33 year old been struggling to get dialed in for 6 years looking for help

I have had some amazing sex not too long ago…I know my body isn’t broken

Something interesting to note is that before I switched from the previous Dr she actually had lowered me to 120 and split those dose and I started feeling better..Maybe this was a sign?

Really hoping this does the trick man. I really don’t want to lose this amazing woman
Thanks for the thorough response…I am 33 now… I had ED issues that caused me to start TRT I should have checked other boxes like work on my anxiety, get off porn etc but I was young and attracted to the mystique of being on TRT. Can I get off now? Not sure…

I do feel as if I’ve made some serious changes as I’ve quit marijuana and porn for months. My body works so much better without the THC…my liver and kidneys etc…Maybe I could get off?

The decision I made was I’d like to try in the future but right now I want to get dialed in on the lower dose and get some consistency I just started dating this amazing time woman and she’s started by my side but I want to have some consistently good sex for a period of time before trying ANOTHER big change.

Is HCG mandatory on TRT? I’ve been told no…

If you were me am I doing the next right thing? Splitting my 100 mg dose..dropping the DIM..continuing to work on diet, sleep, etc….?

I want to know I have a good plan
ED, is not a condition that warrants TRT on its own. Far from it. Testosterone replacement rarely fixes ED, in fact it often causes issues with erectile function.

IMO there is nothing better for sexual function in a young man than when all his natural hormones are in place and working as they should. What you need to understand is that TRT does not replicate what we do naturally, it cannot. Our HPTA is a complex intricate mechanism. Optimal sexual function depends on the complex interplay of all our hormones that comprise sexual function. TRT shuts down many of the hormones that we need for this system to work as nature intended. We can get some approximation of normal function with the drugs currently available, but I feel it will never be as good as what your body was designed to do, there will most likely be shortcomings.
This is why, I do not agree that young men should be on TRT unless it is absolutely necessary.
There is no mystique to TRT in so far as it being the magic cure for all that could be lacking in your physical self. It can be a life of constantly administering drugs (adjusting protocols to see what works for you as an individual) many times a week, which can get quite tedious after a few years, believe me! It is not something you want to do unless you have to.
However, for men that are truly testosterone deficient, it is a life saver.

If you can tolerate hCG, I think for a young man it is almost mandatory. I do not think that any young man wants to have shrunken testicles and virtually no ejaculate and a possible loss of sexual sensitivity in the genitals that our gonadotropins provide. hCG can help to restore "some" of this.
There are two forms of hCG, urinary derived and recombinant. It is worth trying both forms if you find you cannot tolerate one.

What were your natural T levels before your self administered TRT?

Could it actually be that your unhealthy lifestyle coupled with marijuana/drug use was causing your erectile difficulties and lowering your natural testosterone?
You also mention you suffer with some form of anxiety, this in itself can be a major cause of ED.
If there is even the slightest chance that this may be the case, If it were me, I would be getting off TRT, do a proper restart and and work on improving your health and natural hormone production.
Not all young men have high T levels. This is an absolute myth.
ED, is not a condition that warrants TRT on its own. Far from it. Testosterone replacement rarely fixes ED, in fact it often causes issues with erectile function.

IMO there is nothing better for sexual function in a young man than when all his natural hormones are in place and working as they should. What you need to understand is that TRT does not replicate what we do naturally, it cannot. Our HPTA is a complex intricate mechanism. Optimal sexual function depends on the complex interplay of all our hormones that comprise sexual function. TRT shuts down many of the hormones that we need for this system to work as nature intended. We can get some approximation of normal function with the drugs currently available, but I feel it will never be as good as what your body was designed to do, there will most likely be shortcomings.
This is why, I do not agree that young men should be on TRT unless it is absolutely necessary.
There is no mystique to TRT in so far as it being the magic cure for all that could be lacking in your physical self. It can be a life of constantly administering drugs (adjusting protocols to see what works for you as an individual) many times a week, which can get quite tedious after a few years, believe me! It is not something you want to do unless you have to.
However, for men that are truly testosterone deficient, it is a life saver.

If you can tolerate hCG, I think for a young man it is almost mandatory. I do not think that any young man wants to have shrunken testicles and virtually no ejaculate and a possible loss of sexual sensitivity in the genitals that our gonadotropins provide. hCG can help to restore "some" of this.
There are two forms of hCG, urinary derived and recombinant. It is worth trying both forms if you find you cannot tolerate one.

