Very Worried - Potential Cardiac Issues & TRT


very sorry for the long pror posts and blood work but im very worried.... i stopped cold for 14 days :( and have been back on the gel 50mg a day for 5 days now.... the prolactin is very high, i was taking Vitamin E daily to lower there anything else I could do. since I am a methadone pt. i know it is not helping the prolactin . also on benzos.
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It's going to take longer than 14 days for your natural production to come back online, except your high prolactin could be causing problems since prolactin interferes with testosterone production. Don't know where you're getting the idea that TRT causes cardiac events, usually cardiac events are caused by those already with heart problems.

Previous 30 years benzo user here (Klonopin), it's the reason I'm on TRT. These benzo cause pituitary disorders over long term usage, they basically sedate the pituitary gland and over time pituitary function is reduced which can cause problems with the pituitary glands LH output. It's going to be difficult to reverse course and improve things naturally while taking benzos since they work against your testosterone production.

Why did you stop TRT?
why i stopped IM test.

:(i stopped IM route due to after injecting march 1st , my 100mg dose.....having my heart rate go up to 156bpm or so and my bp was 134/114.......and i was rushed to the ER i thought i was having a heart attack....... ive had panic attacks before bad...but this was different and got worse and worse ...over an hour past and i called 911..... i was terrified to injected after that... . and stopped taking maca root..... it seemed any little thing made my heart go crazy.... since then my bp is slightly raised, and am on a 30 day heart monitor ...comes off april 15..... echo of heart was ok said by doc.....all labs normal t1 t3 t4 im clueless and so are teh docs.......I switched back to the andro gel 1% thats alll my insurance covers generic.....:( ....been on it 17 days at 75mgs qd....... going up to 100mg tomorrow.... so thats why.... I am dieing to inject .. ihave to vials in my closet but am terrified that i am going to have another episode like that.... it was just strange i did NOTHING differnt ,but 10 min after injection BOOM my whole body felt like someone stuck me with an epi pen
:(i stopped IM route due to after injecting march 1st , my 100mg dose.....having my heart rate go up to 156bpm or so and my bp was 134/114.......and i was rushed to the ER i thought i was having a heart attack....... ive had panic attacks before bad...but this was different and got worse and worse ...over an hour past and i called 911..... i was terrified to injected after that... . and stopped taking maca root..... it seemed any little thing made my heart go crazy.... since then my bp is slightly raised, and am on a 30 day heart monitor ...comes off april 15..... echo of heart was ok said by doc.....all labs normal t1 t3 t4 im clueless and so are teh docs.......I switched back to the andro gel 1% thats alll my insurance covers generic.....:( ....been on it 17 days at 75mgs qd....... going up to 100mg tomorrow.... so thats why.... I am dieing to inject .. ihave to vials in my closet but am terrified that i am going to have another episode like that.... it was just strange i did NOTHING differnt ,but 10 min after injection BOOM my whole body felt like someone stuck me with an epi pen.. also I have been under severe stress, and have had 2 stress tests in the past 3 months and had to leave work..

It's going to take longer than 14 days for your natural production to come back online, except your high prolactin could be causing problems since prolactin interferes with testosterone production. Don't know where you're getting the idea that TRT causes cardiac events, usually cardiac events are caused by those already with heart problems.

Previous 30 years benzo user here (Klonopin), it's the reason I'm on TRT. These benzo cause pituitary disorders over long term usage, they basically sedate the pituitary gland and over time pituitary function is reduced which can cause problems with the pituitary glands LH output. It's going to be difficult to reverse course and improve things naturally while taking benzos since they work against your testosterone production.

Why did you stop TRT?
Please write without ellipses. Your posts are almost unreadable. It sounds to me like you had a run-of-the-mill panic attack. The first time I had one I was only 22 and even I thought I was genuinely having a heart attack. Is it possible that testosterone induced your anxiety? Perhaps, but you certainly don't sound like you have cardiac problems.
:(i stopped IM route due to after injecting march 1st , my 100mg dose.....having my heart rate go up to 156bpm or so and my bp was 134/114.......and i was rushed to the ER i thought i was having a heart attack....... ive had panic attacks before bad...but this was different and got worse and worse ...over an hour past and i called 911..... i was terrified to injected after that... . and stopped taking maca root..... it seemed any little thing made my heart go crazy.... since then my bp is slightly raised, and am on a 30 day heart monitor ...comes off april 15..... echo of heart was ok said by doc.....all labs normal t1 t3 t4 im clueless and so are teh docs.......I switched back to the andro gel 1% thats alll my insurance covers generic.....:( ....been on it 17 days at 75mgs qd....... going up to 100mg tomorrow.... so thats why.... I am dieing to inject .. ihave to vials in my closet but am terrified that i am going to have another episode like that.... it was just strange i did NOTHING differnt ,but 10 min after injection BOOM my whole body felt like someone stuck me with an epi pen

