Any Humanofort users alongside their daily, micro Testosterone injections?


I’ve been a big believer of the 10-15mg/day of Testosterone cypionate injections for many years now. Just added 2 daily capsules of Humanofort. Anyone notice a significant difference once adding the Humanofort?
That guy is a real asshole who masquerades as the inventor of 70mg/week of daily injections, but with his promotion of humanofort ad nauseum in the next sentence almost every single time that protocol is mentioned. I get sick every time he throws words like "lignand" around to feebly explain why not only does his crap survive the stomach digestion process, but works better than HCG (amongst a 1000 purported other benefits). He has provided no proof to date and your account and posts will mysteriously disappear if you question him too much.

It's a shame because that protocol (10mg/daily) is one of the best I have tried (gym performance and gains aside). That thread which I have linked to before has 100s of success stories. It's a real shame this scammy humanofort promotion is intertwined into it.

Yes good starting protocol. Nice to see your handle here again.

I am getting ready to market my 160 mg/week Test Ester + escitalopram + clonazepam + 10 mg daily of DHEA and pregnenolone. Only $199 per month to get "expert" consulation from the Guru! LOL.

For an extra $100 per month I'll recommend 200 mg/week. /s
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Yes good starting protocol. Nice to see your handle here again.

I am getting ready to market my 160 mg/week Test Ester + escitalopram + clonazepam + 10 mg daily of DHEA and pregenolone. Only $199 per month to get "expert" consulation from the Guru! LOL.

For an extra $100 per month I'll recommend 200 mg/week. /s
Much cheaper to use hGH. I kind of figured I would not here back from this guy about what he felt.
What effects do you see from the DHEA and pregnenolone? Or did you just add those in because it "makes sense" to do so?
Added in a few weeks ago just to see what happened. Nothing yet. Actually they were a left over from the better half who also saw no benefit.

But it makes the whole package sound more complete haha. My brain is actually feeling pretty awful so hard to really say. You gotta think about the optics when marketing the Guru polypharmacy package.
Added in a few weeks ago just to see what happened. Nothing yet. But it makes the whole package sound more complete haha. My brain is actually feeling pretty awful so hard to really say. You gotta think about the optics when marketing the Guru polypharmacy package.
LOL your honesty and uncertain results are immediately disqualifying when it comes to marketing yourself as an effective TRT guru.
LOL your honesty and uncertain results are immediately disqualifying when it comes to marketing yourself as an effective TRT guru.
Hey but the weights in the gym keep going up with same waist circumference. Getting more purple. Veins disgusting the ladies on the next Stairclimber over. Guys giving me lots of attention. That is all that really matters for Guru status, right?
Yes good starting protocol. Nice to see your handle here again.

I am getting ready to market my 160 mg/week Test Ester + escitalopram + clonazepam + 10 mg daily of DHEA and pregenolone. Only $199 per month to get "expert" consulation from the Guru! LOL.

For an extra $100 per month I'll recommend 200 mg/week. /s

Add in some bupropion/vyvanse/adderall/methylphenidate/caffeine or an MAOI for some D feelz….

On a serious note, I have been reading a lot recently recently on MAOIs (mainly peoples experiences on reddit and other forums). It appears MAOIs give the benefits of ssris without the loss of libido. They appear to be more effective than SSRIs for anxiety as well as depression without much side effects. A “cleaner“ drug if you will. The only downside is a teeny tiny rare possibility of an adverse reaction if you consume too much tyramine. This seems to have been overpublicised then taken advantage of by big pharma. They promoted ssris over the better but patent expired MAOIs. They overhyped the 0.1% chance of a bad tyramine reaction (which is easily prevented anyway by avoiding example 12 month aged cheese). Your critical thoughts and experiences? Maybe something to try if you havent already. Parnate (Tranylcypromine) seems to come highly recommended.
Your critical thoughts and experiences?

