The study was a 2 x 2 factorial design where older men were given 100 mg of testosterone a week or not and were eating 1.3 g/kg or 0.8 g/kg (the RDA) of protein a day. No mention is made in the summary of any exercise program, but the summary...
Really? This is a first for me! It would be hard to convince me that this can work for Trimix-induced priapism. Priapism is characterized by persistent penile erection in the absence of sexual arousal or desire that does not subside with...
Table of Contents Alright My Friennd Here's Some Knowledge That Will Change Lives On TRT Forever Originally wrote this as a reply to someone on a different thread, but decided to put it in it's own thread as well. say you take 1mg of...
Table of Contents In this video the folks from Defy Medical show how to safely inject testosterone in the The following information was taken from the book: Testosterone: A Man's Guide How to Inject Testosterone Safely Some men prefer...
By Abraham Morgentaler, M.D. There is consensus that candidates for treatment with Testosterone Replacement Therapy should have signs or symptoms of TESTOSTERONE DEFICIENCY combined with biochemical evidence of low T levels. The challenge...
Table of Contents This excellent lecture is recommended for clinicians and educated patients. From largest urology conference in the world (2015) Transcription Speaker 1: So without further ado, I'd like to bring Dr John Mulhall to the...
In theory testosterone replacement should approximate the body’s own natural production of the hormone. The average male produces 4 to 7 mg of testosterone a day with plasma levels in early morning and lower levels in the evening. Women produce...
Table of Contents Quick Guide: Diagnosis and Management of HypogonadismDiagnosis Of Hypogonadism Symptoms and signs suggestive of testosterone deficiency in men:More specific symptoms and signsIncomplete or delayed...
Synthetic cannabinoids are designer drugs that differ in some significant ways from the natural cannabinoids found in cannabis plants. They are often marketed as designer drugs or sold in products with claims they give the same effect as...
Table of Contents Higher Dose Testosterone can Decrease HDL Click here for background information: Why does testosterone therapy decrease HDL cholesterol in some men? HDL (High Density Lipoprotein cholesterol) particles are sometimes...
A new meta-analysis looks at the studies on fat free mass and strength gains from TRT and finds a difference in results depending on how it is administered. Intramuscular injection was 3-5 times more effective than transdermal application in...
How do you guys combat acne... since high school I have had this scalp acne as a result of wearing hats and helmets and now that I have started TRT it seems to have flared up. Luckily the acne I get is hidden by my hair but it truly hurts...