Why Does 150mg of Test per Week Fail to Raise My Levels?


New Member
Hi guys, Question here.

Story short: I'm on a 150mg/testosterone enanthate self-medicated TRT. I inject twice per week, shallow IM into the thighs and shoulders. I took the blood test 3 days after injection and I inject every 3.5 days. I don't understand how the testosterone could show up so low?

age: 19
weight 74kg
height 5'11
bf 17-18%


Total Testosterone Reference: 230ngdl-866ng/dl - Values been hovering around 260-373ng/dl over the course of 2 ½ years. Latest ones at 323ng/dl, 280ng/dl, 260ng/dl.

Estradiol - 19.5pg/ml (<42pg/ml)

SHBG values been around 15-20nmol/L Latest ones at 18nmol/L, 15nmol/L, 16nmol/L (13-71nmol/L)

LH- Been around 4-6iu/L on all tests. Latest ones at 4.8iu/L, 5.6iu/L, 4.5iu/L (2-8)
FSH - Always been low 1.2-1.6iu/L. Latest ones at 1.3iu/L, 1.6iu/L, 1.2iu/L (1.4-8)

Vitamin D 88nmol/L

Prolactin, 6.5 ng/ml, 33ng/ml, 16ng/ml (2-17ng/ml)

S-DHEAS 9.3umoL/L (5.7-13umol/L)

Hemoglobin - Always been elevated, hovering around 160g/l. Latest test showed 150ng/dl.
Hemacromatotit- Always elevated aswell, hovering around 0,50%, Latest test was 0,43%.


TSH:3,2, 3,3, 3,4 (0,4-5miu/L)

TSH 2.2miu/L (0.4-5miu/L)
Free T4 20pmol/L (10-22pmol/L)
Free T3 5.4pmol/L (3.3-6.5pmol/L)
TPO-AB <10 (0-35)
TRAB <1 (0-1.0)

S-Glucose 5.3nmol/L
HbA1C 32mol (27-42mol)

Fat Lipids
P-Cholestrol 3.5mmol/L (2.9-6.1mmol/L)
HDL Cholestrol 1.3mmol/L (1.0-2.7mmol/L)
LDL cholestrol 2.2mmol/L (1.2-4.3mmol/L)
Triglycerides 0.5mmol/L (0.45-2.6mmol/L)

Hematocrit 0,49 (0,39-0,49)
Hemoglobin 150g/l (134-170g/l)
MCV 96 (82-98FL)

Fat lipids
HDL Cholestrol 1,03 (0,8-2.1mmol/L)
Cholestrol 3,58 (2,9-6,1mmol/L)
LDL Cholestrol 2,36 (1,2-4,3mmol/L)

Glucose 5mmol/L

TSH 1,3miU/L (0,4-4,0miu/L (This one really shocks me. I have always been around 3-3.3TSH over the course of 2 ½ years. Dosen't TRT worsen thyroid function? This puts TSH in optimal range!...)
Total testosterone 138ng/dl (232-900ng/dl)
Estradiol (nonsensitive) <12pg/ml (<40pg/ml)

ALAT 0,3 ukat/L (0,15-1,1 µkat/L)
ASAT 0,53 (0,25-0,75 µkat/L)

Iron 14umol/L (9-34 µmol/L)
Kalium 3,9umol/L (3,5-4,4 mmol/L)
Creatinine108umol/L (60-100 µmol/L)
Natirum 141nmol/L (137-145 mmol/L)

If anyone can help me figure out the cause of this abnormal low reading? Only 3 days after an 75mg injection my testosterone is tanked down to 111ng/dl!

I have some theories:
1. Low SHBG clears out testosterone extremely fast? I have read alot that low SHBG men clears testosterone faster than normal SHBG. But this fast? In this rate I would have to up the dose to a cycle to just be in range?
2. My medicine isn't pharmagrade. Heavily underdosed?? Obviously there's some testosterone in there or it wouldn't have shut down my natural production.
3. Any other ideas?

As for now I have changed testosterone labs. And thank you guys for reading :D Greatly appreciated!
If you are self-directing, and you bought your testosterone from a street supplier, you are probably injecting bunk. Labs do make errors, and low SHBG clears testosterone quickly, but you are injecting twice weekly, and at a very reasonable dose.

Why are are you engaged in self-directed TRT? And why, at age 19, are your natural levels where they are? Serious medical concerns for someone in your position.
Hi Coast.
I suspect that my gear is bunk too. I am trying another lab now and I hope it will be better.
I was searching for doctor's help for 2 ½ years in my country. I know it's not the ideal situation to be in. But the TRT knowledge among the doctors in my country is not ideal either. The top endocrinlogist in my country didn't even think my testosterone was low to begin with even after seeing the blood results. How can I search help for a problem when according to them it dosen't exist? Another ''top'' endo believed that I should stop taking protein powder cause it could have the same effect as anabolic steroids.
Hi Coast.
I suspect that my gear is bunk too. I am trying another lab now and I hope it will be better.
I was searching for doctor's help for 2 ½ years in my country. I know it's not the ideal situation to be in. But the TRT knowledge among the doctors in my country is not ideal either. The top endocrinlogist in my country didn't even think my testosterone was low to begin with even after seeing the blood results. How can I search help for a problem when according to them it dosen't exist? Another ''top'' endo believed that I should stop taking protein powder cause it could have the same effect as anabolic steroids.

