Daily HCG - any benefit?

[FONT=&quot]There was a post about this over a year ago, and had some good info, but I'd like to get a more current perspective of HCG dosing.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]I've read several posts on other sites that claim daily HCG dosing has a lot of benefits (better libido, erection strength, energy). However, I've read that doses under 300iu really have little effect. Obviously, a daily dose would be well under 300iu.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]I am currently on 500iu E3.5D (1000iu per week). So if I did daily, it would need to be about 140iu ED.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Does anyone do daily HCG?[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]If so, at what dose (compared to your E3.5D or weekly dose)?[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Any benefits?[/FONT]
other sites that claim daily HCG dosing has a lot of benefits (better libido, erection strength, energy).
HCG raises my E2 I wonder how someone can claim better libido, erection strength, energy with a higher E2? A high E2 kills all those things for me.
I am on 300 M/W/F and feel no different than I did 400 M/T

30005gator are you on a TRT protocol or trying to boost your natural T production?
With steady and consistent testicular stimulation you will drive up Levels of everything. The small daily dose without consistent testicular stimulation may keep levels in check. You have to think about how long the levels of hormones are elevated after the HCG is gone. I would doubt DHT and E2 levels return to baseline when the HCG is out of your system. One can look at the smaller daily dose as a potential benefit.
I went from E3.5D 350iu to daily 100iu injections

I did notice a nice libido jump for a couple weeks, but it trailed off. Test and E2 jumped up considerably. I ended up dropping Test cyp injection down and went daily on the test also toget numbers in check. Overall so far I haven't had much subjective difference in daily. Might go back to E3.5D. We'll see at next consult. I am a high SHBG guy.

Hard to know for sure, I have other issues going on as well.

I did this about 8 months ago
It seems about everyone does good for a short time with dose changes. Natural hormone levels have fluctuation and maybe that is the missing link. It could be a protocol to vary the dosing and I have seen that talked about but I have never seen the dose schedule for it.
One thing I can report is that about 8 hours after pinning the HCG I get random erections. Not sure if this is related, but wasn't happening before. And it's happened 2 out of 2 times so far.
I moved to daily HCG several months ago based on the Crisler protocol and the fact that it seems more natural as your body secretes LH constantly not twice a week. I recently moved to 200IU daily out of frugalness - as 150 IU a day takes 66 days on a 10,000 IU vial and HCG is only good for 60 and probably loses potency earlier than that. It is hard to say how it works as with everything the differences ares subtle and hard to distinguish from placebo effect, but I have experienced one factor several times which is not debatable. When I was reaching the end of a vial - day 50 something to day 66 - I was having extremely week orgasms and not producing very much ejaculate. When I move to a new vial this problem goes away.

HCG boosts my total T numbers tremendously - I moved from TT around 1000 to over 1200. I take 80 mg of test cyp twice a week which I am dropping to 70 mg. My E is high - 50 on the sensitive test - but I feel fantastic with E at that levels with zero symptoms. Sexually I feel much better with a higher E. I think much of the info guys pass around on estradiol here is bogus. I am also a high SHBG guy.
I only use prescription HCG - Pregnyl - and the data provided by the pharma company that produces it says 60 days. I have asked several PharmDs and they all say 60. Then again there is the symptom changes I have personally experienced. If someone feels okay with 90 they are free to do so but my personal feeling is that there is a decently high likelihood that they are injecting placebo at that point or at least a less potent dose than they believe they are getting.
I've been buying 11000 IU vial of HCG for almost 3 years now, I use a 1,000 in a week. My testicles have always felt full, I never had any issues with weak HCG. So I guess I use it for 77 days. It's funny though since I started supplementing with synthetic T3 my testicles have felt even fuller.
An update here...I do believe that the more frequent dosing of HCG is beneficial. I was on 500iu E3.5D, then switched to 150iu ED. There was a noticeable increase in libido (a more steady libido, as opposed to highs and lows). The intensity of the libido isn't as strong as I've experienced after larger injections, but it is a more steady moderate buzz.

I (and my wife) have noticed that my semen volume has increased (which feels nice tbh).

That being said, I've read more about the half life of HCG, and also reports that anything under 300iu is not noticeable (not true). So I want to see what happens with 350iu on M, W, F (1050/wk).

Curious if anyone has supplemented with HMG instead of HCG?
Stx358 - Pregnyl has been discontinued apparently. I can no longer get it at CVS for $104 with goodrx coupon. Where do you get yours if you don’t mind me asking. Thanks.

Ive also just switched to ED HCG injections btw to try and lower E2 a little and to see if I notice any other benefits. 800iu’s/ week total. I’ve always done EOD. I’ll post any changes to the thread if I notice any.
Stx358 - Pregnyl has been discontinued apparently. I can no longer get it at CVS for $104 with goodrx coupon. Where do you get yours if you don't mind me asking. Thanks.

Ive also just switched to ED HCG injections btw to try and lower E2 a little and to see if I notice any other benefits. 800iu's/ week total. I've always done EOD. I'll post any changes to the thread if I notice any.
Awesome. Thanks!

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