What were your natural T levels before your self administered TRT?

Could it actually be that your unhealthy lifestyle coupled with marijuana/drug use was causing your erectile difficulties and lowering your natural testosterone?
You also mention you suffer with some form of anxiety, this in itself can be a major cause of ED.
If there is even the slightest chance that this may be the case, If it were me, I would be getting off TRT, do a proper restart and and work on improving your health and natural hormone production.
Not all young men have high T levels. This is an absolute myth.
I agree with Simbarn. I know it sounds long and tough road to start all over and properly but this is the right way to approach TRT and any other treatment to be honest. I was on 250mg test-e 3years ago for 3 years. Got off due to other health issue even though I could have stayed on, did a proper restart and ticked all boxes, exhausted all options in 3 years time till just recently 3 weeks ago jumped back on but only proper TRT this time of only 80mg/week. If it makes me feel and operate better in specific areas I want and blood work will look great I will continue if not I will quit again and for good this time. Even though my numbers were low I felt pretty good( when not too lean, overtrained and underfed), libido ok, sleep great, blood pressure awesome, just that getting lean was a lot harder but to be fair you would be surprised how well we recover with patience and strategic work/plan on ourselfs. Takes time, discipline and drive but everything is possible, and if not then you can surely jump on TRT and reap the benefits cuz its a lifelong treatment and requires specific mindset, money, time etc and still might not be the answer to your problems. Just don't stress about it too much, give it a good thought, compose a proper, bulletproof plan and execute. You are still young and skys the limit ;)

Best of luck!
Before I respond to the previous to messages fully just want to say…I feel really good day. Injection day, split dose, no DIM. Rock hard erections way more libido
ED, is not a condition that warrants TRT on its own. Far from it. Testosterone replacement rarely fixes ED, in fact it often causes issues with erectile function.

IMO there is nothing better for sexual function in a young man than when all his natural hormones are in place and working as they should. What you need to understand is that TRT does not replicate what we do naturally, it cannot. Our HPTA is a complex intricate mechanism. Optimal sexual function depends on the complex interplay of all our hormones that comprise sexual function. TRT shuts down many of the hormones that we need for this system to work as nature intended. We can get some approximation of normal function with the drugs currently available, but I feel it will never be as good as what your body was designed to do, there will most likely be shortcomings.
This is why, I do not agree that young men should be on TRT unless it is absolutely necessary.
There is no mystique to TRT in so far as it being the magic cure for all that could be lacking in your physical self. It can be a life of constantly administering drugs (adjusting protocols to see what works for you as an individual) many times a week, which can get quite tedious after a few years, believe me! It is not something you want to do unless you have to.
However, for men that are truly testosterone deficient, it is a life saver.

If you can tolerate hCG, I think for a young man it is almost mandatory. I do not think that any young man wants to have shrunken testicles and virtually no ejaculate and a possible loss of sexual sensitivity in the genitals that our gonadotropins provide. hCG can help to restore "some" of this.
There are two forms of hCG, urinary derived and recombinant. It is worth trying both forms if you find you cannot tolerate one.

What were your natural T levels before your self administered TRT?

Could it actually be that your unhealthy lifestyle coupled with marijuana/drug use was causing your erectile difficulties and lowering your natural testosterone?
You also mention you suffer with some form of anxiety, this in itself can be a major cause of ED.
If there is even the slightest chance that this may be the case, If it were me, I would be getting off TRT, do a proper restart and and work on improving your health and natural hormone production.
Not all young men have high T levels. This is an absolute myth.
This is all very interesting and I definitely devoted some time thinking about what you said. Actually it really got my anxiety up LOL)
Even my lady wants me to get off. She thinks that my body coulld be fine without it but she wants what is best for me.
When I did the blood work 6-7 years ago...I had tested somewhere around 300-350 ng/dl Total T. I don't remember any of the other markers...I was experimenting with clomid before and felt really shut down..I was trying to clomid because my older brother said it would increase T. Felt good and then felt "shut down" after some time. That is when I decided to gett that blood work done.
So that + anxiety + I was living with my parents who were super negative, I was self medicating with Marijuana there were a lot of factors..

