Effective Lower Back Exercises

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The arched back good-morning is another good exercise that hits the posterior chain which include the erector spine, glutes, and hamstrings. Very important to so many sports. Start off with the bar of course. One of my weak points when I competed was my erector spine. I ended up doing 3 sets of 550lbs in the arched back good mornings which really boosted my squat and deadlift.. Really does hits the posterior chain hard.

Question and looking for some suggestions on some lower back routines I can incorporate into my gym workout.
Im having trouble finding a good machine or cable weight workout that will specifically target my lower back.
My situation is this, Im in my 50's, weight lifted pretty much my whole life, both shoulders have been repaired as well as right bicep detatch in 2013 from work related injury. Ventral hernia repair in abdominal area and arthritis and degenerate discs in lower back (L4-S1) also work related. Have had epederals in lower back for sciatica. I was an active boy in my youth...lol!
Whew....all that being said I get great pumps and incredible results with hammer strength equipment and started doing rowing machine working up to 5 mins. Not getting the isolation that I desire tho.
I abdolutley will NOT do free weights any longer as im pretty beat up.
I dont hit legs at gym as i have bad arthritis in right knee (Work related) but i cardio walk hills around my house 2.5 mi 6 days a week.
Ok.....lower back suggestions for cables?
I googled some stuff today but didnt find what i wanted

For lower back exercises using cables, you can try cable pull-throughs, cable seated rows with a wide grip and focus on pulling the handles towards your lower abdomen, and cable deadlifts by attaching a bar to a low pulley and standing facing away from the machine. These exercises can help target and strengthen your lower back while using cable machines. It's important to start with light weights and focus on proper form to avoid aggravating your existing injuries.
For lower back exercises using cables, you can try cable pull-throughs, cable seated rows with a wide grip and focus on pulling the handles towards your lower abdomen, and cable deadlifts by attaching a bar to a low pulley and standing facing away from the machine. These exercises can help target and strengthen your lower back while using cable machines. It's important to start with light weights. and focus on proper form to avoid aggravating your existing injuries.
What works for me is very low squats. It really works my lower back after that I like doing leg raises from a bar hanging from the ceiling. Leg raises and knee raises really work the lower back. Of course there's nothing like a good set of hyper extensions
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