Excel Male TRT Forum

TED Talk: Dr. Khera Speaks About a Simple Approach to Prolonging Your Sexspan

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Mohit getting the red carpet treatment LOL go get em! As the man puts it focus on the 4 PILLARS OF HEALTH, DESS (diet, exercise, sleep, stress) and of course having a healthy FT! Most people are familiar with the concept of Healthspan...
Interview with Shalin Shah, CEO of Marius Pharmaceuticals, on Kyzatrex: An Oral Testosterone Treatment
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Nelson Vergel from ExcelMale.com and DiscountedLabs.com interviews Shalin Shah, CEO of Marius Pharmaceuticals, about Kyzatrex, an oral testosterone treatment. They discuss the treatment, misconceptions, unique aspects, potential side effects...

The Shocking Truth Between Testosterone and Prostate Cancer

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Another great interview from Dr. Bernie! * debunk the long-standing myth that testosterone fuels prostate cancer In this episode, Dr. Geo interviews Dr. Helen Bernie from Indiana University about Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)...
Hypertension medications and erectile dysfunction
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Sexual health is an integral part of overall health, and an active and healthy sexual life is an essential aspect of a good life quality. Cardiovascular disease and sexual health share common risk factors (arterial hypertension, diabetes...

Diagnosing thyroid disease: pitfalls and improvement in laboratory measurements

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https://research.vu.nl/en/publications/diagnosing-thyroid-disease-pitfalls-and-improvement-in-laboratory Abstract The aim of this thesis was to evaluate and improve laboratory measurements in diagnosing thyroid disease. This thesis demonstrates...

SHBG --Access of plasma steroids to target tissues and cells

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https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5064763/ "Access of plasma steroids to target tissues and cells While measurements of free steroid concentrations remain the most robust indicator of the biological activities of plasma steroids...

The Story of Dr Michael Dullnig- An Anabolic Pioneer

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I am happy to be alive to confirm all this truly happened. Knowing him saved my life. It was June 1st, 1994. Dr. Michael Dullnig’s guests were having a great time drinking champagne, listening to music, and talking with the guest of honor – the...
Post-cycle therapy is linked to fewer withdrawal symptoms from anabolic steroid use: A survey of 470 AAS users.
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Introduction The world of sports and bodybuilding often brings to the forefront the use of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS), substances that can enhance performance and muscle growth. However, the use of these steroids is not without risks...
Unmet needs in care for erectile dysfunction
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“We don't have the sex therapists or psychologists who specialize in sexual dysfunction here... It's incredibly important, because if it doesn't start out as psychological, certainly, it becomes psychological, at least in some measure,” says...
Nandrolone Decanoate Report
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I finally got the prescription for Nandrolone Decanoate from Dr. Lipshultz from Houston without an issue. I even mentioned my prior diagnosis of Gleason 6 low risk prostate cancer and his PA still made the prescription. All I said is that I knew...
Boost Your Testosterone Naturally | Myths Debunked & Real Advice from the Expert
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World renowned Abdulmaged M. Traish! Great interview! As usual free testosterone is where it's at! Nelson we need to inform Dr.Traish or better yet all of the uros, endos and GPs about discounted labs LMFAO...
Gynecomastia, Male Breast Cancer, and Beyond
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Getting real deep here! TEACHING POINTS *In the appropriate clinical setting, mammography is diagnostic for gynecomastia, which is the most common reason for presentation with a palpable lump, an area of focal pain, or breast enlargement; and...

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