If you injected 100mg in one single shot, it's no wonder you had a bad reaction, the larger the dosage the large the peak of testosterone and estrogen, it's the estrogen peaks high enough this can cause serious anxiety and can turn a man into a moody bitch just like a woman. What you need before you start TRT is labs indicating SHBG levels, this determines dosage, if SHBG is low free hormones (free estrogen) will be high and you won't feel too good.

You've got to split those shots up, do 50mg twice weekly, I do mine Monday morning and Thursday evening to minimize these peaks and keep levels stable. When you inject one large dose you peak high and days later your levels start dropping, this will affect mood and energy levels and can even cause anxiety and nervousness.

If you have problems with 50 twice weekly I suggest you start lower (40mg twice weekly) and go slower raising your levels over many months. This method has helped many with anxiety disorders. You really need that SHBG level, it's the most important lab value when starting TRT.

I also suggest that it's not TRT causing this reaction, but you are reacting to sticking yourself with a needle, this can be stressful to just about anyone. It does get easier with time.
I think i worded this wrong....... I ment inject my testosterone..

for anyone who saw my post that said i was "dieing to inject" i ment I am up set that i cannot use IM testosterone right now... ok nothing else!!!! jeez
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I think i worded this wrong....... I ment inject my testosterone. recovery part of my life is fine

ok... that was wrongly worded.. and u ppl are very judgy.....I HAVE 8 years sober.. (save the but ur on methadone speech) i havnt used any other drugs besides what im prescribed. AS PRESCRIBED. in those 8 years.. I MENT i am very upset that i am not IMing my testosterone.....i dont like the gel. .... i have am a bottle carrier and havnt had a dirty urine in 8 years. i dont need to explain anymore about that. i came here for hormone help... my addiction is in remission.
I think i worded this wrong....... I ment inject my testosterone. recovery part of my life is fine

ok... that was wrongly worded.. and u ppl are very judgy.....I HAVE 8 years sober.. (save the but ur on methadone speech) i havnt used any other drugs besides what im prescribed. AS PRESCRIBED. in those 8 years.. I MENT i am very upset that i am not IMing my testosterone.....i dont like the gel. .... i have am a bottle carrier and havnt had a dirty urine in 8 years. i dont need to explain anymore about that. i came here for hormone help... my addiction is in remission. 
thank you systemlord I did not know that... i will get my dr. to get that test done.... and if you have anyhting to say about me being on methadone. save it. this site helped me so much years ago..... i just listed the drugs im on becuase i wasnt sure if it was interacting..... and i feel very attacked.. so u gave me some great information , thank you for not attacking me like the other people did...... like i said I worded that wrong.... just for everyones information...... being on methadone doesnt mean ur not living a sober life.....I currently am in school getting my PCT cert. and then when im off the methadone i am going to be a CDAC . this all started because of a crazy heart rate problem and i came back here because this site helped me a lot years ago....
if you have anyhting to say about me being on methadone. save it.

You are asking for help, but you don't want to hear what will help you.

being on methadone doesnt mean ur not living a sober life.....

Methadone and benzos does NOT = sober. You can go on fooling yourself but until you face the truth no one can help you. The fact you've already been on it for 8 years, yet mention in your post what you can accomplish "then when I'm off the methadone", is what we call a CLUE. You KNOW you need to kick it, but at the same time deny that it's a problem.

I MENT i am very upset that i am not IMing my testosterone.....i dont like the gel. ....;

That is what I assumed you "MENT". That's why I said to get rid of all your needles and hormones. You don't think that it's a problem that you "are dying to" yet at the same time are "terrified" of injecting? Whatever the substance is?

