Chasing the Testosterone high —


New Member
I really think many guys who use T get consumed with chasing the testosterone high everyone gets the first month or two of using T. Most guys get an abnormally high libido and huge burst in energy followed by a normal leveling off to where libido is probably fine just not the sky high libido they initially experienced.
this is what many drug users experience as well, always trying to re live tbeir initial experience.
many T users start thinking they need to increase the dosage and now other hormones start getting negatively affected which now requires MORE medications to combat that. You always hear guys say “ i need my T levels to be at least 900 to feel good, while some say they need levels over 1000!!.
i think this should be some food for thought, usually T levels in the 500-700 range work wonders on men who truly have low T, not a former bodybuilder who was accostomed to T levels of 2500.
another thing, its abnormal to have a extremely high libido over 40.. its counteroroductive and makes you look like a pervert.. a good/ healthy libido is what we should aim for. Many marriages get compromised when a husband all of the sudden wants sex every day of the week and twice on sunday. Some woman may initially appreciate this, especially if her husband had no prior sex drive and now is a sex machine. That gets old very quickly. Again, we want a healthy libido. I think we all need to stop chasing the dragon.
HA, a lot of truth there. I first went from 275 to almost 1000. I was chasing my wife naked everywhere. At first she thought it was great, but then she was like, we are not 20 anymore and I have to go to work!!! I was punching holes in the walls mad too easy. So we backed off and sex was still great and I was a bit more rational, I said a bit more!!!! LOL.
I stay 600-700 in total T. But I think free T is really the important number. I have been at this for 5 1/2 years and along time ago stopped treating numbers but rather how I feel.
Good thread!
I had this happen also, but I was lucky with my sex life.

I was 62 and just recently gotten a new girlfriend who was 23 years younger, it was great. Sex up to five times in a day, super energy feeling. And we initially were able to spend a month together 24 hours a day. It was the best crazy monkey sex of my life, even better than when I actually was 20.

But when she wasn’t around, it was a little too much and just plain annoying to be thinking about sex all the time. I would even get a hardon in the shower at the gym, which isn’t convenient at all.

I stopped all TRT a few years ago, now I have very low libido, sex once a month is OK. My TT dropped initially from 902 ng/dl to 327 ng/dl, now it’a about 390 ng/dl. At the high point my free testos was 27.9 (5-21), now it’s 5.5 (6.6 - 18.1).

So, my free testos went from being 25% above the normal range to 20% normal, all in a fairly short period of time.

What is the most weird, the hormones change the logic about how you think about things, not just your emotional state, but what seem rational at the time. It all seems normal at the time but I can see I think differently depending on testosterone / estradiol levels.
another thing, its abnormal to have a extremely high libido over 40.. its counteroroductive and makes you look like a pervert.. a good/ healthy libido is what we should aim for. Many marriages get compromised when a husband all of the sudden wants sex every day of the week and twice on sunday. Some woman may initially appreciate this, especially if her husband had no prior sex drive and now is a sex machine. That gets old very quickly. Again, we want a healthy libido. I think we all need to stop chasing the dragon.

ok then....
I wonder how many marriages good testosterone levels have saved. Nothing wrong with a good libido as long as you have good morals.
Don't necessarily disagree with a good amount of what you said, but is there actual evidence that a 500-700 ng/DL as you stated above is the golden range?
I don't think, based on what I've heard and read from many of the prominent TRT guys and TRT docs out there, that that's proven by data is it?
Having said that, more isn't always better either.
The more and more I hear/read from the experts in our field the less and less value "assigning" numbers and ranges seems to have and chasing them can often only increase the problem.
The numbers are a good tool yes .......
My Doc used to keep my TT at 1500 and I had good libido as you call it... yup I could have sex 3 times a day but it didn't rule my life or make me ask my wife of 35 yrs for more sex. Then after many years I had read here how many found lower TT just as good. So I lowered my T down to 680 while my Free T managed to stay at the very top of range. Nothing changed for me except my HCT dropped and I no longer needed an AI. I had just as much libido as with the higher dose I had been on and I could still have sex 3 times a day. I just don't believe that those with higher TT have problems containing their libido. Perhaps it's the brain and not the amount of TT?
Chasing a feeling can be just as tricky as chasing a number. There are lots of drugs that I can take that will make me feel great and the more I take the better I will feel, but it is not healthy long term and would put my body outside of healthy ranges.
For my total testosterone I try to hit a level of 1000. My old protocol of 20 mg of testosterone cypionate daily, did get my levels way too high. My new protocol of 16 mg daily, doesn't give me the same energy level of what I had before, though I still have a very strong libido. In all honesty I haven't had my testosterone panel done yet with my new protocol. I'm going to wait the full 6 months and then have my levels checked.
I really think many guys who use T get consumed with chasing the testosterone high everyone gets the first month or two of using T. Most guys get an abnormally high libido and huge burst in energy followed by a normal leveling off to where libido is probably fine just not the sky high libido they initially experienced.
this is what many drug users experience as well, always trying to re live tbeir initial experience.
many T users start thinking they need to increase the dosage and now other hormones start getting negatively affected which now requires MORE medications to combat that. You always hear guys say “ i need my T levels to be at least 900 to feel good, while some say they need levels over 1000!!.
i think this should be some food for thought, usually T levels in the 500-700 range work wonders on men who truly have low T, not a former bodybuilder who was accostomed to T levels of 2500.
another thing, its abnormal to have a extremely high libido over 40.. its counteroroductive and makes you look like a pervert.. a good/ healthy libido is what we should aim for. Many marriages get compromised when a husband all of the sudden wants sex every day of the week and twice on sunday. Some woman may initially appreciate this, especially if her husband had no prior sex drive and now is a sex machine. That gets old very quickly. Again, we want a healthy libido. I think we all need to stop chasing the dragon.

