Worried about getting azoospermia result again


Hi guys the Mrs and I are wanting to start a family but it's a problem my side last seman analysis was azoospermia I take hcg 2000iu x3 a week and menopor 225iu x2 a week
I'm worried about my recent blood tests my androgen level is 20.6!


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Total T is a function of SHBG, independent of free androgens (Free T), which is where the rubber meets the road.

TRT will do a better job of suppressing SHBG compared to hCG mono therapy.
Thanks for the reply in uk nhs its either trt or fertility treatment and I'm getting older 35 the previous consultant was useless I had to fight for 9 years to be taken seriously my sperm should of been frozen in my 20s when seman analysis said 40% and non motile this consultant is doing something but I'm having depression ed 0 sex drive I freaked out of these blood test results and rang the endocrinology department he wants to wait for the seman analysis results and then contact me on a plan he explained to me that the hcg and hmg are to get some sperm to primitive levels for ivf icsi microtese but I don't think any sperm will be found
I have heard of both but don't have any money for private treatment I have been taking 5000iu vitamin D from watching stuff on YouTube but still no luck
Have you ever thought of trying clomid?
In the UK nhs they don't prescribe clomid but private they do strange I have looked online how to lower shbg and it says vitamin D fish oil boron I need to change my lifestyle I'm type 1 diabetic and don't like fish I am going to eat healthy more protein than carbs veg exercise and take supplements cod liver oil and vitamin D ect and see if the next blood test shows a improvement its worth a try
In the UK nhs they don't prescribe clomid but private they do strange I have looked online how to lower shbg and it says vitamin D fish oil boron I need to change my lifestyle I'm type 1 diabetic and don't like fish I am going to eat healthy more protein than carbs veg exercise and take supplements cod liver oil and vitamin D ect and see if the next blood test shows a improvement its worth a try
You should consider going carnivore. Carbs and fiber are not essential nutrients. You can get all your essential nutrients from fatty meats.
You should consider going carnivore. Carbs and fiber are not essential nutrients. You can get all your essential nutrients from fatty meats.
I wish I could but type 1 diabetes you have no pancreas function and when I have had someone I know talking to me about keto diet in the past my diabetes team was strongly saying don't do it you are type 1 and need your slow acting insulin and rapid acting insulin if you go without insulin you will end up in hospital ect hard to figure out what is good for me I have to eat more vegetables to get the vitamins because fruit is mainly full of sugar lol
I wish I could but type 1 diabetes you have no pancreas function and when I have had someone I know talking to me about keto diet in the past my diabetes team was strongly saying don't do it you are type 1 and need your slow acting insulin and rapid acting insulin if you go without insulin you will end up in hospital ect hard to figure out what is good for me I have to eat more vegetables to get the vitamins because fruit is mainly full of sugar lol
Most mainstream doctors are operating on old, outdated knowledge. Doctors receive no nutritional education in medical school and the Diabetes Association of America and the USDA receive funding from big food manufacturers, Kellogg, Pepsi, Coca-Cola.

Your responsible for your own health, do your own research and don’t blindly trust what your doctors tell you.

Red meat is nutrient rich, way more than any vegetable.

Are you getting your B12 from your vegetables?
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Most mainstream doctors are operating on old, outdated knowledge. Doctors receive no nutritional education in medical school and the Diabetes Association of America and the USDA receive funding from big food manufacturers, Kellogg, Pepsi, Coca-Cola.

Your responsible for your own health, do your own research and don’t blindly trust what your doctors tell you.

Red meat is nutrient rich, way more than any vegetable.

Are you getting your B12 from your vegetables?
I'm not sure what vegetables have b12 all I know is that the Diabetes diatrician said pretty much add them mixed frozen vegetables to each meal I have added vitamin b12 supplements as well I agree with what you said about don't trust doctors I had a doctor say Pepsi max is full of sugar it's not and if so it would show high reading on my blood glucose meter and would have dry mouth and pissing alot lol
The carnivore diet's effects on healthPeople with diabetes say it's been able to help them stabilize their blood sugar. “From a biochemistry standpoint, if you're eating only meat, you're largely not taking in glucose, so your blood glucose levels would not be affected,” says Dr.
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All Meat, All the Time: Should People with Diabetes Try the Carnivore Diet?

Thanks for the info I will look into this
I'm not sure what vegetables have b12
I was being facetious, vegetables are largely devoid of B12. I was attempting to make a point, vegans have low B12 levels, as a result of limiting or eliminating red meat from their diet and have to supplement as a result.

If your doctors told you to eat vegetables, and didn’t tell you to supplement B12, that right there shows that they’re not qualified enough to be giving out nutritional advice.

A lot of the nutritional advice given by dietitians and doctors is quite simply wrong!

Here in the US, the USDA and the Diabetes Association of America, a lot of the board members on the panels, have ties to processed food companies, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Kellogg, and receive hundreds of millions of dollars from major food companies, and this is where doctors get their nutritional advice.

Marcia Angell, editor of the New England Journal of medicine for 20 years made the comment,

Similar conflict of interests and bias exist in virtually every field of medicine, particularly those that rely heavily on drugs and devices. It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians, or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades, as an editor of the New England of Journal of medicine.
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I got my seman analysis results back saying azoospermia but the occasional sperm cannot be excluded I asked my dr what does this mean because the last result said azoospermia no semen in the ejaculate my Mrs thinks there's still a chance I have a telephone appointment with a more senior doctor to understand what is going on and what forever to see the endocrinologist to see what he says

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