E2 management with HCG


So I started out doing 250mg week and needed very little AI 1/10 week to keep my estrogen in check but then the last 3 months switched to 50mg 2x week (100mg week) and added in 250iu of hcg 2x week This got me the following figures having a really hard time dialing in estrogen now though, was <5 2 weeks ago and now already 43(max 42) again after no ai for 2 weeks, would love some help thanks.

Total Test 810ng/dl
Free Test (Fti%) 131.36 (23.3-103)
SHBG 21.4 (17.3-65.8)
E2 43.72(7.6-42.6)
Tsh 5.39
DHEA 3.19 (0.5-3.5)
Progesterone 0.287 (0-2)

I know my thyroid needs looking into will get the tests done next week but waking temps are 36-36.2C and mid afternoon around 36.7-36.9C. Currently I inject HCG right after I inject Test, do you think injecting HCG a day or 2 after I inject Test will make any difference in e2. Right now it seems to raise very fast with HCG.

Yes E2 is not sensitive as I do not live in a country that has it but I can clearly tell my e2 is elevated by symptoms and especially the high TSH normally when my e2 is in range my TSH is around 2-2.5. Thanks in advance for the help guys.
Feel more tired, Erections not as great, Trouble falling asleep at night, acne has appeared on upper back.
Wow I'm really surprised to hear that, your levels look pretty much in range. I guess you could try lowering your dose of testosterone or HCG.
Yes I seem to be an over responder to hcg and Adex and when my E2 goes even slightly out either way i start to get symptoms, the acne got really bad on my shoulders too. Is there a way to test if 150iu hcg 2x a week is enough or do you just go by how you feel?
HCG and E problems are pretty common, usually why a guy cuts or eliminates HCG is due to an E problem. Given your SHBG your E (likely) needs to be close to that number as well. You SHBG is low(ish) means you have a lot of Free T..see how far over the lab range you are? Also means you have a lot of Free Estrogen which isn't shown in clear terms with that E test you have there.
HCG though I only use 200iu once per week seems to do the same thing to me, a day or two afterwards I get some elevated E symptoms.
Id cut the HCG use to once per week...if it's giving you problems like this then you need to reconsider it's use at all.
cheers Vince that might be the way to go, I started with 2 x 250iu a week as that is what most guys seemed to suggest and started because I lost alot of penis sensitivity without it. How do you feel with just 1x a week and do you supplement with progesterone at all? I know in my lab results mine was 0.2 do you think it would help to take progesterone or would it be worth cutting my hcg to 100 IU 3x a week or just 200iu once a week?
I dont recommend supplementing those pro hormones...Pregnenlone/Progesterone/DHEA/et al..,

Like HCG some guys like those, some don't tolerate them at all.
What do you guys do about penis sensitivity if you drop the hcg? Without the hcg it was taking me 30-50 minutes to finish basically. I definitely noticed a massive improvement with the hcg otherwise i would have dropped it by now lol.
Sensitivity can be a multi-faceted problem, for me its been with my E too high, I think, but then guys like you like HCG because of the libido/sensitivity/etc so it's hard to say.
I crashed my E2 in the low 30's on the non sensitive test and I have very low SHBG which means I can take low E better than guys on higher SHBG. I personally don't go below 45 if I can help it. You are very low! Aim for 50-70 then see how you feel.
Yeah I don't take high E very well at all or low E. My body seems to be very sensitive to it once I go 1-2 points over the max for the test my upper shoulders look like a massive colony of pimples have erupted. I have read many of the experts suggest taking HCG 24 hours before your T injections instead of doing both at the same time so think I will try this and also start doing adex very small microdose when I take my T injections. and see how that works out.

Would The fact that i have a high % of my bodyfat on my belly make a difference with the fact I inject hcg there? would it maybe be better to inject the hcg into the quads where i have very little fat?

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