In this video, Aaron M. Bernie, MD, MPH, discusses which patients may be particularly well suited for Aquablation for the treatment of benign prostatic...
Dr. Morgentaler back in action! Listen closely, loved this one! Pros/Cons oral TU (51:24-57:12) *one of the things that the orals have transformed is the concept that you have to have a continually high level of testosterone to get...
Understanding Prostate Cancer Genotyping and Risk Stratification Prostate cancer is a serious condition that affects many men, especially as they get older. Scientists are constantly looking for better ways to understand who is most at risk and...
The video titled "BPH 101: Treatments & Aquablation With Brian Helfand, MD + Q&A" provides a comprehensive overview of the management and treatment options for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a common condition affecting men as they age. Dr...
You have been duped by the misinformed polluting those so called men's health forums! Again running those absurdly high trough/steady-state FT levels is not going to cure your ED let alone give you titanium erections! Having healthy hormones...
Great webinar! Nelson's house is where it's at! 3:20-18:38 * Safety of TTh in men with treated or low-grade in-situ prostate cancer is unknown * Will never have a study large enough to know true impact of T on prostate cancer...
In the video, Dr. Marshalls, a medical oncologist with 30 years of experience in prostate cancer, discusses various blood tests used for prostate cancer screening. He explains the limitations of PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) tests, which can...
At the conclusion of this activity, participants will be able to: 1. Describe the role of the AUA Clinical Guideline on the Management of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Attributed to Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. 2. Discuss the evidence base...
Another great interview from Dr. Bernie! * debunk the long-standing myth that testosterone fuels prostate cancer In this episode, Dr. Geo interviews Dr. Helen Bernie from Indiana University about Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)...
ABSTRACT Men with hypogonadism have reduced risk of prostate cancer mortality; whether testosterone treatment increases the risk of prostate safety events in men with hypogonadism remains controversial. Several studies including four larger...
What factors can falsely elevate your PSA level? There are other factors that can affect the PSA level besides prostate cancer. The following conditions can lead to increased PSA levels: Increasing age Benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), a...
“The 2018 AUA guidelines for testosterone therapy that were co-chaired by Dr. John P. Mulhall say that we have an absence or a paucity of data on using testosterone therapy on active surveillance,” says Helen L. Bernie, DO, MPH...