My question might be a basic one, but what is the purpose of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)?
In general terms I appreciate that SHBG binds to Total Testosterone (along with Albumin) to give us Free Testosteron.
My question is not about what “normal values” of SHBG might be, it is more fundamental than that …… what does the body use the SHBG bound testosterone for?
Is SHBC the bodies method of reducing excess (perceived) free testosterone or …. ?
In general terms I appreciate that SHBG binds to Total Testosterone (along with Albumin) to give us Free Testosteron.
My question is not about what “normal values” of SHBG might be, it is more fundamental than that …… what does the body use the SHBG bound testosterone for?
Is SHBC the bodies method of reducing excess (perceived) free testosterone or …. ?