL) 0.218 ug/L 0.00 - 2.00


Sorry for how it's displayed.
You are not on TRT, not with FSH and LH such as you posted, right? What is it that you are looking for? Your free testosterone is certainly an issue and your total testosterone is less than it ought to be...

I'm not on trt, my testosterone was 10.68 2 weeks ago. I'm getting poor sleep, complete lack of motivation, anxiety and some sexual problems. My question is would low free t cause this?
I'm not on trt, my testosterone was 10.68 2 weeks ago. I'm getting poor sleep, complete lack of motivation, anxiety and some sexual problems. My question is would low free t cause this?

Do you understand the distinction between total and free testosterone? It's a crucial one. Most of the testosterone in your blood attaches to two proteins: albumin and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). Some testosterone is not attached to proteins, or free. Free testosterone and albumin-bound testosterone are also referred to as bioavailable testosterone. This is the testosterone that is easily used by your body. Sleep problems also hammer hormones. Ruling out a sleep disorder is an important part of a workup.
Do you understand the distinction between total and free testosterone? It's a crucial one. Most of the testosterone in your blood attaches to two proteins: albumin and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). Some testosterone is not attached to proteins, or free. Free testosterone and albumin-bound testosterone are also referred to as bioavailable testosterone. This is the testosterone that is easily used by your body. Sleep problems also hammer hormones. Ruling out a sleep disorder is an important part of a workup.

Ok, as I don't understand how it all works. I've been having sleep problems for a few months after a traumatic event. The sleep is slowly turning around, where I'm now getting adequate sleep, although I had a bad night the other day. I've been to my GP and he says it's all down to what happened a few months ago.
Ok, as I don't understand how it all works. I've been having sleep problems for a few months after a traumatic event. The sleep is slowly turning around, where I'm now getting adequate sleep, although I had a bad night the other day. I've been to my GP and he says it's all down to what happened a few months ago.

Where do you live?
Many men in the UK have difficulty accessing care for hypogonadism (or even getting an appropriate workup) through the NHS. If you can afford private care we can offer you some names of doctors who know how to play this game.

That's the one problem with the NHS if it costs too much you don't get it. I don't even see the same GP more than once. It all depends on how much private care costs as I'm not in a well paid job
I'm not on trt, my testosterone was 10.68 2 weeks ago. I'm getting poor sleep, complete lack of motivation, anxiety and some sexual problems. My question is would low free t cause this?
Mav, your total testosterone can easily be 10.68nmol/L one week and 14 nmol/L the following 2 weeks later and then back down again, did you have it taken at same time on each test? what time exactly?
Your blood test is only a snap shot of results for that time of day and can easily change
That's the one problem with the NHS if it costs too much you don't get it. I don't even see the same GP more than once. It all depends on how much private care costs as I'm not in a well paid job
Mav; TRT is not expensive to the NHS, this is not the problem, the problem lies with lack of knowledge on this subject within UK doctors, go to the "spire" website, find a Urologist and request your doctor to give you a referral, your initial consultation should cost between £100 - £150, he will require to see your bloods and full medical history
Mav, your total testosterone can easily be 10.68nmol/L one week and 14 nmol/L the following 2 weeks later and then back down again, did you have it taken at same time on each test? what time exactly?
Your blood test is only a snap shot of results for that time of day and can easily change

Mav; TRT is not expensive to the NHS, this is not the problem, the problem lies with lack of knowledge on this subject within UK doctors, go to the "spire" website, find a Urologist and request your doctor to give you a referral, your initial consultation should cost between £100 - £150, he will require to see your bloods and full medical history

Here is a list of my symptoms.
Sleep problems, sometimes is get a good 8 hrs, other times I get 3 hrs. No matter how much sleep I get I don't feel like getting up, I have zero motivation. I do get some twitching in the morning with my eyes closed, but not always, when I get to bed I can sweat up and my face gets hot, I was putting that down to anxiety. I sometimes have to keep moving my legs, but it's not rls. I don't feel hungry, I have some constipation, I feel anxious during the day. I do have some sexual problems, but not to the extent I can't be with a woman. Sometimes I can feel cold when it's not that cold. This all started the day after an emotional shock. The drs all say it due to that, but I know my body and something is not right and the only thing that's shown up on blood tests is low vitamin d and low zinc and now low free t.

The first one taken at 4.15pm and 2nd one 2.10 pm.

Are any of my symptoms to do with low free t?

It's almost like SSRI withdrawal but not getting better
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Here is a list of my symptoms.
Sleep problems, sometimes is get a good 8 hrs, other times I get 3 hrs. No matter how much sleep I get I don't feel like getting up, I have zero motivation. I do get some twitching in the morning with my eyes closed, but not always, when I get to bed I can sweat up and my face gets hot, I was putting that down to anxiety. I sometimes have to keep moving my legs, but it's not rls. I don't feel hungry, I have some constipation, I feel anxious during the day. I do have some sexual problems, but not to the extent I can't be with a woman. Sometimes I can feel cold when it's not that cold. This all started the day after an emotional shock. The drs all say it due to that, but I know my body and something is not right and the only thing that's shown up on blood tests is low vitamin d and low zinc and now low free t.

The first one taken at 4.15pm and 2nd one 2.10 pm.

Are any of my symptoms to do with low free t?

It's almost like SSRI withdrawal but not getting better

Your total testosterone tests were done at the wrong time.

Due to the natural circadian rhythm a young healthy males endogenous testosterone peaks in the early am and than slowly declines later in the afternoon/early evening.

You need to have blood work done in the early am (7-10am) fasted when testing for testosterone as testosterone levels taken in the afternoon can be 25-30% lower than levels in the early am.

Some symptoms could be due to low t but at the same time you may have a dysfunctional thyroid as many of the symptoms you list the signs of a dysfunctional thyroid gland.

Your total t is on the lower end and your free t is low due to your high shbg but again you tested at the wrong times and need to have labs redone fasted in the morning between 7-10 am.

I would think even when you get retested in the early am your total t may very well come back in a descent range but your free t will still more than likely be low due to your HIGH shbg as levels should not fluctuate much regarding shbg.
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Your total testosterone tests were done at the wrong time.

Due to the natural circadian rhythm a young healthy males endogenous testosterone peaks in the early am and than slowly declines later in the afternoon/early evening.

You need to have blood work done in the early am (7-10am) fasted when testing for testosterone as testosterone levels taken in the afternoon can be 25-30% lower than levels in the early am.

Some symptoms could be due to low t but at the same time you may have a dysfunctional thyroid as many of the symptoms you list the signs of a dysfunctional thyroid gland.

Your total t is on the lower end and your free t is low due to your high shbg but again you tested at the wrong times and need to have labs redone fasted in the morning between 7-10 am.

I would think even when you get retested in the early am your total t may very well come back in a descent range but your free t will still more than likely be low due to your HIGH shbg as levels should not fluctuate much regarding shbg.

I've had my thyroid checked, it's on the results I posted
Mav you need your bloods taken at 8am in the morning, your GP should know that, get back to him on Monday and request new blood test, read Madmans post again, he is giving you sound advice
Mav you need your bloods taken at 8am in the morning, your GP should know that, get back to him on Monday and request new blood test, read Madmans post again, he is giving you sound advice

I will go back Monday,I did ask my GP. It also didn't say fasting on the form.
Madman also said about thyroid problems, but its all come back ok.

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