Why some feel very bad with high e2 while others feel better when e2 is on higher end?

Why some men can't tolerate higher e2 levels and swear that would better live with low T rathen then high e2 and others actually feel better when their e2 is highish? What's the reason behind this? I am asking this because I used to be able to tolerate higher e2 and feel great and now it makes me very moody, agitated, no drive/motivation to do anything and low libido.
is it because of aging? or high e2 brings up sickness that was/is masked by low e2?
I've been amazed/perplexed by the number of guys on this site who feel good at high E2 levels. Just goes to show that everyone is different. I have high E2 symptoms if mine gets above 35. This whole TRT journey hinges on good E2 levels for me.
This is a very interesting point. I have never done a free E2 and I know they are available on discounted labs but then again I wouldn't know what the number meant if I did one. We are all familiar with target TT and Free T levels but what is a good free E2? My last labs showed this:

Total T - 1260
Free T - 20.7
E2 Sensitive - 50.4
SHBG - 55.7

I have zero E2 symptoms but perhaps that is because a higher percentage of my total E2 is bound to SHBG so my free E2 is low? Who knows? It would be very informative if all would chime in on their SHBG levels and whether or not they are E2 sensitive. I feel good but I am always shooting for sexual function equal to 10 years ago which I think everyone on the board probably thinks about. I wonder if a slightly lover total E2 would help but I just haven't seen the data. Perhaps Free E2 is the answer.

SHBG = (Free) Estradiol is where it's at (I think).
SHBG binds T, and E. So your SHBG = 55 would mean that a lot of your E is bound up (as is your T) thus your E of 50 could translate to you feeling good though your E (by the numbers) would be seen as "high" and appear that you like your E, high.

I believe that Free E is the real answer to a lot of the E problems that guys have and especially for the low SHBG guy its probably critical.
My last official blood test for E2 was January
Estradiol, Sensitive 28.9 pg/mL range 8.0 - 35.0

I take my AI .125mg when I feel moody or extra sensitive. Never on a schedule that way I always know if I feel weird my E2 is high.

I am just guessing that when I have issues my E2 is probably just over 30. I like to run right on the edge of feeling extra sensitive.
At my age a little E2 probably helps my joints.

My SHGB is 24.2 on that same Jan blood test. I make a ton of free T and probably this Free E2 as well. On 120mg Tcyp a wk my Free T is
39 ranges 6.6 - 18.1

When I was taking 150mg/wk I had to take .125mg AI after every shot
When I droped to 96mg/wk I did not take any AI but felt something was missing. I lost alot of motivation.
Now at 102mg/wk I need 1 around Thursday sometimes another Sunday night.

My E2 has been as low as 18 and as high as 60 I felt nothing at 18 at 60 my tits were leaking water and hurt I also had no libido.
If money allows you should run the "Estradiol, Free" (how its listed at Quest Diag), along with the LC/MS/MS. Your SHBG is low enough and as shown with your very high Free T that your Free E is probably sky high, too.

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