HCG Insomnia


New Member
I get extreme insomnia from HCG. I've tried adding it 3 different times over the past 16 months while on TRT, 750iux2/wk , 250iux2/wk , and most recently a single 50iu injection.
All sub q. Each time, whether it was a 375iu injection or 50iu injection, I get extreme insomnia. To the point where falling asleep is close to impossible, like my body(brain?) will not turn off to sleep. The most recent time, 19th Jan, I tried doing a very low dose 50iu HCG (reasons below) injection. I got tired and went to bed at my normal time, only to finally "fall asleep" in an extremely hard to explain sense of a coma. I was awake/asleep at the same time. It was one of the most unique experiences of my life, and oddly enough it was not discomfortable.
I am not using the HCG for fertility, rather when I did my first bout, was an experiment for larger testicles/ejaculate volume. I know, ball size and load quantity... who cares, but sounds fun. I found out within days of the HCG (ofc, also the insomnia) that it made me generally happier. I never before trying HCG felt a sense of "general unhappiness", but the HCG made me feel generally happier. In all aspects; more intense workouts, more desire to do activities with the kids, spend quality time with the old lady, etc. I didn't feel I was lacking/wanting more in any of these areas before trying HCG. I did not know, at all, HCG would have any effect beyond my desired interests in testicle size/ejaculate volume. Placebo all but ruled out in this case.
The absolute destruction of my sleep trumped the positives, and I have now quit it a third time.

Has any had similar experiences with HCG?

Also, I will be doing a fourth experiment in the next 2 weeks with HCG at 5iu/day , or an extremely minimal dose (The former If I can fill it with enough BAC water to get an accurate dosing measurement on my syringe)
I understand the "...sense of a coma. I was awake/asleep at the same time..." as I experience exactly the same thing. Currently on HCG 300 IU M/W/F/S + 12.5mg Enclomiphene on the same schedule.

The sense of being awake/asleep correlates with the usage of HCG but I can't say for sure that's the reason. I fall asleep very fast (within 3 min or less) but wake up many times, usually while dreaming, and then when I go back to sleep I stay in this state you very well described. The next day my wife asks me "how did you sleep?" and I say "I don't know! I thought I was awake of night "thinking", but apparently I was dreaming". It must also be said that I've struggled with insomnia for more than 25 years, that's why I can't blame HCG for it. In any case, the "coma" state is an improvement compared to lots of completely sleepless nights.

In general, this combination has positive results. I've been 2 months on it (currently awaiting lab results) and the effects on mood are the most noticeable, more calm, happier in general, more content with things in life, more accepting. As a matter of fact, I concur with you stated opinion that "...the HCG made me feel generally happier. In all aspects; more intense workouts, more desire to do activities with the kids, spend quality time with the old lady, etc. I didn't feel I was lacking/wanting more in any of these areas before trying HCG."

FWIW, I've been on all possible schedule and doses of HCG, from 2000 IU once a week, to 250 IU every day. I think higher doses tend to increase more anxiety and gives more edginess than more frequent/lower doses, which make me feel more optimistic and willing to do stuff, without feeling on the edge.

I am not on exogenous Testosterone though, which is an important factor. Even though I'm 60 yo, I'd like to keep all my organs in working order for as long as I can tolerate their decline. So HCG keeps the testicles working while low dose Enclomphene keeps Pituitary and Hypothalamus from falling asleep. I tend to respond very well to enclipmiphene putting my natural T over 1100 ng/dL, but I do not get any subjective benefits. HCG adds that missing part. Most definitely this combination does not provide many of the sought-after benefits of exogenous T (increased muscle mass, decreased fat mass, gold gym body, bloody eyes and permanently erect penis) or at least not at the same level, but keeps things in working condition and allows me to enjoy life while understanding that I'm a 60 year old man, and I'll probably won't feel like 25 ever again. But this assessment may change once the risk/benefits profile starts changing.

I don't think 5IU a day is going to do anything, and will most probably be a waste of money. There's usually a minimum "therapeutic dosage" threshold under which the effect is negligible, if at all. From what I've read in this forum, it seems that 150IU is the practical absolute minimum when used daily for any noticeable effect. Most TRT users seem to use anywhere from 250 IU to 500IU twice a week, although you can probably find any protocol you want under the sun.
i got the same, tried 2x0.35ml, 3x0.5ml - a week or so i felt good. then completely overstimulated. needed sleep meds temporary. i would fall asleep and wake up at 3am with heart racing.
the idea is that this was to addition my 200mg/T and out me simply over the edge. i felt ok with HCG at 120-150mg/Test
i stopped - and this resolve within a week or so.
i don't want kids by it boosted my libido a bit. unsure if i will take it or not, trying to find my sweet spot of T now (likely at 150mg)
it highly likely has to do with T levels. I don't think e2 plays a role, but who knows
I have had some similar issues. For years, I was on hCG 100IU/day. Sometimes up to 150IU/day. I did this along with some other form of exogenous testosterone. I seemed to do fine on it for a long time. In the beginning, I also noticed a calm, sense of well being that I attributed to hCG. But, I never really closely tracked how I felt until the last 1-2 years.