Part of me wants to get off but there is a lot of risk to that too....
What I decided on for now is I'm gonna stay the course with the 100 mg split into 2 doses Monday through Thursday. NO AI, Discontinued DIM, Just keeping things simple and not changing ANYTHING. Continuing my good diet and supplements: a good liquid multi vitamin (Liquid Gold) Vitamin D 5000 IU's Super B vitamin complex, milk thistle, Cialis 5-10 mg daily ( I started cutting the pills) MCT Oil, a good electrolyte blend, super magnesium from GNC, and ashwoghanda at night. Full spectrum 1200 mg *** oil...I think that's all of them...Trying to get good sleep and continuing to work on my anxiety.

What I notice a day after injection 1 of splitting the dose....My balls are bigger?
This is interesting. Maybe a good sign?

Guys I am really hoping this gets me to some consistency. I know we're not always gonna feel perfect but all I want is some consistency. I really believe this is going to do the trick. If anyone has any other recommendations, feedback or words of encouragement I would really appreciate it.

I agree with Simbarn. I know it sounds long and tough road to start all over and properly but this is the right way to approach TRT and any other treatment to be honest. I was on 250mg test-e 3years ago for 3 years. Got off due to other health issue even though I could have stayed on, did a proper restart and ticked all boxes, exhausted all options in 3 years time till just recently 3 weeks ago jumped back on but only proper TRT this time of only 80mg/week. If it makes me feel and operate better in specific areas I want and blood work will look great I will continue if not I will quit again and for good this time. Even though my numbers were low I felt pretty good( when not too lean, overtrained and underfed), libido ok, sleep great, blood pressure awesome, just that getting lean was a lot harder but to be fair you would be surprised how well we recover with patience and strategic work/plan on ourselfs. Takes time, discipline and drive but everything is possible, and if not then you can surely jump on TRT and reap the benefits cuz its a lifelong treatment and requires specific mindset, money, time etc and still might not be the answer to your problems. Just don't stress about it too much, give it a good thought, compose a proper, bulletproof plan and execute. You are still young and skys the limit ;)

Best of luck!
Thank you brother. Gonna stick with 100 mg divided into 2 doses for now. Really have high hopes here...Gonna stick to the plan and not throw in any other variables.
Has anyone else felt their testicle size increase when lowering the dose? Could this be an encouraging sign? And it sounds like less can be more with Cialis too? Do 5 mg daily and go from there?
Thank you brother. Gonna stick with 100 mg divided into 2 doses for now. Really have high hopes here...Gonna stick to the plan and not throw in any other variables.

You're welcome. 100mg, split 50mg per shot in a decent dose and still might be high, depending on how you feel and how your bloodwork looks. Don't let anyone else tell you differently. Also exhaust all other options and tick all other boxes. The devil is in the details. Most miss this point. Most just want a quick fix and sadly all they want to take is a red pill...if you know what I mean. Work with as little variables as possible else you will be spinning wheels for the next 6 years till you decide to drop it all together. Less is more, which is also an unpopular opinion but works great and its always better to be safe then sorry, especially when you are playing with your health.

How long have you been smoking weed? Smoking strong stuff that you buy these days is very detrimental for our long-term health if you do that on the daily basis. I believe the weed these days is different to what you can grow yourself and how weed was 10-20 years ago. Especially if you buy from local dealers. Their stuff can even be laced with nasty chemicals to make it more addictive and/or to give a better kick in the head. Plenty of info about that going on worldwide, just gotta pay attention. I smoked for 26 years pretty much every day and in big quantities so def have the experience to talk about it. I've quit it myself 2-3 weeks ago and feeling 10x better. I manage to quit and stay sober on average 4-7 months a year but then fall off the wagon allowing me to smoke just one spliff and before you even know it, you're back at square one puffing 6 months daily. I respect that you have quit it, cuz most never do and just find an excuse to continue smoking and be miserable if not having a toke. I'm sure you know what I mean. I could write a book about this one topic easily so something for my book when I retire.
You're welcome. 100mg, split 50mg per shot in a decent dose and still might be high, depending on how you feel and how your bloodwork looks. Don't let anyone else tell you differently. Also exhaust all other options and tick all other boxes. The devil is in the details. Most miss this point. Most just want a quick fix and sadly all they want to take is a red pill...if you know what I mean. Work with as little variables as possible else you will be spinning wheels for the next 6 years till you decide to drop it all together. Less is more, which is also an unpopular opinion but works great and its always better to be safe then sorry, especially when you are playing with your health.

