Hello. 49, male, no other health issues. 4.5 months into TRT, lowered my dose a month ago due to some random heart palpitations, hemo and RBC were fine according to bloodwork. In .20 twice a week, down from .30 twice a week and started half a pill of arimidex as needed once a week. Yesterday I had a splitting headache at the base of my head. My allergies have been bad so I assumed it was that but I’ve had palpitations again. I checked my BP this morning and it was 139/99 which is very high for me. I feel kinda nauseous and have for a couple days. I plan to call my Dr when they open this morning but I feel the need to be very aggressive with this. I’m pounding the water but am unsure of what else I need to do. would donating blood help? What’s the best thing to do? Thank you.