For me, it depends on the brand. Pregnyl raised my total testosterone level, my DHEA went from around 400, to around 800 (was not supplementing with DHEA or pregnenolone), testicles were a little bigger than pre-TRT, and loads were bigger than pre-TRT.
On compounded HCG, it doesn’t do any of those things. DHEA is exactly where it was pre-TRT, while injecting 1000iu’s/ week on top of my testosterone cypionate.
Basically Pregnyl did everything that you hear HCG should theoretically be doing, but with compounded HCG, it does none of the things for me that HCG should do. Testicles are very small, even while on 1000iu’s/ week. Not sure if they’d be smaller on no HCG at all, as I’ve never done testosterone by itself.
You know I was wondering this, taking HCG myself, if the compounded stuff was as good as pregnyl and I don't think it is. My testicles also don't seem as plump on 1000 IU a week. I think I'm going to go to the pharmacy and get Pregnyl next refill and stop messing around with the compounded stuff, even if pregnyl is more expenses.