Erection peptide: Pt-141

I called in a favor and am trying out known good PT-141. First dosage was 1 mg after deliberately skipping 3 T shots to lower my T levels (-40% approximate of my usual lab results). The effect was a slightly increased libido but a marked increase in "caring" about a love interest. Whole night and morning with a partial erection (14 hours approximately) . This started about 3 hours after the injection , no nausea or stomach upset. The second does was taken POST TRT (100 mg Delatestryl) about 3 hours after and was 1.25 mg. My normal dose of T is 3 X 65 mg EOD with the forth replaced by HCG 300 mg. I have been doing this for 4 years and slowly found my most effective dosage with the help of my doctor and regular blood work. My E2 has been ~ 70% of maximum range of the test scores for the last 2 1/2 years. No AA whatsoever , it seems to be regulating itself which I strongly prefer.

The second dose had a much more dramatic effect and libido climb followed about 3 hours after the injection. It peaked at about 5 hours after and lasted about 13 hours. I awoke with an erection that I have not seen since 16 and was aroused enough to do a Coke can. Is PT-141 codependent on T levels ? I have primary hypogonadism but notice a increase in testicle size both times and increased sensitivity. The doses were 3 weeks apart to try to minimize any adrenal fatigue as this peptide is all but untested and undocumented. FSH levels were at pre TRT levels in the blood work taken 2 days after the last injection , prolactin was 80% less than any of my previous tests over the past 4 years.
My experience with PT-141 has been varied.
The first time I took it, I used either 1mg or 1.5mg and I had spontaneous erections for the next 24 hours that were unreal! I thought I was a teenager again. It got to the point that walking around was a challenge because I was so hard, and man was that awesome.
But other times I have taken it I didn't get much out of it.
The last time I took it, I also used Cialis, and I dosed PT-141 twice in the same day, 2 mg the first time, and 1 mg about 6 hours later. I had good effect, and rock hard spontaneous erections for about 24 - 36 hours. I usually don't respond that well to Cialis or Viagra unfortunately, so I am sure that the PT-141 made a difference.
In my experience, if I don't feel flushing and a little bit of nausea within a few minutes after injecting PT141, it means it isn't going to work on the erections.
I'm going to try again injecting more than once on the same day. Has anyone else tried that?
This forum is kind of old but it seemed to be directly related to my recent experiences, so I thought I would see if I could revive it. I've become interested in peptides lately and recently purchased some PT-141. I tried this with a girl over the weekend. We each did 1mg. Unfortunately, neither of us saw any effect. No nausea or any of the benefits either. So I wonder how much of the stuff out there is for real? Has anyone recently purchased any and had good effects from it? If so, where did you get it?
This forum is kind of old but it seemed to be directly related to my recent experiences, so I thought I would see if I could revive it. I've become interested in peptides lately and recently purchased some PT-141. I tried this with a girl over the weekend. We each did 1mg. Unfortunately, neither of us saw any effect. No nausea or any of the benefits either. So I wonder how much of the stuff out there is for real? Has anyone recently purchased any and had good effects from it? If so, where did you get it?

My expereinces...

  • rui has legit product.
  • not sure why, but a few hours of sleep after injecting seems to increase effectiveness (for me anyway). I preload & inject when I do my 4 am "wake up" pee. Then back to bed. Sleep not innterripted by raging wood assuming an early alarm. If I inject right before bed, my wood disrupts my sleep all night long.
  • I need 1.75mg minimum. Lesser amounts had little effect.

