Woman on HRT & MK 677 Ibutamoren / Nutrobal, Women


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Hi, I am a woman and just started taking MK677. I am 49 years old, pre-menopausal, on bio-identical HRT (Test/DHEA, Progest) I weigh 130 lbs and am 5’6”. I am not a bodybuilder. My normal exercise routine consists of approx. 2 hours working out a week; Zumba class and light weights, or yoga and light weights, or some combination thereof. My ideal weight is around 125 pounds, with some muscle. I feel stuck at 130, having difficulty losing that last 5 pounds without having to starve myself @ 1200 cal. a day and lose muscle. I also have some kind of knee injury, have had back surgery some years ago, so find heavy workouts a problem. So my goal taking the MK677 is multiple. I am hoping a low dose of 10 mg. a day, over a period of 4-6 months will help with the following: joint relief, slow steady fat loss (eating 1500-1600 cal/daily), slow steady muscle increase and some definitely some anti-aging such as collagen regeneration.
I have started at 10 mg. a day. (about 1 week in) I chose to take it at night before bed because of what I have read. It seems the recommendation for dosing is if your bulking up, take it in the morning because it causes hunger and this will help you eat more. If your trimming down, take it at night to help avoid the hunger pangs. My biggest concern is to not be hungry. (Couldn’t control my appetite trying Osterine and had to quit, along with severe muscle cramping). I can’t say that the MK677 has increased my hunger at all (yet J), as I am always a little hungry anyway when I am on a restrictive diet. So far, sleep seems good; wake up feeling good, not groggy, just normal. So, we will see. I keep posting occasionally and certainly would love to hear anyone’s else’s experiences as well.
Stopped the MK 677. I struggled all week with hunger. Have read the hunger goes away after about 3 months. I just can't go that long fighting those kind of hunger urges, stomach aching, gas. I also did quite a bit of reading; personal opinions as well as studies. I am not convinced of it's great results to continue. Studies talk about it raising ghrelin in the body, and I guess that is what makes you hungry. Leptin decreases hunger....guess I'll be researching a "leptin" diet.
Interesting stuff. Never taken it, so can't provide any comments, but glad you're sharing your experiences.

Would really like to hear more about your HRT program ...
Yes, your HRT program is interesting. I would like to get my wife on HRT but since for all purposes TRT is not working for me, its a tough sell.

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