I will definitely give it some thought and have no experience. Some feedback from the respected forum member here:

Search results for query: Selegiline

There is a workaround for the tyramine issue:

Realistically, it is not reasonably possible to consume sufficient amounts of tyramine in the form of cheeses to induce a clinically significant tyramine response in STS-treated patients. In an open-label study, 16 healthy adult male subjects were enrolled to receive STS 6 mg/24 hours for 13 days (Blob et al 2007). At baseline and on the final day, subjects ingested aged cheeses for breakfast (equivalent to approximately 100 mg tyramine content) and for dinner (equivalent to approximately 320 mg tyramine content). Cardiovascular response was monitored after the meals and no clinically significant changes in vital signs (eg, SBP) were observed. Of note, 4 of the 16 (25%) enrolled subjects were unable to consume the protocol defined amount of cheese during baseline testing.


The knowledge of MAOIs began with the serendipitous discovery that iproniazid was a potent MAO inhibitor (MAOI).[43] Originally intended for the treatment of tuberculosis, in 1952, iproniazid's antidepressant properties were discovered when researchers noted that the depressed patients given iproniazid experienced a relief of their depression. Subsequent in vitro work led to the discovery that it inhibited MAO and eventually to the monoamine theory of depression. MAOIs became widely used as antidepressants in the early 1950s. The discovery of the 2 isoenzymes of MAO has led to the development of selective MAOIs that may have a more favorable side-effect profile.[44]

The older MAOIs' heyday was mostly between the years 1957 and 1970.[41] The initial popularity of the 'classic' non-selective irreversible MAO inhibitors began to wane due to their serious interactions with sympathomimetic drugs and tyramine-containing foods that could lead to dangerous hypertensive emergencies. As a result, the use by medical practitioners of these older MAOIs declined. When scientists discovered that there are two different MAO enzymes (MAO-A and MAO-B), they developed selective compounds for MAO-B, (for example, selegiline, which is used for Parkinson's disease), to reduce the side-effects and serious interactions. Further improvement occurred with the development of compounds (moclobemide and toloxatone) that not only are selective but cause reversible MAO-A inhibition and a reduction in dietary and drug interactions.[45][46] Moclobemide, was the first reversible inhibitor of MAO-A to enter widespread clinical practice.[47]

A transdermal patch form of the MAOI selegiline, called Emsam, was approved for use in depression by the Food and Drug Administration in the United States on 28 February 2006.[48]

I will caution my experience with escitalopram is a mixed bag but I am grateful. Completely turned off the anxiety and panic. But came with some enhanced depression and anhedonia that I am still struggling with.



In addition to reversibility, MAOIs differ by their selectivity of the MAO enzyme subtype. Some MAOIs inhibit both MAO-A and MAO-B equally, other MAOIs have been developed to target one over the other.

MAO-A inhibition reduces the breakdown of primarily serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine; selective inhibition of MAO-A allows for tyramine to be metabolised via MAO-B.[41] Agents that act on serotonin if taken with another serotonin-enhancing agent may result in a potentially fatal interaction called serotonin syndrome or with irreversible and unselective inhibitors (such as older MAOIs), of MAO a hypertensive crisis as a result of tyramine food interactions is particularly problematic with older MAOIs. Tyramine is broken down by MAO-A and MAO-B, therefore inhibiting this action may result in its excessive build-up, so diet must be monitored for tyramine intake.

