How much does HCG raise testosterone?

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Hi everyone. My fiance is on replacement therapy, and we are trying to get his protocol all dialed in. I can't find some good information on this topic. He was diagnosed with secondary hypogonadism.

We were wondering, that if you add HCG to someone who is secondary and already on testosterone cypionate, how much would the HCG raise the total testosterone, and with what dose? I know it's a little different for everyone, but we are just looking for a rough estimate.

Thank you!
- Amanda
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
There is no rough estimate to how he'll respond, no part of this is linear like that. 500iu E3.5D is a very common TRT dose and given he's secondary he could get some Endo T production but I'd go so far as to say it's pretty negligible, won't be substantial. Testing will tell the tale but even then you won't know what's Endo/Exo/etc etc. Usually more stimulation of the testes with HCG is going to produce more estrogenic problems than anything else.
There is no rough estimate to how he'll respond, no part of this is linear like that. 500iu E3.5D is a very common TRT dose and given he's secondary he could get some Endo T production but I'd go so far as to say it's pretty negligible, won't be substantial. Testing will tell the tale but even then you won't know what's Endo/Exo/etc etc. Usually more stimulation of the testes with HCG is going to produce more estrogenic problems than anything else.

But from what I understand, in males, estrogen is made from testosterone, so wouldn't that mean that the HCG would raise it before it turned into estrogen?
It will vary by individual. The only way to know what your fiance's response will be to try it and get bloodwork. For reference, here's my response to different HCG doses (no exogenous testosterone). All doses taken every 3 days, bloodwork 24 hours post injection, Estradiol tested with LCMS:

300 iu: 581 T, 22.1 E
420 iu: 755 T, 35.4 E
640 iu: 1133 T, 65.2 E

In someone else these doses might stimulate very little production.
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I responded dramatically to HCG to the point where I was able to reduce my test cyp dose. I use 150 IU per day and I have zero estrogen issues but I have a decently high SHBG.
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