Almost 3 weeks into TRT and noticing some anxiety

Thanks for those follow up responses, I really appreciate it. Just to be clear, of course I want her to be happy. I just think it's natural to want your ex to miss you. But yes, I do want the best for her.

Now, yes I can afford a blood test. The cost here in Australia is nowhere near a low as you guys can get it there in the US. Nonetheless I can still afford to get one. The reason I haven't yet is that I thought you were supposed to wait at least 6 weeks after you start when things have stabilised. But I get your point and knowing what my levels are now might help me decide the best course of action. I will organise a blood test for this week. I'm not taking DHEA. My SHGB before starting was 20nmol/L which I know is on the low side. So maybe I'll cut back to 80mg/week of Test. So I really just need TT, FT and E2 tested?
If you change the dosage now it's another 6 weeks to a stable state and you start this all over again. Some guys just don't feel well on HCG no matter the dosage, if you feel unwell by week 6 and levels all look great, you might consider reducing or dropping HCG. This is one reason why I prefer to add HCG after I've balance out on TRT only, this way I'll know if it's the HCG that causing problems.

Stay the course until week 6.
snip...My SHGB before starting was 20nmol/L which I know is on the low side. So maybe I'll cut back to 80mg/week of Test. So I really just need TT, FT and E2 tested?
Yes with that low a SHGB you are going to have a ton of FT in your system. Mine is 24.2 That is the T you feel. If your FT is over range already even before the 40 days to T cyp. steady state it will just keep going higher and that means more E2 as well. No reason to continue the first 6 week protocol you already know your T dose is too high so E2 and prolactin will also be too high. You are just wasting time and raising all your hormones into areas that will make you feel even worse.

Based on your mid term bloods adjust your protocol and restart the 40 day clock. TT FT and E2 is all you need for this midway check. You already know your SHGB and if your TT FT and E2 come back real high you could have a high HCT(thick blood) problem. Your call if you want to check the HCT on the mini bloodtest. I use blood pressure to monitor my HCT when my blood get thick my BP goes up and stays up.

I just drew mid protocol bloods for TT FT PEAKS not troughs, ferritin and HCT just because I want to know. I have had ferritin and HCT issues in the past. The tests are cheap and piece of mind is well worth it to me.

I did not realize you are in Australia sorry for the US blood service recomendations. I wish members would ad their country in there info at the left under the picture it would sure help when other members give advice.
I have woken up this morning feeling absolutely terrible. I can't even really describe how I'm feeling, just an overall horrible feeling, almost like I'm about to have a meltdown or something. I really don't know what to do. I feel quite fluttery in the chest. Today is my injection day and I'm thinking I'm going to skip it. I'll order the blood tests today which I should be able to get done tomorrow, and I'll go from there.
Also, I'm wondering, should I take some arimidex, just as a one-off, to get my E2 down? I took 1 tab about 5 days ago and I really feel it helped. For a while now I've had almost no ability to maintain an erection. Surely this is a sign of high E2, yes?
Should I perhaps take a quarter tab now? I'm feeling pretty desperate at the moment and just want to feel better.
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Also, I'm wondering, should I take some arimidex, just as a one-off, to get my E2 down? I took 1 tab about 5 days ago and I really feel it helped. For a while now I've had almost no ability to maintain an erection. Surely this is a sign of high E2, yes?
Should I perhaps take a quarter tab now? I'm feeling pretty desperate at the moment and just want to feel better.
Mike you my not be a good fit for TRT, you seem very anxious. TRT is a life time commitment, when I change protocol I like to wait a least 12 weeks before getting labs.
Hi Vince. The thing is, I am normally not anxious at all. But yes, maybe I'm not a good fit for this, because the way I'm feeling now is just terrible. I will get my blood test done and make a decision this week.
Also, I'm wondering, should I take some arimidex, just as a one-off, to get my E2 down? I took 1 tab about 5 days ago and I really feel it helped. For a while now I've had almost no ability to maintain an erection. Surely this is a sign of high E2, yes?
Should I perhaps take a quarter tab now? I'm feeling pretty desperate at the moment and just want to feel better.

Hi Mike so sorry to read you are having an anxiety attack. They do suck.
If I am reading your protocol right from your first post above you are only taking 100mg/wk of T cyp. That amount is quite low and usually does not require an AI but your SHGB is low so maybe 100/wk is too much. 80mg/wk might be worth trying. You need some blood numbers so you can at least rule out your TRT as the cause for this anxiety. If it is your TRT numbers then you caught it early and did not have to suffer for additional weeks with everything going even higher.