How long have you been smoking weed? Smoking strong stuff that you buy these days is very detrimental for our long-term health if you do that on the daily basis. I believe the weed these days is different to what you can grow yourself and how weed was 10-20 years ago. Especially if you buy from local dealers. Their stuff can even be laced with nasty chemicals to make it more addictive and/or to give a better kick in the head. Plenty of info about that going on worldwide, just gotta pay attention. I smoked for 26 years pretty much every day and in big quantities so def have the experience to talk about it. I've quit it myself 2-3 weeks ago and feeling 10x better. I manage to quit and stay sober on average 4-7 months a year but then fall off the wagon allowing me to smoke just one spliff and before you even know it, you're back at square one puffing 6 months daily. I respect that you have quit it, cuz most never do and just find an excuse to continue smoking and be miserable if not having a toke. I'm sure you know what I mean. I could write a book about this one topic easily so something for my book when I retire.
Okay. So in 4 weeks we will do bloods and go from there potentially lower it...Sound like a plan? I am already feeling a little better a little over 24 hours from the first 50 mg inj. Maybe it's in my head but it feels like my balls are bigger, my penis is more sensitive and blood flows there easier. Maybe this is the dose...Either way it's sure gonna be a LOT better than what I was doing and I'M GETTING CLOSER. I truly believe you can master this therapy and it can be a GREAT benefit to your life.

I smoked since I was like 17...I quit September 1st...So going on three months. Maybe I will see continued benefits from that??

I agree...I am so much happier without it. I know it made my ED worse...

Now I just have to master this therapy. With a clear mind and AWARENESS I feel as if I'm getting closer...
Okay. So in 4 weeks we will do bloods and go from there potentially lower it...Sound like a plan? I am already feeling a little better a little over 24 hours from the first 50 mg inj. Maybe it's in my head but it feels like my balls are bigger, my penis is more sensitive and blood flows there easier. Maybe this is the dose...Either way it's sure gonna be a LOT better than what I was doing and I'M GETTING CLOSER. I truly believe you can master this therapy and it can be a GREAT benefit to your life.

I smoked since I was like 17...I quit September 1st...So going on three months. Maybe I will see continued benefits from that??

I agree...I am so much happier without it. I know it made my ED worse...

Now I just have to master this therapy. With a clear mind and AWARENESS I feel as if I'm getting closer...
I would give it more then 4 weeks. 8-12 weeks. I have started 3 weeks ago myself and will do bloods only end of January 2023. There is no rush, no stress, let the testosterone do its thing. I'm not a pro but def think that lower dose can work great. Also I recommend not to stress about it and just try living your best life cuz anxiety kills everything especially the libido and downstairs department fwiw. Also how is your diet, sleep and training? These 3 have to be optimised if you want to reap full benefits of TRT and overall life quallity. Trying to minimise stress is key as well. Also remember we all have good days and bad days and theres nothing you can do about it just try to control yourself and your stress levels and do what needs to be done.

3 months of not smoking is a great start. Keep at it. You will feel better and better with some minor setbacks and plateaus, as everywhere, but trust me it only gets better. You will be high on life and no weed can give you that feeling once you trully commit and master yourself and your thoughts. Which is a lifelong journey and def right path;) Ofcourse there are exceptions to the rule but it doesn't matter at this point.
I would give it more then 4 weeks. 8-12 weeks. I have started 3 weeks ago myself and will do bloods only end of January 2023. There is no rush, no stress, let the testosterone do its thing. I'm not a pro but def think that lower dose can work great. Also I recommend not to stress about it and just try living your best life cuz anxiety kills everything especially the libido and downstairs department fwiw. Also how is your diet, sleep and training? These 3 have to be optimised if you want to reap full benefits of TRT and overall life quallity. Trying to minimise stress is key as well. Also remember we all have good days and bad days and theres nothing you can do about it just try to control yourself and your stress levels and do what needs to be done.

