Thanks for the thorough response…I am 33 now… I had ED issues that caused me to start TRT I should have checked other boxes like work on my anxiety, get off porn etc but I was young and attracted to the mystique of being on TRT. Can I get off now? Not sure…
I do feel as if I’ve made some serious changes as I’ve quit marijuana and porn for months. My body works so much better without the THC…my liver and kidneys etc…Maybe I could get off?
The decision I made was I’d like to try in the future but right now I want to get dialed in on the lower dose and get some consistency I just started dating this amazing time woman and she’s started by my side but I want to have some consistently good sex for a period of time before trying ANOTHER big change.
Is HCG mandatory on TRT? I’ve been told no…
If you were me am I doing the next right thing? Splitting my 100 mg dose..dropping the DIM..continuing to work on diet, sleep, etc….?
I want to know I have a good plan
ED, is not a condition that warrants TRT on its own. Far from it. Testosterone replacement rarely fixes ED, in fact it often causes issues with erectile function.
IMO there is nothing better for sexual function in a young man than when all his natural hormones are in place and working as they should. What you need to understand is that TRT does not replicate what we do naturally, it cannot. Our HPTA is a complex intricate mechanism. Optimal sexual function depends on the complex interplay of all our hormones that comprise sexual function. TRT shuts down many of the hormones that we need for this system to work as nature intended. We can get some approximation of normal function with the drugs currently available, but I feel it will never be as good as what your body was designed to do, there will most likely be shortcomings.
This is why, I do not agree that young men should be on TRT unless it is absolutely necessary.
There is no mystique to TRT in so far as it being the magic cure for all that could be lacking in your physical self. It can be a life of constantly administering drugs (adjusting protocols to see what works for you as an individual) many times a week, which can get quite tedious after a few years, believe me! It is not something you want to do unless you have to.
However, for men that are truly testosterone deficient, it is a life saver.
If you can tolerate hCG, I think for a young man it is almost mandatory. I do not think that any young man wants to have shrunken testicles and virtually no ejaculate and a possible loss of sexual sensitivity in the genitals that our gonadotropins provide. hCG can help to restore "some" of this.
There are two forms of hCG, urinary derived and recombinant. It is worth trying both forms if you find you cannot tolerate one.
What were your natural T levels before your self administered TRT?
Could it actually be that your unhealthy lifestyle coupled with marijuana/drug use was causing your erectile difficulties and lowering your natural testosterone?
You also mention you suffer with some form of anxiety, this in itself can be a major cause of ED.
If there is even the slightest chance that this may be the case, If it were me, I would be getting off TRT, do a proper restart and and work on improving your health and natural hormone production.
Not all young men have high T levels. This is an absolute myth.