If it was me I would stop the HCG all together, until you get your T and E2 stable, it is known to raise E2.
If you are taking suppliments like DHEA pregnenolone, etc stop them as well they also raise E2.
I would hold off on this T cyp injection and see how you feel in 24 hours. Go for a run or do whatever you like to do for exersize.

If you are still experiencing anxiety or having a panic attack can you cut the .25 in half? Just know crashing your E2 will suck. But if you have tried everything else......I'm shrugging my shoulders here and not sure what to recommend.

When my E2 gets high I feel a wave of feeling come over me. I do not get anxious I get emotional, upset easily and easy to cry.
I can take one .125 AI and in 4 hours I am completely back to normal. I've been doing this awhile and I blood test alot.
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Thanks very much for those replies. I have been extremely tired today. I never normally can sleep during the day but have been asleep for all of this afternoon. I have decided to completely skip today's injections of Test and HCG. I will stop HCG altogether as per your recommendations for the time being. I will organise a blood test now and then go from there. Thanks again, this advice is really helping.
I had my blood test this morning. I am hoping to have the results today although that might not happen. Emotionally today I was better than yesterday. However this afternoon I started feeling bad physically. Driving to gym it was getting worse, like I was kind of jittery and just feeling terrible. I only stayed at gym for about 20 minutes because I started feeling worse. On the drive home I was feeling absolutely terrible and I thought I was going to be sick. I got home and cracked a beer, willing to try anything to feel better. I feel better than before, although not great. Once I get my blood test results hopefully I'll have a much better idea what is going on. I'm really considering just giving up on this as feeling the way I have been is just awful.
I had my blood test this morning. I am hoping to have the results today although that might not happen. Emotionally today I was better than yesterday. However this afternoon I started feeling bad physically. Driving to gym it was getting worse, like I was kind of jittery and just feeling terrible. I only stayed at gym for about 20 minutes because I started feeling worse. On the drive home I was feeling absolutely terrible and I thought I was going to be sick. I got home and cracked a beer, willing to try anything to feel better. I feel better than before, although not great. Once I get my blood test results hopefully I'll have a much better idea what is going on. I'm really considering just giving up on this as feeling the way I have been is just awful.
Mike, keep a positive outlook! I think the blood results will paint a clear picture about what is going on, and I am confident that the experts on this forum will be able to help get your treatment tuned in!!

My personal opinion is (like others have said) that your E2 is high. You said the AI helped you feel better. If that's the case, then it's a good sign that is true. I know lots of guys on here hate on AIs, but for some people, it is necessary (if adjusting dose and frequency don't help).
I'm new here myself so take what I'm going to say as my own opinion.

I used to suffer from anxiety and understand how you have all kinds of things running threw your head over and over. If I had to guess you were trying to find something to make yourself crazy about. You decided to get stressed out on your estrogen because you read a few things on it online. But did you notice most symptoms for low or high E are the same??? The only thing I have found to be a good judge of E level is if I can't get a hard on my E is too low. Which sounds like what you did because you didn't listen to a few members here that gave you good advice. If your E is low now and you deciding to stop your T shot your only going to make it take longer now to get your E back up. Your really screwing yourself over good. Its a shame too because if you followed a proper protocol and gave it time you may have found you would have felt better then you ever did in your life. Like others said here and that graph was a good picture of what goes on when you start, your levels and body were still going threw changes and adjusting.

EDIT to add:
I don't think I've read of anyone here or elsewhere needing AI from taking 100mg of T a week. Let alone you spaced the dose which is fine but that would make it more likely you wouldn't need AI.
I've received the results of my blood test. Everything came back in the normal range. I'll put the results below. I think we use different units here in Australia to what you have there in the US, so if needed, I will find an online tool to do the conversion.

Test 18nmol/L
Free Test 457 pmol/L
Oestradiol 93pmol/L
SHBG 18nmol/L

One symptom I am having is that I have been very tired all of the time. Given that all the results came back normal, including estrogen, really leaves me at a loss. I have no idea where to go from here.
I've received the results of my blood test. Everything came back in the normal range. I'll put the results below. I think we use different units here in Australia to what you have there in the US, so if needed, I will find an online tool to do the conversion.

Test 18nmol/L
Free Test 457 pmol/L
Oestradiol 93pmol/L
SHBG 18nmol/L

One symptom I am having is that I have been very tired all of the time. Given that all the results came back normal, including estrogen, really leaves me at a loss. I have no idea where to go from here.
Hi Mike the units are fine but we need the ranges that is important.
Glad to read you are feeling better.
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Sorry, here are the ranges as well:

Test 18nmol/L Range 8.3-29
Free Test 457 pmol/L 255-725
Oestradiol 93pmol/L 50-150
SHBG 18nmol/L 11-71

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