testosterone test was 186

Hi everyone,

First time posting, sorry if you have read this before. I recently got tested and my test was 186, I am 36 in average shape, I workout 3x week plus run 2x. I am more often tired and find it difficult concentrating. My Dr tested me for low t, I go back to Dr next Monday, knowing my test results any ideas what I should expect at thus point? Thanks in advance for any info/ ideas. Not sure if this test was god news or bad but if there is a problem , knowing is a positive, so I can have corrected.
Thanks, Tom
Tom, that level is low. Depending on your level of commitment to daily application or weekly injections, you can talk to your doctor about these options:

Video: https://www.excelmale.com/forum/threads/470-Options-for-Testosterone-Replacement-Therapy

Injections: https://www.excelmale.com/forum/threads/472-Testosterone-Treatment-Options

Gels: https://www.excelmale.com/forum/threads/471-Testosterone-Gels-and-Patches

Side Effect Management: https://www.excelmale.com/forum/threads/420-Testosterone-Side-Effect-Management-Table

Lots to read but these will give you a lot of ammunition to come across like an educated patient to your doctor. Studies have shown that doctors treat educated (and polite) patients better than those who just go with the flow.
Thank you very much, I will read the stated information a couple times to do exactly as you mention to be able to speak intelligently to my Dr to afford myself the best chance for optimal care. Thanks again your time is greatly appreciated.
Don't let them sell you short by jumping into TRT prematurely. Do lots of labs, Pit Scan look for reason vs just a treatment Try a restart prior to any TrT
^^^^What the wise one said above.

Rule out all pathologies and medical conditions before starting a TRT protocol...it's very important.

36 is a bit young for age related androgen deficiency but it does happen.
I was really shocked when they told me my test results, I can't say I want to have this issue but what I do want is more energy and being able to concentrate and not always feel off I guess, I assume more tests will help confirm whether it is or isn't, I look forward to positives no matter what. Hopefully this makes sense?
An ultra sound of your pituitary gland for a tumor....that can cause secondardary androgen issues by suppressing FSH and LH signals to testes.

Restart your system with Clomid......takes about 2+ weeks with starting at high does then tapering off.....at your age there is a decent chance it might get you going agin.

A really good Doc should know know all these things.....if they are not doing them all it's ample evidence to find a better doc
What Dave is saying is you need to rule out Pituitary tumors like mico andenoma's that can cause hypogonadism

Hypothyroidism that can cause hypogonadism so have your thyroid evaluated from top to bottom.

Are you taking any meds that could cause your low serum levels?

Have you had a history of aas abuse in the past when you were younger?

Have you had a history of head or groin injury as a child or young man?

What is your lifestyle like? Bad lifestyle and obesity can cause hypogonadism.

Testicular diseases can cause hypogonadism...in other words, there are a lot of pathologies that you need to rule out before starting on TRT.

Just don't accept a Doc saying "well you have low T so let's get you on some as soon as possible" without ruling out all underlying medical conditions first and foremost.

Go into the Facts and Questions forum and start reading and learning; this is so important I can't begin to even tell you my friend!

Read this:

Does that help?

Gene is spot on....lots of potential causes....particularly at your young age and many can be corrected. TRT is for life.....jumping in when there is a good fix available that can allow you to get back to natural levels is a sin. A good Doc will work hard to exhaust all paths prior to putting you on
TRT. A lazy/ignorant one will just dose you with T

Also once you start TRT diagnosising is much harder if not impossible Don't start till you have no other avenues
Yes that article helps some, I am not sure where my problem lies, I guess more tests are needed, I am 5"10 185 work out 4/5 days a week weight lifting and Jiu jitsu classes. Never any drug addiction, no steroids use, I eat a mostly good diet, chicken, egg whites, yougurt , whole
grains etc.( mostly 75% of time) lol.
Thanks for your help, I will see where my next appointment takes me, hopefully some answers.

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