Where do you feel the best with E2 levels

Wanted to see where most guys feel the best E2 range is for themselves. If you have not had the correct E2 test (lc/ms)please do not contribute.

****unable to correct the poll of fell to feel****


One of your choices should have been: "Don't know yet. Still dialing it in."
When you are doing EOD for both HCG and Test, you are fine with doing both of them the same days, either mornings or evenings - whatever fits best for your schedule. Back when the protocol was 1 shot of test per week there were all sorts of ideas on how to time your HCG to make up for your low T levels at the end of the week...all of that worry goes away with frequent dosing. I mean, you could inject them on opposite days as well, but you should feel no difference between the two.
Anastrozole is a very powerful drug originally used to treat breast cancer for women. It really lowers your E2 quickly, and if you're not careful and aren't dosing it properly, you can tank your E2 very fast. If you tank your E2, you will feel like crap, and your libido will be gone. Recovery from having your E2 tanked takes time. I've read a bunch of threads here from guys that tanked, and it took them months for their E2 to bounce back to normal levels, and feel decent again.

I can vouch for that. Was on a VERY LOW dose of Anastrozole and it tanked my E2 - took weeks to return. Some are apparently much more sensitive than others from the threads I read.
When my E2 just hit 32 i became symptomatic, anxiety, emotional, erect nipples. Total T 793,free T 20. E2 was typically 15-17 prior to dhea amd i felt good. Dropped dhea amd feel better
What’s ur protocol?
My protocol is 16 mg of testosterone cypionate daily, 500 iu of HCG twice a week, 25 mg of DHEA and no AI.

testosterone serum 1117 ng/dL range 264 - 916
Free T 30.3 pg/mL range 6.6 - 18.1
DHEA - Sulfate 347.3 range 48.9 - 344.2
Estradiol, Sensitive 29.5 range 8.0 - 35.0
SHBG 48.8 range 19.3 - 76.4
HCT 47.9 range 37.5 - 51.0
Quality of life cannot be determined by one variable unless all other variables are constant. Here are other variables (estradiol is not even mentioned, although it should).

Factors libido 1 small.webp

sex drive factors.webp
My E2 has ranged between 25 and 35 since I have been measuring it, it's currently at 35, and I have felt no different anywhere in this range. Maybe this is my "sweet spot".

Libido is great, as is the desire, and I have never had any type of erectile dysfunction. When I look at the graphic Nelson posted, very few of the variables above pertain to me. I still need to lower my LDL cholesterol and bring my HDL up some more and I do have a little tendinitis. I guess we all have some stress but I either have less stress than the normal person or maybe I just deal with it better. Other than those variables mentioned I am free of the others variables on the graphic.

Obesity - not a factor for me
Diabetes - nope
Sleep - good sleep, about 7 hours a night
Medications - none other than Test Cypionate but take numerous supplements
Low Testosterone - not any more
Prolactin - okay mid range
Organ Failure - no
Alcohol and Drugs - none
Surgery - none
High Blood Pressure - average 113/62
Heart Disease - not to my knowledge

Potential factors:
Cholesterol - LDL 102 and HDL 34
Injury - ongoing tendinitis
Stress - who doesn't carry some stress
I can't tell you where my sweet spot with E2 is, but I can tell you what it's not. I have been at 81 and that was a mess. I have been as low as 33 and that still was not good enough. More than likely my sweet spot falls into that 20-29 range.
Very interesting. My latest labs showed a sensitive E2 level of 68 (total test was 1131, TE ratio: 16.6), and I don't have any high E2 symptoms...no itchy/sore nipples, no water retention/bloating, nothing at all. My PSA level was exactly the same as my pre-TRT level (1.1). I haven't had any prostate issues since I started TRT. I'm on the daily Cialis (5mg), as well.

I had my follow up consult with Dr. Crisler today, and he said that he treats ME, not a number on a lab test. Since I was absent any symptoms, he didn't think I needed Anastrozole, and that's fine with me. I volunteered to try EOD test injections (vice every 3.5 days that I'm on now) to see if that will naturally bring down that E2 level, and he agreed that I could try that if I liked. I'll retest basic labs in about 6 weeks to see where I stand. I also want to see if I feel better on the EOD protocol. Ah...I just love being a guinea pig!

Going from twice weekly to EOD was huge for me even on less testosterone. I inject in the mornings since it's easy to get out of bed and do my routine, in the evenings I'm tired and therefore more forgetful. I inject peptides in the evenings and have forgotten a few times, but never have forgotten injecting testosterone in the mornings.
Since I never feel any different between normal and upper normal level I have done the opposite going form 2xweek to 1xweek with no issue so far.

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