3 months of not smoking is a great start. Keep at it. You will feel better and better with some minor setbacks and plateaus, as everywhere, but trust me it only gets better. You will be high on life and no weed can give you that feeling once you trully commit and master yourself and your thoughts. Which is a lifelong journey and def right path;) Ofcourse there are exceptions to the rule but it doesn't matter at this point.
Thanks brother. I will stay the course. Dropped the DIM too I think I mentioned that....

I often times obsess about this...Especially when it's getting close to time to having sex with my girl. The times I do well is when I just let it happen...

Diet is pretty good. Lots of beef, chicken fish, good fats, I don't eat junk. Lots of water

Training I usually do 3-4 days a week. 1 hour workouts...How would you further optomize my training? How much cardio and when? I need to up the intense sprints and cardio. I hear short and intense is the way to go for erections..

How can I further optimize my training??


What else can I do bro?

Should I be on the forums less? Google less? Less blue light?

Do you honestly think I am gonna feel a lot better on this protocol with the 2x injections?
Hey I need to share a potential discovery I just made. So 2 days ago I switched *** companies. And IDK what it is but I feel this *** so much more...My anxiety is SO LOW and I'm way more calm than usual. I didn't realize how much my anxiety and overthinking was affecting things. I believe this + my split dose protocol is about to pay huge divedends.
Testosterone replacement rarely fixes ED, in fact it often causes issues with erectile function.
This is not even close to being true and if you believe this then you are spending way too much time on these forums. All the randomized placebo controlled testosterone studies show improvement in erectile strength in well over 50% of participants.

It’s common in men who are prescribed Cialis or Viagra where neither option works in those with low normal testosterone and only when these men go on TRT do their erections return.
(Liquid Gold) Vitamin D 5000 IU's
Vitamin D depletes vitamin K and magnesium, so be sure the vitamin D isn’t depleting any of these.

The vitamin D supplements caused me a vitamin K deficiency because the vitamin K was already very low.
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This is not even close to true and if you believe this then you are spending too much time on these forums. All the randomized placebo controlled testosterone studies show improvement in erectile strength in well over 50% of participants.

Vitamin D depletes vitamin K and magnesium, so be sure the vitamin D isn’t depleting any of these.

The vitamin D supplements caused me a vitamin K deficiency because the vitamin K was already very low.
How to be sure of that? Is it a timing thing? DO you have to time when you take them?

And yeah even a day after changing the protocol I am feeling much better man. Thank you!

And yeah I was confused by the "rarely fixes ED comment" respectfully.
How to be sure of that?
I’m 100% sure. This happened to me. You can even buy vitamin D with vitamin K combined. As for your other two questions, I have no idea.

And yeah even a day after changing the protocol I am feeling much better man. Thank you!
So glad to hear it!

And yeah I was confused by the "rarely fixes ED comment" respectfully.
This forum is littered with men having problems with ED and rarely do you hear about guys coming here without problems.

So if you spend too much time here, your world becomes very small and you start to think the cases here are very common. The men not having problems are not seeking out forums for help.
I’m 100% sure. This happened to me. You can even buy vitamin D with vitamin K combined. As for your other two questions, I have no idea.

So glad to hear it!

This forum is littered with men having problems with ED and rarely do you hear about guys coming here without problems.

So if you spend too much time here, your world becomes very small and you start to think the cases here are very common. The men not having problems are not seeking out forums for help.
Yeah bro good point. I think I need to stick with my plan and spend less time on here. The more I obsess about it the worse although this thread has been really helpful. *** is also working wonders for me right now...
Wow guys feeling fantastic. Moved into my own place 2 days ago, split the dose and started using that new *** and I am feeling amazing. Even after masturbating twice yesterday woke up with good libido not morning wood but after my run I was texting my lady and fantasizing about what I’m gonna do to her later and got rock hard. The erection seemed to stay longer and was easier to get? Thicker, fuller, lots of pre cum. I find myself not overthinking and a lot less anxious. It’s gonna be the *** and injecting a lot less test at once. Acne seems like it’s actually starting to clear a bit on my back. Also taking the NAC per Nelson Vergel. I’m not gonna give every day by day updates but wanted to keep the ground and anyone watching up to date. You always worry that you’re gonna start feeling shit again. This time I’m not I’m gonna roll with it. We have a great plan and the advice on here has been stellar. It’s honestly not rocket science…lower and split the dose! No AI, eat well! Sleep well! Focus on mental health

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