If you start hurting again, try two capsules in the morning and one in the afternoon of this supplement
MSM with OptiMSM
It works for me.
Thanks Nelson, I'll give it a go.
I remembered trying it years ago with no success, but it was a different brand.
I'm trying cissus quadrangularis at the moment as well, but it takes time to start kicking in.
Also, 90mg of test a week is definitely on the low side of standard doses. You just may not be aromatizing much of that T to E and therefore it’s been easier to crash your E2. Some guys do report that it can take a good while for your E2 to recover once you go too low. Maybe you don’t need the zinc, or nearly as much of it? As for the gyno- are you positive it’s gyno? There’s also “pseudo-gynocomastia” which are basically just fatty deposits in the chest, but unlike regular gyno you can lose this by losing weight and working out.
Unfortunately the gyno is real, it's been there since years and it's due to finasteride.
Dr. Kominiarek saw it as well and according to him the only solution is surgery, but zinc was doing a great job at making it small enough not to be visible from the outside.
Regarding E2, it was 28 pg/ml at 40 mg of T enanthate twice a week and 39 pg/ml at 50 mg twice a week. Both measurements were taken at through and are non sensitive.
So I've gone half way with the 45 mg twice a week.
Zinc has been recommended by Dr. Kominiarek, because from the lab it was below mid-range, going towards the lower end.
Copper was below the lowest acceptable value, so I've introduced that as well.
Unfortunately, when taken alone in capsule form, copper is giving me loose stools, while this ionic form works great for absorption of both.
No loose stools, no nausea and metallic taste from the zinc either.
I do feel better when on zinc and copper, it was just the terrible joints pain after working out that made me stop it.
I hope half dose will do the trick.