Since discovering Trimix, I don't use PT often. Because of that, its probably why its so effective when I do "play" with it.
my order from GWP just arrived, still waiting on the bacteriostatic understanding is that there is a window of a couple of hours at least for things to start happening, unlike shooting trimix and boing!
Now that this is officially FDA approved, at least for women, I'll add an update to say that I think most men are wildly overdosing this. I believe Dr. Hertoghe recommends starting with 100mcg (that's micrograms not milligrams!!!) and gradually increasing to a max of 500 mcg. That at least seems to have a chance of preventing the desensitization that Gene refers to. My lab rats have found that to be a helpful addition. with no desensitization if used 2-3 times per week.
I have for almost 3 years as a bonus it turns the average man into a porn staar all in 4 hrs and last from 6 to 12 hrs :)

Given I have had horrible ED and libido for over 20 years, I just bought some. Hope it works for me. Any new info on this? New experiences? Works 1st time, but not again? Only use 2x per month etc?
I just ordered some PT-141 yesterday from maxim peptides and had to go to another online place to order the Bac Water to mix with pt141 powder. Can’t wait to get my order. I’ve also research that people would start off with a .5ml shot and work up to 1ml shot. It also last for 3 days! Reports have it that you can go up to 1.75ml injection but anything over that it comes with risk but they never reported the risk. Now I’ve read on here people has stack pt141 w/cialis, viagra or levitra with extra success, But I’ve never heard of a person using pt141 and also injection edex into penis or whatever brand people gets prescribed. The reason I’ve ordered pt141 to try, I’ve tried all the pills which my weird system just adapted and they stopped working and then I really went to the dark side and got the penis injection med which I got prescribed edex and it works but getting tired of shooting penis with needle when me and the spouse wanted to beat the boots. It was kind of non spontaneous. Now I order pt 141 take injection day between 5 or 6 and then just sit around wait for it to work which it says 4 hrs affect so around bed time bam holy wood and spontaneous is back. But I’ll come back let y’all know
As I said elsewhere, some people seem to find that some sleep is required for it to work, so be open to different scenarios. I would NOT combine it with bimix/trimix, at least until you know how it affects you. If you get the real thing, you'll feel some flushing shortly after you inject.
I ordered some PT-141 and injected 1 mg subQ last evening. Took it with 5 mg of Levitra. I fell asleep while waiting for the 4 hours before it was supposed to become effective. I woke up with a raging hard on (I could not tell you the last time I woke up with a morning erection). It definitely improved the effectiveness of the Levitra and was still having a good effect 12 hours later. I will certainly be using it again. I did not notice any negative side-effects.
I ordered some PT-141, I took a .5ml of a 0.1ml dose just to see what effects I got. Well by the time I got off work and in bed had a semi hard which to me is better than nothing. So I wanted 3 days to do another injection, but this time I took a 0.1ml dose. Got home by the time I got in bed hard as a rock, but sadly no action because the wife decided to keep grand baby over night. So 0.1 ml worked for me had wood on and off all night. But I think the claim that the peptides last in your system up to 72hrs is false. Because Sunday night no grand baby and unfortunately no wood! I may try the melatonin ll next see what that does. Plus it may give me a decent tan seeing I’m a red head guy that doesn’t tan good.
PT-141 is known for having an initial dose positive reaction and than on subsequent doses no result.

It's happened to many including myself.

Also, PT-141 can effectively be used only once or twice a month as the neuro receptors responsible for providing the subjective results become easily desensitized.

Most are not aware of this fact.

BTW, no peptide research site is ever going to publish studies of their products.

Oxytocin had no effect on me whatsoever and it was a pharmacy grade product prescribed by my Doctor. Many get no response from its use as well.

I buy my Sermorelin from GWP and it works as I have leaned out significantly over the past couple of months.
What does that do for you
I use a microdose (100-300mcg) 2 times a week and it has been effective for years, but it is effective in concert with many other things and it is not a game changer on its own, as far as I can tell, but definitely worthwhile for me.
Where are you purchasing it and bacteriostatic water?
Where are you purchasing it and bacteriostatic water?
I've had good luck with Peptide Sciences, nootropic source and recon peptides. Also, I use melanotan II instead during the winter months. I use Bac water left over from my HCG although I think there is a company called something like medlab gear that supplies it as well.

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