Watch our video to learn about the importance of accurate hormone testing. Tests to measure the level of a specific hormone in the body are the third most common diagnostic in medicine today yet some current...
In this episode, Dr. Morgentaler and Dr. Brandon discuss the controversial topic of testosterone therapy for men diagnosed with or treated for prostate cancer. Chapters 00:00: Introduction to Testosterone and Prostate Cancer - Dr...
*rusfertide, a novel hepcidin mimetic Elevated hematocrit is a hallmark of polycythemia vera (PV), and it is associated with higher rates of death. Whilst it is essential to maintain hematocrit levels below 45% to decrease the risk of...
Who here is on some form of oral. jatenzo/Kyzatrex? What has it done for you? What are your numbers? Has RBC increases been as much as a problem for you on the orals? How is your liver tests? Thank you
* in general it takes 68-72 days to make a new sperm, so 2-3 months * the sperm are very delicate you have to take care of them, the testosterone generating cells (leydig) in the testicles are fairly resilient, the sperm generating cells...
My guest today is one of the country’s most respected medical experts on TRT, otherwise known as testosterone replacement therapy. He’s an authority in using testosterone to help males improve muscle tone and strength, and enjoy more energy and...
Nandrolone is increasingly being considered as an adjunct therapy in conjunction with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for men suffering from hypogonadism. This practice is particularly prevalent among those who experience joint pain. When...
If anyone has been following the other threads regarding DHT cream and Test Prop, you will know the discussion of libido has been mentioned. I recently ordered some test prop and have been using it the past few days. I have also dialed in my DHT...
Hot off the press! You heard it here first, Nelson's domain is where it's at! High-dosed oral TU (Kyzatrex 400 mg) BID, LH/FSH while lower were maintained at non-zero levels, minimal impact on hematocrit! *At a mean follow up time of 6...
"Beyond Testosterone" is a comprehensive 427-page guide authored by Nelson Vergel, a seasoned expert in the realm of hormone therapy. With a vibrant full-color layout and extensive illustrations, this book stands as an essential resource for both...
Have you ever experienced sudden testicular pain or swelling and wondered what might be causing it? It could be epididymitis, a condition that can lead to serious complications if left untreated. In this video, Dr. med. Dr. phil. Stefan Buntrock...
* Use of non-proprietary testosterone cypionate as TRT results in an elevation in serum testosterone with favorable side effect profiles and overall patient satisfaction. Who knew, LOL! * Lastly, a cost analysis using the average available...