Did you run LH, FSH, PSA, and thyroid before setting out on this course? You understand TRT is, typically, a lifelong commitment? Your fertility is going to be impacted. Again, you are 19 - this is very worrisome. At your age a restart protocol would be in order, presuming you have secondary hypogonadism. Where do you live?
Did you run LH, FSH, PSA, and thyroid before setting out on this course? You understand TRT is, typically, a lifelong commitment? Your fertility is going to be impacted. Again, you are 19 - this is very worrisome. At your age a restart protocol would be in order, presuming you have secondary hypogonadism. Where do you live?
Yes I ran everything. I have all the bloods in my first post. My LH was in normal range range, it wasn't likely to be secondary. My FSH was always low for some reason but FSH dosent affect testosterone if I am correct.

I am aware that it can shut me down for life if I am unlucky. But trust me when I say I need it right now and I don't see any other way. I will run bloods every year and monitor my own bloodwork I am from Sweden
Did you run LH, FSH, PSA, and thyroid before setting out on this course? You understand TRT is, typically, a lifelong commitment? Your fertility is going to be impacted. Again, you are 19 - this is very worrisome. At your age a restart protocol would be in order, presuming you have secondary hypogonadism. Where do you live?
checking PSA on 6-12 month basis will give you a heads up if something is wrong also please check your hematocrit and RBC whale on TRT for safety lots of info in the sticky's.
I would keep searching for a good DR and find out what's going on. good luck
Do you guys think I should stick with my protocol and just try another lab?
It seems very unlikely that even though I have low SHBG that it would clear out testosterone that fast right?
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I have low SHBG (10-20) and 3.5d after injection 60mg of T enanthate (pharma grade) my levels were around 400ng/dl I think. Your gear is bunk probably. Try to find pharma grade test. BUt, the best option for you is to find a good doctor.....
I have low SHBG (10-20) and 3.5d after injection 60mg of T enanthate (pharma grade) my levels were around 400ng/dl I think. Your gear is bunk probably. Try to find pharma grade test. BUt, the best option for you is to find a good doctor.....

There are so many questions that have not been answered. I've alluded to some of them (primary or secondary, a restart possibility given your age). Stefan Arver, at the Karolinska Institute, is a well-published Swedish doctor on TRT. He may only be conducting research, but have you considered contacting him and (if he's not available) asking who is?
There are so many questions that have not been answered. I've alluded to some of them (primary or secondary, a restart possibility given your age). Stefan Arver, at the Karolinska Institute, is a well-published Swedish doctor on TRT. He may only be conducting research, but have you considered contacting him and (if he's not available) asking who is?
I have tried to contact St3f4n 4rver but it want possible to be referred to him. He is probably Swedens only knowledgeable doctor when it comes to TRT. If you go on the Swedish forum "flashback"s trt thread you will see that everyone agrees that Swedens doctors are terrible quacks when it comes to TRT. I understand your concern and I really appreciate. But it's difficult to explain the TRT situation in Sweden and the stigma on testosterone and steroids. I tried for nearly 3 years to get help. I went to 7 doctors. Noone agreed that my testosterone was even remotely close to low.
I agree with Coastwatcher, I would bank that the stuff you are injecting into your body is junk!! I am really glad that you reached out to us, because this such a great site with so much knowledge. However, it saddens me knowing you're 19 and you're just arbitrarily deciding that hormone therapy is something you need, and something you can handle on your own. You could mess yourself up real, real bad, and end up spending years trying to figure how to feel normal.

Your LH wasn't tanked, so that would make one wonder if there's a primary problem, possibly one testicle or both having a condition? If so, that would need to be reviewed. If it was something major, I know you would want to know what it is and be able to treat the condition? Not saying there is a condition, but I'm saying it's not normal at all to have this going on at 19. I was 42 with similar test numbers, and I went through the gamut of tests to rule out it wasn't something serious. If I do that at 42, then at 19, I think it should be done twice over! Again, please take steps to find some new doctors!!
I never knew low SHBG also lowers total testosterone levels. I thought we want low SHBG as the lower the number, the more free testosterone we have. I've been on Proviron and recently stopped just to let my body take a break and it lowered my SHBG from low 20's down to around 6. My total test level was > 1500, but that was expected. I didn't get free test levels on recent bloodwork that I paid on my own.
I never knew low SHBG also lowers total testosterone levels. I thought we want low SHBG as the lower the number, the more free testosterone we have. I've been on Proviron and recently stopped just to let my body take a break and it lowered my SHBG from low 20's down to around 6. My total test level was > 1500, but that was expected. I didn't get free test levels on recent bloodwork that I paid on my own.

Low SHBG results in testosterone clearing far quicker than one would like. High SHBG binds testosterone rendering it unusable. Smaller, more frequent injections are recommended for guys with low SHBG.

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