Take 50mg of DHEA dailyWhat is the quickest, most effective way I raise e2?
Some do. I think they are called transgender people.I am not sure why one doesn't just go the direct route an apply an estrogen cream to your skin. (It's like we need to sneak up on estrogen by some back door route.)
It seems easy to control dose and easy to stop and you don't depend on whatever aromatase ability you might have.
I had my E2 levels go from 20 to 12 during the early "shutdown" phase of my (transdermal) testosterone only program, and yes, I noticed the terrible symptoms that were worse than low T esp. aching joints and lower back and anxiety. I ran across this youtube clip:
and starting consuming 1-2 tbsp of flax meal (a plant phytoestrogen) per day, and amazingly, my E2 is back around 20 (tested after a couple of months) and I feel much better (after 1 month or less).
Anyone on this forum have a similar experience with natural supplements having such a noticeable effect?