MAO-B inhibition reduces the breakdown mainly of dopamine and phenethylamine so there are no dietary restrictions associated with this. MAO-B would also metabolize tyramine, as the only differences between dopamine, phenethylamine, and tyramine are two phenylhydroxyl groups on carbons 3 and 4. The 4-OH would not be a steric hindrance to MAO-B on tyramine.[42] Selegiline is selective for MAO-B at low doses, but non-selective at higher doses.
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I will caution my experience with escitalopram is a mixed bag but I am grateful. Completely turned off the anxiety and panic.
What is Clonazepam still doing in the mix then? Escitalopram was meant to get you off of that so you didn't dig a deep and possibly inescapable hole with it. I guess Jordan Peterson achieved guru status while hooked on benzos so it needn't derail your ambitions but I still worry.
What is Clonazepam still doing in the mix then? Escitalopram was meant to get you off of that so you didn't dig a deep and possibly inescapable hole with it. I guess Jordan Peterson achieved guru status while hooked on benzos so it needn't derail your ambitions but I still worry.
Great question and thank you for asking. I noticed about 2 weeks ago my sleep had started to really fall off (perhaps due to the ever increasing Test dosing). I went from weekly average sleep scores in the 70s/100 to low 60s/100. I introduced the clonazepam back in at 1 mg before bed along with 1 mg melatonin. First night went great. Next few nights I went to 0.5 mg. Still pretty decent. Then 2 nights I tried 0.25 mg and still pretty good. So that was enough for me and I had used up my weekly trial time slot as it was sitting in back of my head that clock was ticking.

Last night went back to 1 mg melatonin and ended up at 76/100. So I realize this is a poor even medium term idea with benzos so I am back off. Mood still sucks so time to double down on the stoicism.

I appreciate you caring. And no my goal is not Guru status LOL. Just funny to joke about with all the legit Gurus running around on the internet now. At least my hope my humorous intent was conveyed.

A dude over at TNation came up with this picture for his representation of polypharmacy/benzos/opiates. Thought I would change my avatar to that. Pretty accurate.

Great question and thank you for asking. I noticed about 2 weeks ago my sleep had started to really fall off (perhaps due to the ever increasing Test dosing). I went from weekly average sleep scores in the 70s/100 to low 60s/100. I introduced the clonazepam back in at 1 mg before bed along with 1 mg melatonin. First night went great. Next few nights I went to 0.5 mg. Still pretty decent. Then 2 nights I tried 0.25 mg and still pretty good. So that was enough for me and I had used up my weekly trial time slot as it was sitting in back of my head that clock was ticking.

Last night went back to 1 mg melatonin and ended up at 76/100. So I realize this is a poor even medium term idea with benzos so I am back off. Mood still sucks so time to double down on the stoicism.

I appreciate you caring. And no my goal is not Guru status LOL. Just funny to joke about with all the legit Gurus running around on the internet now. At least my hope my humorous intent was conveyed.

A dude over at TNation came up with this picture for his representation of polypharmacy/benzos/opiates. Thought I would change my avatar to that. Pretty accurate.
Yes I knew you were kidding about the guru thing and so am I. I am relieved to hear that the Clonazepam is not hanging around. I think if you want a more sustainable approach to increasing testosterone dose while maintaining sleep you might consider increasing the proportion of propionate in your blend or switching completely to propionate and pinning ED. Or give cream a try -- for some reason it seems less stimulating at a given free T level, in my experience anyway.
What effects do you see from the DHEA and pregnenolone? Or did you just add those in because it "makes sense" to do so?
And my apologies for the mispelling on pregnenolone above. You should have hammered me on that harder as no self-respecting GURU in training should make that mistake. Corrected and you are too gracious.

I need to stop posting from my phone. Addictive and prone to errors. Nelson's amazing site is leading me down the path to destruction.

Yes I knew you were kidding about the guru thing and so am I. I am relieved to hear that the Clonazepam is not hanging around. I think if you want a more sustainable approach to increasing testosterone dose while maintaining sleep you might consider increasing the proportion of propionate in your blend or switching completely to propionate and pinning ED. Or give cream a try -- for some reason it seems less stimulating at a given free T level, in my experience anyway.
Thanks, I've been using both TC and Empower's TC4:TP1 blend. Sometimes I will go a couple weeks on one and then the other for a couple weeks. May not be enough TP, and I haven't tried solo TP or the cream. I can't let a little thing like sleep / mood / family / professional duties get in the way of my righteous gainz. Must suck it up and reach my ultimate vibrational level.

Thanks for sharing your experiences. The only thing that really scares me is the heart stuff and AFIB but so far heart behaving again for most part. And with my dulled brain / nervous system now even a decent few seconds of SVT does not even phase me. Knock on wood haha.

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