Excel Male TRT Forum

The Evaluation and Management of Testosterone Deficiency AUA Guideline

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Understanding the Impact of Testosterone Therapy on Various Health Conditions Testosterone therapy is a common treatment used to address various medical conditions, but its effects are complex and can vary depending on multiple factors. Here's a...
Understanding the Influence of Genetic Differences on SHBG Hormone Levels in Men
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Understanding the Influence of Genetic Differences on SHBG Hormone Levels in Men The Connection Between Genetics and Hormone Binding Our bodies are finely tuned systems where even the smallest changes can have significant impacts. This is...
Pre-Testosterone Therapy Checklist
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Click here for: PRE-TRT LAB TESTS The Pre-Testosterone Therapy Checklist (2022) Jose M. Flores, MD, MHA, and John P. Mulhall, MD, MSc, FECSM, FACS, FRCSI INTRODUCTION In contemporary practice, there are a myriad of testosterone therapy (TTH)...
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https://alanaragon.com/proteinbook/ The aim of this e-book is to provide an authoritative, highly focused, science-based, fluff-free, time & effort-saving resource that concisely answers the most frequently asked protein questions I’ve...

Metformin Decreases Aerobic Capacity, Muscle Mass and Testosterone

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I have been on 2x1000mg a day but I lost my endurance(Kun Khmer/Muay Thai training) and workout capacity/volume. I had no common sides from it, no diarrea etc, but felt physically limited. A strange feeling of being limited by the amount of...

What high blood pressure meds are the most erection friendly?

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My doctor keeps telling me my blood pressure is borderline high or a bit high side he first asked me to try and reduce my salt intake now talking about maybe putting me on some meds I've never taken any blood pressure meds before and really...
HMG (Human Menopausal Gonadotropin) Vrs HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) - What’s the difference?
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I was just watching a video on YouTube titled: ”The Pro's & Con's Of HCG On Cycle | Desensitisation | Testicular Volume | Semen Volume | Fertility”. Video Link The speaker who appears to understand the subject much better than I do introduced...
Peyronie's Disease: Diagnosis/Treatments
Clomiphene and Enclomiphene
Deciphering Options for TRT and Managing Withdrawal
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https://grandroundsinurology.com/deciphering-options-for-testosterone-replacement-therapy-and-managing-withdrawal/ Jesse N. Mills, MD, discusses the importance of testosterone replacement therapy and presents an algorithm for determining...
Testosterone Creams and Gels for Men
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00:01 Understanding Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) Testosterone, the primary male sex hormone, declines with age. TRT aims to address the decline in testosterone levels, which can affect various aspects of health. Factors contributing...
New Atrevis Hydrogel Based Testosterone Cream from Empower: Surprising Results!
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After a month of using the new hydrogel cream from Empower Pharmacy at 1 ml per day (4 clicks of 0.25 mg each) my testosterone increased dramatically higher than it was even on 200 mg per week of injectable testosterone cypionate. and this...

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