You need help, man. And I sincerely hope you find it. But I don't think you can get the help you need over the internet.
ok buddy. whatever u say. lol. i live my live fine. all im having problems with is my hormones. so lets just drop it .i am terrified to inject again cuz my heart rate went up to 154 beats per minute. wouldnt u be ? but at the same time I wish i could continue... .... ok thats what i ment. nothing else.... now lets just drop it.. cuz u dont know what ur saying. thanks but no thanks. have a nice day.
just another hater. . u dont know me. i asked for help about hormones. not my medications for my other health problems. i run into ppl like u every day. if i was abusing these drugs and gettting high that would be a problem.... but im not. i take the bare min. of them to stay calm. and getting off methadone takes time. and its no of ur business how i am tapering ... u cant just "kick" methadone" google it smart guy. it has to be done slowly. ..... alllll i ment was i was annoyed that i am wearing a 30 halter monitor now cuz my heart is all f'd up. and i got scare so i stopped injecting my testosterone.... that has nothing to do with addiction.... im not replying to anything else. about this.
"Help" on demand. Wouldn't that be nice. I'd like to think members here could be a bit more understanding. Benzos are the help that's offered. Like your PC treating your low T with Lexapro. Real help requires folks to think about guns poppy fields and who's behind it all. Keith you need off the downers. Find your path through support discussion alternatives on these pages.
i understand your concern thank you, but its a little more complicated.....

:ofirst i dont mean to sound harsh or rude, but i just woke up .......

ok. . thank u but no thank you.... i cant believe this .... i wake up every day with the choice to go out and use . i used to be homeless, and on freakin heroin. depressed and on paxil. and 50 lbs over weight....... my panic levels and stress r beyond anything u can imagine.. I DO seek support. i goto thearpy , have a couseler and am monitored very well..... and my family friends and co workers and myself view me as a strong person , considering. there was a time things like this were brought up, but those things dont happen now...

i understand it might be easy for you to say that, but for some people anxiety and depression r beyond an online support page and actually need more... (which the depression i do deal with with nothing, i was on paxil for 15 years and got off it 2 years ago..after 4 failed trys) but the level of GAD, and panic attacks is off the charts . again 3 doctors not prescribing ones talking drs see me 3x a week. its not like i sit home popping pills in all forms .wollowing in my sorrow ... i take what i need , if not less.....

10 years ago i was homeless, a junky , and using any and everything in the world . i had a dark life.. ok. PTST follows
some people do NEED a little medication....which i follow up with meditation, Reiki , helping others. charity work and other stuff.

i dought i will want to or find any path for that here... again i came here for questions about my TRT as no dr. knows anything...... so im sorry to sound harsh but waking up to another post about this really is annoying.....

if this was even 6 years ago id agree....but NO not now.. i know the difference between abuse and treatment..... and the treatment i am on is needed . i am an amazing member of healthcare industry, i sponcer other methadone pts who dont want to get off of it. and again none of anyones business but i am tapering off every 2 weeks..... if u know nothing about tapering off methadone google takes a very long time. specially somenoe who was on it for as long as me .

i am taking steps...but as for anxiety meds.. unfourtnitly , it seems for the near future i will be on the far future , who knows...... but right now i need the extra help...i try every holistic thing in the world....i shake if the door bell rings... which is a huge step for someone who used to never even leave the house. who now works 6 days a week, and functions with out self medicating. im also drug tested weekly ( again no ones business) i also was born with tourette syndrome. and thats all im going to say

I get what your saying, i do....and if i was out abusing, lieing ,cheating and stealing. and self medicating id agree...but im sorry u are wrong. there are just people who agree with meds and others who dont..... dont u think if i could just magicly be off everything i would? yes of coarse....but just cant happen like that. and i have been in so many inpatient places years ago to get where i am now....i chroniicly relapsed ,methadone saved me. id b dead right now

so maybe one day ill be off the meds but can i please be left alone, and just talk about getting help finding a dam doctor who will get my T levels back correctly and the proper dose. and the subject at hand. as I get enough help , im just words on a a screen right now to you to judge. which isnt fair .

i said one wrong post , worded wrong and was attacked. if u dont agree with taking what im taking im sorry.

have a wonderful day. i know i am .

Maintenance Medication vs. Using

What is the difference between taking medication and using drugs? How long should someone stay in a methadone or Suboxone program? Why do patients with addiction feel pressured to quit their medication in ways that patients with diabetes or hypothyroidism do not? Often, defendants of these treatments make arguments about the nature of the medications. They draw analogies to the chronic use of blood pressure pills or the way patients with a history of depressive episodes need to stay on their SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, a type of antidepressant) medications — or risk relapsing into depression.
There is a lot of truth to these analogies.

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