For one, your perception of my sex drive is worth absolutely nothing to me. You have no clue what any couple determines to be an appropriate amount of sex within their relationship. Calling someone that enjoys sex and has a healthy sex drive a "pervert" is basically the height of ignorance.

No one appointed you to be the definer of morals, values, and the determinant of what a healthy sex drive for anyone else is.
For one, your perception of my sex drive is worth absolutely nothing to me. You have no clue what any couple determines to be an appropriate amount of sex within their relationship. Calling someone that enjoys sex and has a healthy sex drive a "pervert" is basically the height of ignorance.

No one appointed you to be the definer of morals, values, and the determinant of what a healthy sex drive for anyone else is.

I would have to agree, as a soon-to-be empty-nester we were having the best sex we've had in a long time. Where do you come up with this data that says after 40 I should just get separate beds? Maybe I may be abnormal, but I plan on getting there any time I can for as long as I can till I'm old "PERVERT"
For one, your perception of my sex drive is worth absolutely nothing to me. You have no clue what any couple determines to be an appropriate amount of sex within their relationship. Calling someone that enjoys sex and has a healthy sex drive a "pervert" is basically the height of ignorance.

No one appointed you to be the definer of morals, values, and the determinant of what a healthy sex drive for anyone else is.

This pretty much says it all, I could care less about what other people think about about my sex life, I'm having sex for my pleasure and not anyone else's. Lexer I believe you're attempting to justify your wifes low or zero desire for sex as justification for seeking a lower libido. We wouldn't be having this discussion if your wife wants sex several time a day.

Perhaps your wife could use some HRT.
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Quick question .... why is everyone always talking about Total T numbers? Wouldn't it be more productive to talk about Free T numbers as 1000 Total T produces a different Free T depending on the SHBG
its abnormal to have a extremely high libido over 40..

Sure, it's also "normal" for males (white Americans at least) over 40 to get fat and out of shape, be tired and cranky most of the time, and have high blood pressure, erectile dysfunction, heart attacks in their 50's, etc.
I'll take "abnormal" any day.
For one, your perception of my sex drive is worth absolutely nothing to me. You have no clue what any couple determines to be an appropriate amount of sex within their relationship. Calling someone that enjoys sex and has a healthy sex drive a "pervert" is basically the height of ignorance.

No one appointed you to be the definer of morals, values, and the determinant of what a healthy sex drive for anyone else is.

I am 64, wife is 62. We both love sex and try to have sex every other day, sometimes more. Statistically abnormal? Maybe, but a quality problem. Perversion is about how you deal with it. I'll plead guilty to a healthy libido but, as a faithful husband since 1987, can't accept the pervert label. This middle school attitude of yours about libido, lever, is pretty interesting. You may want to rethink it. You are missing out on a lot of the fun.
This pretty much says it all, I could care less about what other people think about about my sex life, I'm having sex for my pleasure and not anyone else's. Lexer I believe you're attempting to justify your wifes low or zero desire for sex as justification for seeking a lower libido. We wouldn't be having this discussion if your wife wants sex several time a day.

Perhaps your wife could use some HRT.

Ah, yes lexer. The answer lies within...

Remember the line from The Wizard of Oz: “ You had the power all along.”
Ha.. i knew i would get a few flames and “ who the hell are you” comments., thats fine, i think its a great subject and it certainly stirred some debate. Lastly, i said “ many guys”, not all and certainly not everyone.
you can see a few guys that responded to my post understand what i am saying. Again, not all guys but many.
Also, very high T levels do affect your brain and how you think, sometimes in a negative way.
Very high T levels can also make you act very immaturely to where you just think you are a “ real cool older guy”. Unfortunately these guys get laughed at and arent taken seriously. Nothing is worse than a 50 year old guy dressing like he is 20 and thinking he is stylish. Very high T levels can make turn a man into an immature idiot.
Part of the problem in our world is that there are people walking around thinking 900-1000 total testosterone levels are too high.

Also, you're making some pretty huge assumptions about what is considered normal. Lots of people over 40 want sex everyday and nobody thinks they're creepy. In fact many guys who have fairly low testosterone want sex daily.
Ha.. i knew i would get a few flames and “ who the hell are you” comments., thats fine, i think its a great subject and it certainly stirred some debate. Lastly, i said “ many guys”, not all and certainly not everyone.
you can see a few guys that responded to my post understand what i am saying. Again, not all guys but many.
Also, very high T levels do affect your brain and how you think, sometimes in a negative way.
Very high T levels can also make you act very immaturely to where you just think you are a “ real cool older guy”. Unfortunately these guys get laughed at and arent taken seriously. Nothing is worse than a 50 year old guy dressing like he is 20 and thinking he is stylish.

You're a legend in your own mind.

Very high T levels can make turn a man into an immature idiot.

The existence of this very thread is proof of that.
I am 64, wife is 62. We both love sex and try to have sex every other day, sometimes more. Statistically abnormal? Maybe, but a quality problem. Perversion is about how you deal with it. I’ll plead guilty to a healthy libido but, as a faithful husband since 1987, can’t accept the pervert label. This middle school attitude of yours about libido, lever, is pretty interesting. You may want to rethink it. You are missing out on a lot of the fun.

Congrats on staying young and enjoying your life! Sincerely.

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