Fast forward to the last 6-12 months. For various reasons, I decided to stop hCG and just use testosterone. But, on multiple occasions, I have attempted to restart hCG - usually at 50-100 IU/ day. Each time, I end up feeling anxious and amped up, which can persist until it's time to sleep. Sometimes I feel really good for a day or two, after which the overstimulated feeling recurs.

It's really strange, since I did fine on it for a long time. I suppose it's possible I was living with low level anxiety and was just used to it. It's also possible that if I stick to it, the negative effects will subside.

Keep us posted.
Sounds like the HCG addon is producing too much extra testosterone, which is giving you a testosterone nigh like a stimulant, hence the worsened sleep. That's typical for stimulants.
I just mixed my second bottle of Pregnyl and took my 300iu dose, and currently viewing this thread past mid-night unable to fall asleep lol. I tremendously concur with the sense of well being component and general contentment with life.
I also have no issue with HCG, I've been using it for over 8 years now. 500 IU twice a week. I also use a Fitbit watch to track my sleep. So far no sleep issues.
I take HCG in the morning before I eat breakfast. I have no sleep issues. When are you guys taking yours? If in the evening, why?
Couldn't really cite anything clinical to back this up, however when I was coached by an IFBB pro, he always recommended to take at night with vitamin E on an empty stomach and intramuscular. I believe it may have to do with the rhythm of LH pulsing peak at night?

I did find literature regarding hcg and Vitamin E if I remember correctly, but not the night time administration. I may skip tonight's dose and go for it tommorow morning.
Couldn't really cite anything clinical to back this up, however when I was coached by an IFBB pro, he always recommended to take at night with vitamin E on an empty stomach and intramuscular. I believe it may have to do with the rhythm of LH pulsing peak at night?

I did find literature regarding hcg and Vitamin E if I remember correctly, but not the night time administration. I may skip tonight's dose and go for it tommorow morning.

I think it could make sense to take it at night for the reasons you stated, maybe, who knows, but I have not found anything in that regard, and in almost every research paper I've read when the time of injection is specified it occurs between 7:00 am to 10:00 am

I have also read about vitamin E protecting the Leidyg cells from oxidation when used in combination with HCG. Regarding taking it with an empty stomach, it seems to me that being lipophilic, vitamin E is better absorbed if taken with fatty food.
"fall asleep" in an extremely hard to explain sense of a coma. I was awake/asleep at the same time. It was one of the most unique experiences of my life, and oddly enough it was not discomfortable.

I have been on HCG for several years, I also experience the same sleep scenario and I welcome it. It is almost a surreal expereince of being between two worlds, I awake refreshed and energetic.

was an experiment for larger testicles/ejaculate volume. I know, ball size and load quantity... who cares, but sounds fun.

Yeah, this does sound fun but my understanding is that your balls will not resume necessarily their original size and it is highly unlikely that they will increase more than what they original state.

My balls did resume their original size, of which I was most grateful as far as increasing ejaculate volume, again that is not a byproduct of using HCG. It will for some guys enhance the sex with increased sensitivity and that arousal would be what is responsible for pre-ejaculate and load volume.

Somewhat on another sideline topic I am aware of guys that will use a pump with regular use that will increase the boys.
Couldn't really cite anything clinical to back this up, however when I was coached by an IFBB pro, he always recommended to take at night with vitamin E on an empty stomach and intramuscular. I believe it may have to do with the rhythm of LH pulsing peak at night?

I did find literature regarding hcg and Vitamin E if I remember correctly, but not the night time administration. I may skip tonight's dose and go for it tommorow morning.
What's his name?
the time of the day is irrelevant. the half life is something like 24-36h.
btw. I am retrying HCG at a lower dose, 2x250IU/week. fingers crossed.
A substance's half-life and the best time of to administer isn't always directly related. If I recall, the OP was concerned about insomnia.
I take MK677, (which has a long half-life), just before bed. Why? Because it helps with sleep and I don't want to deal with hunger. Guess what? It works!
A substance's half-life and the best time of to administer isn't always directly related. If I recall, the OP was concerned about insomnia.
I take MK677, (which has a long half-life), just before bed. Why? Because it helps with sleep and I don't want to deal with hunger. Guess what? It works!
how much mk do you take each night?
Based on other factors, I take 10mg to 25mg. I've been taking 25mg for the last eight weeks and I'm about to step it down for two weeks at 10mg. I've got labs coming up and want to see what 10mg is doing to my IGF1.

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