Why some men are high aromatizers - looking past the most common factors!


Reduce your body fat, keep your diet clean and don't drink too much beer. If all those are in order you should not have problems with high estrogen. This is the reasoning we all have heard. I saw an internist a few weeks ago who said that by looking at my body type, there's no possibility for me to have a high estrogen - whilst on TRT.

The truth is - in my case - the opposite. My dose is not that high and still I seem to be producing quite high levels of estradiol - on the sensitive test. Also: im not supplementing with Hcg, DHEA or Pregnenolone.

I would like to understand what are the "not so known" factors behind the aromatization rate. I have come to understand that there are number of factors that come to play when levels of estradiol rises too high. In a nuthsell:

1. Aromatization creates estradiol - through fat tissue, alcohol abuse etc.
2. Various enzyme are responsible for the excretion of those hormones.

One of those enzymes is the Catechol-O-methyltransferase ( COMT ). Probably the most researched SNP:s of this enzyme is the COMT V158M (rs4680). You can now your type through 23andme. The A(+) allele can decrease the activity of this enzyme 3 to 4-fold. Im A/A (+/+) myself.

Now I wanted to see if there were any studies which show the relationship of circulating E2 levels and the activity of this enzyme. This was one study that I found. It was done on postmenopausal women receiving estrogen tablets.

"Influence of the catechol‐O‐methyltransferase(COMT) codon 158 polymorphism on estrogen levels in women" ( https://academic.oup.com/humrep/art...ence-of-the-catechol-O-methyltransferase-COMT )

"To determine the influence of this enzyme on E2 serum levels three groups of 12 selected from 159 healthy normotensive postmenopausal women were selected according to their codon 158 COMT genotype (COMTHH*', COMTHL, COMTLL) which is known to be associated with enzyme activity. All selected women received one 2 mg tablet estradiol valerate and blood samples were taken before treatment and after 1, 3 and 48 h. RESULTS: After 3 h the serum levels of E2 were significantly higher in women with the COMTLL genotype (median 69 pg/ml, range 58–91) and the COMTHL genotype (median 69 pg/ml, range 43–84) compared with women with the COMTHH genotype (median 45 pg/ml, range 15–68, P < 0.005). In a univariate analysis of variance, considering age, body weight, and COMT genotype, body weight (P = 0.034) and COMT genotype (P < 0.001) were independently related to the increase of serum E2 levels, whereas age was not. CONCLUSIONS: Our data demonstrate that serum E2 levels significantly correlate with the COMT genotype." (*Note: The LL allele is same as the AA allele.)

In summary: Even though that study was done in women, it can shed some light for us men also - and why some seem to be high aromatizers.

Does anyone know any other factors that could come to play - Genetic or environmental?
It basically comes down to genetics as some men posses higher amounts of the aromatase enzyme. Other side effect related to testosterones metabolites like acne or gyno are heavily influenced by ones genetics.
I never found an explanation for my e2 being so high, EOD then daily CYP, cut back and then eliminated HCG, DHEA, Pregnenolone, TCream I was using on my sack...cut everything one by one by one and tested each time and my E was still 88 at the last test when I was technically on Cyp, only. Had to get on Anastrozole.
I never found an explanation for my e2 being so high, EOD then daily CYP, cut back and then eliminated HCG, DHEA, Pregnenolone, TCream I was using on my sack...cut everything one by one by one and tested each time and my E was still 88 at the last test when I was technically on Cyp, only. Had to get on Anastrozole.

Very similar to me, had to do the same thing.

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