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While browsing alzheimmer info for my girl's aging mother, I came accross some studies that made me think my HCG use...
Stuff like this made me pause:
I never see this discussed on HCG threads... Some studies suggest that lowering LH in elderly could delay the onset of AD ... Naturally, all those studies done outside of the context of hormone replacement... and we all know one sure way to kill LH is exogenous testosterone... But what levels of HCG is safe? And is it the same as LH as it is LH like, but not LH...
Elevated gonadotropin levels in patients with Alzheimer disease

Elevated gonadotropin levels in patients with Alzheimer disease - PubMed
Gonadotropin levels are elevated in some patients with AD, ie, women not taking estrogen. Elevated gonadotropin levels may have a role in the production of amyloid-beta protein, which is related to formation of senile plaques. Therefore, elevated gonadotropin levels may be involved in the...

The Contribution of Luteinizing Hormone to Alzheimer Disease Pathogenesis
The Contribution of Luteinizing Hormone to Alzheimer Disease Pathogenesis - PMC
Several hypotheses have been proposed that attempt to explain the pathogenesis of Alzheimer Disease (AD) including theories involving senile plaque and neurofibrillary tangle formation, increased oxidative stress, and cell cycle abnormalities, since ...

Stuff like this made me pause:
There is growing evidence supporting a role for gonadotropins, particularly LH, in AD pathogenesis beginning with the finding of a two-fold increase in circulating gonadotropins in individuals with AD compared with age-matched controls.57,58 Since gonadotropin receptors in the brain are found within the hippocampus59 and gonadotropins are known to cross the blood brain barrier,60 we speculate that elevated gonadotropins, namely LH, may contribute to AD pathogenesis.57
I never see this discussed on HCG threads... Some studies suggest that lowering LH in elderly could delay the onset of AD ... Naturally, all those studies done outside of the context of hormone replacement... and we all know one sure way to kill LH is exogenous testosterone... But what levels of HCG is safe? And is it the same as LH as it is LH like, but not LH...