When dialing in you HRT...


New Member
I'm at about the 6 week mark now and still not feeling much of a difference.
(Here's a thread with all my bloods if you care to take a look)
What I'm curious about is how exactly to dial everything in.
First question, if it can take months (even years) to reap the benefits of HRT how long does it take to notice a small change you make in your protocol?
For instance, I'm thinking about taking an AI to drop my E2 just a tad, how long till I notice a difference?
I was also thinking about upping or lowering my T but will I need to maintain the new levels for 3 months before I know that they are working better for me?

If anyone can share their experience I would really appreciate it!
Based on your labs, I would not take an AI unless you are having symptoms.

Getting “dialed in” can be easy and quick or slow and complicated.

I am going on a year of TRT and am not dialed in in my opinion. And while I feel ok/good....I do not feel great.

And TRT has brought on sexual issues that I did not have prior to TRT...so there is that as well.

Good luck on your new journey.
Systemlord gave you good advice in the other thread. Just be patient until you’re due for regularly scheduled bloods otherwise you may end up chasing your tail.

I would give it 6 weeks then consider switching to daily.

If you wanted a change now maybe you could try subq instead of im injections for the test cyp.
For me (I start with that because it did not take me long surfing around this site to know we can all react differently): When I first started, about 3 months ago, I could not "feel" many of the positive effects of T. I did notice, fairly quickly, my overall sense of well-being improved and dry, flaky scalp cleared up. By week 4, the negatives appeared due to the estrogen changes.

I can feel the effects of the anistrozole within an hour or so. I read on hear often, that it takes weeks to dial in because were chasing feeling better. I had that for one day since starting. I was using a topical at the time, felt like the estrogen was extremely high, took .125 anistrozole, and within an hour I felt like I was 25..maybe better. That lasted for 8 hours or so, and I haven't found it again since.

I switched off the topical because it was too much of a yo-you for me. 1200, 2 hours after dosing, 400, 8 hours after dosing, and 200, 24 hours after dosing. Been chasing that feeling ever since.

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